I have never been prouder of President Donald Trump
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Shutting down the US government and lifting sanctions on Russian oligarchs. MAGA.
I hope every single zionist journalist in the United States gets killed via firing squad.
>declare victory
>war was never declared in the first place
Well if Rand Paul is on board, we're good.
>As we all know, America has always been about having a bloated, tyrannical central government and foreign entanglements!
Pulling out and letting them go fuck themselves was one of 4 reasons I signed onto the trump train.
>being so massively dense that you dont realize he means that the operation was successful
are you sure you're not a liberal
Haven’t seen that word in a while,
Who cares. Get us the fuck out of those dirt holes. Any boomer pundit that happens to have a certain j word in the "early history" section of their wiki page can slap a helmet on, grab their Fudd rifle, and buy a plane ticket to fight themselves.
That’s all I cared about. The radical left kike puppets got me to hate them by themselves. Figured everyone might like a new guy clamoring for change. Oh well the fact that so many people swallowed up media bullshit so readily was very disappointing.
Good. I hope the "shutdown" is a permanent thing. Small government is best government and i hope Russia and the USA will become best friends.
Also, fuck you faggot.
based frenchman
would split a baguette with
Both Ron and Rand have always been against wars and bullshit like that, and Trump's drawing down of our foreign engagements must be a welcome sight after a decade and a half of meddlesome faggotry.
That's costa rica you fucking retard
kill yourself
Unit 8200 will be bombed by Iran. Every single Israeli in every single Dolphin Submarine will die. The IDF ground forces will be wiped out in 48 hours after the war begins. Every single false flag Israel has ever done will be exposed and revealed to the world. You're a fucking cancerous piece of shit and your people will soon be dead.
Trump is tring to overthrow Maduro and is helping Saudi Arabia against Yemen.
And he's still drawing dawn US military action. He's no where near perfect, but he's better than anything we've had here since this bullshit started. Words of encouragement for such actions are always welcome, because it lets the man know people are on his side when he's thinking about MORE of it.
You'll die alone with no allies israel.
Just let them eat each other. They go back for seconds
Nope. They need to be publicly executed for treason.
Take your meds schizo
>Take your meds schizo
Aviv Kochavi will be gas chambered in Guantanamo Bay next to Bibi after you're all dead in the war. You're their human shields.
nice blog post faggot
You're just mad that you're so fucking stupid and inbred you can't post on this website without using a script your supervisor gave you. This is the same reason why the muslims will kill every last one of you within 48 hours of the war starting.
>t. retard that spams the same picture collages and replies in every thread
kill yourself barneyfag
Guess we should stay then.
I never know if people are being serious anymore.
>I hope every single zionist journalist in the United States gets killed via firing squad.
you won't have to go looking far for volunteers for a death squad, just pass around some rifles to the nearest bystanders.
>caring about semantics
fuck you. all that matters is that we get disentangled from these shitholes that are sucking away our wealth and resources to fill the coffers of generals and military contractors
>one post by this kike
>meme flag
How is DJT putting America first when he gives 10 million dollars a day of US tax dollars to Israhell while our infrastructure collapses?
What happened to Make America Great Again?
Because he doesn't want his family tortured/executed. These fucks rape and snuff children for a hobby. You gotta be careful how you deal with them, they'll stop at nothing to win.
Let me guess, you believe that a bunch of camel jockeys did 9/11. We pay these fuckers so they don't actually start Armageddon.
Stossel is getting the feels right now.
>steadfastly opposed foreign wars
By continuing and expanding foreign wars?
every day and in every way i'm more and more proud of /our/President
Godspeed, POTUS
neck yourself, shekel shaver.
Grolling for Rand 2024
CONTINUE THE WARS! FIGHT THE RUSSIANS! (but sell them our uranium, and protect germany for free while they buy gas from them)
youre a kike and a moron.
Tucker/Rand 2024
They call that playing both sides of the fence