Why do Americans and Brits hate each other so much? I love the UK and view them as my brothers...

Why do Americans and Brits hate each other so much? I love the UK and view them as my brothers. We need to fix our relationship, both of us are very culturally similar.

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>Why do Americans and Brits hate each other so much?

Do we? Polls show both countries have positive opinions of each other. Even most of the 'hatred' on Jow Forums is just banter.

Me and most of my family hold sympathies for Britain. We want our country to be in a better relationship with them and it's a shame brexit didn't go through

I dont hate the british I just hate how they pretend they arent inferior to us

Why do niggers make posts based on their own subjective delusions instead of scientific analysis?

I love Britain, I don't know what you're talking about.

Perfidious Yanks
>Initially backing the Argies over the Falklands
>Obama telling the Russians about our nuclear arsenal
>Supplying the IRA
>War Plan Red

The special relationship was nothing but Tony Blair brownnosing. Our relationship is naught but convenience.




It's almost excusively a Jow Forums thing.
Outside of Jow Forums we like each other... but it'd be weird if we all got along on this site because there's no fun at all in not calling people a faggot or a fat cunt or ugly with bad teeth.

When a Saracen became mayor of London, it was a blackpilling moment for me.

The only time I think of America is when they are being shoved down my throat.

I literally could not care less, I got tired of their politics like 3 years ago.

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Brits have annoying accents and shitty brainwashed opinions of gun rights and freedom. They never stopped giving their opinion to Americans since the revolution in their snooty as fuck queer accents. They are all liberal as shit and think they are morally virtuous because their government cucked them out of any freedom. They cry about guns constantly in the USA like they are on some kind of crusade to cuck all white people from BBC programming

The brits act superior to everybody .

>Supplying the IRA
Not much can be done about Irish Americans sending them money. Sort of like how your government is powerless to stop all of your Muslims from donating money to terrorists around the world

>I got tired of their politics like 3 years ago.

We share more in common than you may think.

I.. I love you too, brother )-':
don't let the shills ruin this moment for us.


Lad, you are further distancing Americans when you use the term "Yank" which is a Dutch nick-name from the time New York was New Amsterdam. How will Brits and Americans ever reconcile if you keep putting distance between, like that?

>I love the UK and view them as my brothers.
Because you're stupid. If any other country is the USA's brother, it would be France.

We don't hate you either ameribro, but for the record the English are superior to everybody in the world. It's pretty much a fact.

I love Brits.
Rothschilds, Downing St. and associated [entities] need to get glassed.
Also, I refer ONLY to indigenous Brits.

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I'm 56% British so they are basically my ancestor :)

> it's a shame brexit didn't go through

thats just bants m8, the british are our closest allies, and where we came from, even though I too have their government and politics I love them as a people , As any white nationalist should, have a burning pride and passion for his people, especially his ancestors, no matter how lost they get.

death to chatham house

I don't hate Americans. Just jews.

The real enemy is Aussie bantz

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EU opposed a law which was giving power to the govement to spy on bongs without warrant . As soon as they leave they will 1984ed that shithole . ft.com/content/e457a842-b746-11e8-b3ef-799c8613f4a1

France wasn’t really a valuable ally, apart from independence. They haven’t really done much for us. The British have fought alongside us in nearly every war we’ve taken part in.

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You will never be Portugal.

The only people I’ve seen irl here who “hate” Americans are jealous poorfags who hate everyone doing better than they are. Usually uneducated retards from the lower classes.

True, but we are still friends nonetheless.

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>The real enemy is Aussie bantz
what about those fuckin' leafs?


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fuck off limey, nobody cares about britmutts

Eat shit, you filthy spic.

OUR REady meals are fucking great though.

The fuck are you talking about, I feel closer to the UK than any other country.

The UK, Canada, and Australia and my country-brothers. France and Germany are my country-cousins. The Swiss and all the Nordic countries are those strange distant relatives you see at the once-a-year family gatherings.

When Brits start supporting white nationalist then white nationalists will start supporting them. They are currently cucked and I consider them a threat and enemy to be honest. Brits aren't tough men either, useless allies. Of course the minority being their special ops guys.

when you realise that "limey" is not an insult?

we don't even acknowledge the eternal leaf

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As others have said, we don't. On here it's just shitposting, and in real life we're generally positive towards each other just sometimes not the governments of the other country.

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>When Brits start supporting white nationalist then white nationalists will start supporting them.
many do, its just not mainstream,
let me ask you, how many Americans are white nationalists?

Not enough to blindly consider Americans my ally either. Many Americans are just as bad and a bigger threat to me because they're on my rock.

>Why do Americans and Brits hate each other so much?
we don't. But our banter makes it look like we do to lesser races.

Is that a Cheese-it daki?

A true white nationalist fights not out of hatred for others, but out of love for his people.
just because things seem lost now does not mean you should give up, that is a jewish trick.

hail tesco
hail greggs

Brits aren't and never have been my people. I'm more Irish, German and French anyway (inb4 potato nigger). I honestly wish we went with Germany instead of Brits in the big wars.

You papists don't belong here.

>I honestly wish we went with Germany instead of Brits in the big wars.
Every time.

Brits would have been better off dying with honor in WWII instead of becoming the monstrosity they are today. I wish we glass cratered them and named the crater cheese toastie to honor the fags. Also I hate catholics.

>I honestly wish we went with Germany instead of Brits
Same, As ive said Politically the british are fucked, but you know as well as i do that the common man doesnt make the political decisions, you even said they are brainwashed, they dont know any better.

all im saying is, I have a love and respect for them culturally as being the birthplace of most of our founders, politically they are fucked, but when it comes down to it your average brit is a good person, trapped in a fucked up system, just like we are.
there is no reason to fight eachother or have anything but love for each other.

>and it's a shame brexit didn't go through
The shitty deal that was essentially pseudo membership didn't go through. Brexit is still 27th March.

They're really all Australians with proxies. All the real Canadians died three years ago and all news is generated by next generation AI experiments by Google.

Weakness, where has love ever made an impact in history. Only ruthlessness makes the history books, because the lovers get stomped into the mud and forgotten just like the millions of innocent Europeans murdered by people who are subservient to their government as much as Brits have an undying devotion to their captures.

We hate this system too. Problem is we need unironic protest loicenses before we can go on marches, to avoid causing civil unrest.

Brits are a 5th column for the Jews, and Americans are retarded for thinking the Brits are their buddies. The UK is the head of the Jewish hydra, from where all their poison gets beamed onto the world, starting with the US as the primary target.

Whenever you see a Brit expressing an opinion, just picture a Jew behind him/her pulling strings and feeding him/her opinions for them to mindlessly repeat.

better watch out, can you even say that without going to prison?

Genetically Americans are Brits

CEU = US (utah white)

wow first leaf post I've ever admired

It’s an internet thing. Go look at comments on British pages on Facebook and you will see a lot of British people talking shit. It’s American’s fault for taking it too seriously sometimes

Your country is nowhere close to France. There is not a single category where France isn't toptier. War(inb4 surrender, read some books niggers) almost every form of art, music, food, litterature, painting, technology, engineering, science, you name it. Even the most antisemite man to have walked on this earth is french. If you ever get the opportunity to read "Bagatelles pour un massacre" by Louis Ferdinand Celine. 400 odd pages of pure logical hatred written simply, it's brillant.


America really has nothing in common with the British anymore. The majority of the country is no longer anglo saxon.

>Why do Americans and Brits hate each other so much? I love the UK and view them as my brothers. We need to fix our relationship, both of us are very culturally similar.

When the UK exits the United States of Europe, they can join the USA as the 51st state.

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Sorry mate you came tied 2nd but you gave us a good run.

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It's true. Brits think they're more enlightened then Americans on every single subject you can think of. However, all their opinions are just Jew mind poisoning talking points. Pick any subject, religion, politics, economics, whatever, to discuss with a Brit, and you will hear the Jew behind him or her.

Americans get somewhat dazzled by the Brit because of their accents, and hence take them more seriously. This is all the result of Hollywood movies, and propaganda portraying the Brits as some higher class person with better opinions. It's all bullshit.

Why the fuck would you love this shithole?

>We are cucks who kept voting for politicians openly in favor of mass immigration
>Have a fucking Muslim Mayor in the Capital
>Everybody here loves the nanny state
>People really do think money grows on trees here - more NHS funding, more welfare funding, more school funding, more this, more that
>We are such cucks that we don't even see any action whatsoever against grooming gangs
>We literally wan't the government involved in things that just can't be fixed
>Our youth are voting for a literal IRA loving Socialist - and i'm not talking a Socialist like Social Democracy, i mean a guy who has openly supported Socialist as in the government owning the means of production
>We are the most miserable bunch on the fucking planet
>Our houses are tiny
>Our architecture is ugly as fuck

Plus i hate the working class attitude towards success - i grew up in a working class family and i was mocked for wanting to better myself and they hate on everybody who does well financially. Maybe it's just Scotland it's like this.

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>both of us are very culturally similar.
Maybe that was the case when America and Britian were Western.
The West is actually collapsing. Islam is taking over europe, including the UK, and the US is being flooded by goblins from literally everywhere.

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Lmao are you serious get the fuck out with your chart. "Human accomplishments" what does that even mean ? If we talk only about food and music your country is not even top 50. Name me one thing where there isn't a french dude fucking shit up without memeing. It even says that britain accounts for multiple linguistics and cultural identities. The france that you see always was and always will be.

>low IQ enough to beleive in Anglo-Israelism

yeah checks out

Im actually a fan of parts of UK and Australian culture, and the people from there seem decent enough. New Zealand is alright, i think they just get overshadowed is the thing.

Canada can go fuck itself though. Wait, its already doing that so is that even an insult at this point?

Yet the British culture is far more valuable than the American joke of a culture.

Most of this country are delusional sheep

>starts talking about your country’s accomplishments
>good and music!
Epic food and music, bro. It’s a shame it would’ve been wiped out two separate times within a 20 year period because you’re weak and incompetent at defending yourself, but the rest of the world bailed you out both times. But you know, congrats on all that music and food, fagguette.

Go away, meme retard. The phrase is "make America great again", not "make America a tyrannical leftist shithole".

It's not that we hate each other, it just that we can clearly see the issues both sides is having and its just so frustrating.

And guess who is rising? China, Russia and India while we head into the dark ages.

Your post is a perfect example of how the French have always been butthurt about being objectively inferior to Britain in almost everyway.
>muh food and music
This is something an African would say about white people. Regardless, you are beaten by Germany in the classical music category and Britain in the contemporary music category. French girls were obsessed with the Beatles, The Smiths etc but nobody here can name a single French band. As for cuisine, I'll take potatoes and sausage rolls over snails, frogs and horses any day of the week.

>Name me one thing where there isn't a french dude fucking shit up without memeing

France has literally discovered less elements than Sweden, top kek

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It's just fake news. Our (((media))) is very upset that you voted for Trump. They are also upset that we voted for Brexit. Brexiteers tend to love America.
Personally, I think you're a great country and I love the direction that you are going in.

>I'm more Irish, German and French anyway

Hope this muttposting is ironic lmao

You realize that when Gauls and Vercengetorix were fighting one of the greatest general of all time your ancestor was probably wanking off somewhere between spain and africa fucking nigger ?

there is nothing wrong with a little hate, it grows strong bonds because we know each others weaknesses and can easily leverage one another. Its all in the good spirit of war and global domination.

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Americans are obnoxious fucks who take credit for everything and refuse fact. We hate Americans because the loudest people are heard first and idiots are usually the loudest bunch. Brits are mostly logical and base our arguments on fact

Did you know a Japanese MITI study concluded that 54% of all inventions are British? And 25% are American?
Did you know that even then most great American investors are of British ancestry?
And as for our "shit" food? British ingenuity continues into food... Britain has created the most dishes in the world

yum yum
t. Jack Truthlel

American culture is fairly new taking the best of the old and molding it to modern life. But really you'd have to read the federalist papers to even begin to understand this country. Even so as demographics change this country is now absorbing the worst of culture which will cause its eventual collapse like Rome. Its why an ancient country like Russia can sit on its hands and come out as America is subverted.

Human accomplishments is everything you listed here dumb frenchie.

You can have food and music (lmfao), brits were too busy inventing stuff like the steam engine, ruling the ocean, annihilating the French navy and conquering the world. Even the Spanish had a bigger empire than the French.

I know it must be hard to hear as a French person but in the end you lost to the British, militarily and culturally, thanks for responding in English btw.

fuck off with this d&c you seething little basement dweller

I'd like Americans if they didn't hate the poor and middle class and actively support getting fucked over by the rich and every company selling them shit. They keep blaming everything else bar the cunts at the top raping their country dry and even put one of them in as president and say he's gonna fix it. It's easily moved from one of the top 10 countries in the world and is next to Russia and China for how shit it treats its people.

>The Beatles

dude please i'm talking about music not mkultra garbage. You didn't expect me to argue about food with someone from Great Britain did you ? I agree with you tho i would rate germany better than you actually.

Name 1 French colony that developed into a successful nation in it's own right.
Hong Kong, Rhodesia, Australia, Canada, India 2020, the 13 colonies, The Bahamas. No other country can handle nation-building quite like us. We are creators second only to the Lord himself, truly it is the midas touch.


You can knock America all you like out of resentment but in the here and now America is leaps and bounds over your island.

quite right boss, i hate all this division bullshit, its just a bunch of larping little edgelords who have zero fucking clue about whats going on in the world. Our burger bro's are our friends ,we have common enemies and the only people with anything to gain from promoting the d+c psyop are the grubby fucking kikes who want us all finished

Their media is obsessed with us.
Go to any UK channel and you'll see what I mean.

You'd hate the poor and middle class too if the 3rd world was flooding your nation.

>completely dodges the periodic table

>Japan trade & inventions MITI did a study to find out who created the most inventions and concluded 54% of the worlds most important inventions come from Britain.


Aren't culturally similar. American culture is drowning our cultures.

The thousands of gallons of literal shit that is liberal propaganda from your country pours endlessly into mine and even worse is accepted as fact. Stop poisoning the world

I like the brits. They're like our little faggot brother.