Why does Ben Garrison always imply that every dead politician goes to Hell?

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All Jews go to hell

>implying that's hell
it's sheol.
hell is a person, it is the fourth rider's follower.

This. All jews go to hell with Satan, their master

Original please.

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the only gas a kike garrison approved thread on Jow Forums and no one could bump it.

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Because politicians usually go to hell.
She's a judge though.

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This is the edit, I remember the original had an oven.


Lost it

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Ben Garrison's comics are so fucking retarded, it's embarrassing.

One of Jow Forums's greatest mistakes was giving this idiot notoriety.

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I doint get it can someone spoon feed this to me for my thotbrain

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Because just about all politicians deserve to go to hell

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>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

No fucking way

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god will kill everyone i care about except for maybe a couple people. why would I get down and worship him just for some selfish reward?

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because they do.
only terrible people become politicians

>dat labelling
quality banter, confirmed he browses

Where's the lie?

people criticize garrison for his over use of labels in his comics.
now post tits or leave

They do all go to hell you retard. You can't worship and summon demons your whole life and expect any different. Learn to metaphysics

Far less retarded than you.