At what point do we just conclude that his goal is not the wall, but that he is trying to destabilize the country...

At what point do we just conclude that his goal is not the wall, but that he is trying to destabilize the country? Maybe so he can impose Martial law? This wall is a red herring that much seems more apparent every day.

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spotted the nonessential fed. I hope you starve to death you worthless shitcunt.

Dems wouldn't agree to the wall even if it would somehow cure cancer, spiting Trump is more important.

First panel: Losing some money in the shortterm is better than losing your job for the long term
Second panel: Don't understand it. Trump wants people to eat diseased veggies?
Third panel: Also don't get it. Trump donated his entire first year salary to the National Park Services and has increased their funding
Fourth Panel: No one said a wall can protect you from all threats.

>didnt get your paycheck again

Cry me a river

Stores had to stop caring romaine because of ecoli. Ecoli from migran works shitting in field. No migrant, no romaine contamination


What don't you get? Do you really know that little about your own government? The FDA is not getting funded so food is not being inspected, the parks services are not getting funded so parks are not being maintained.

And I guess you'll leave the basement to start picking the lettuce?
No one fucking wants that job. No migrants, the lettuce rots in the field.

>whaa whaaa whaa orange man baaaaad

hurry up fuck up and get the wall done already. Swedistan looking more and more like the shitnado of the century and we need to hire your wallbuilders to contain our new muslim neighbours

got tonnes of oilbux, we'll pay hard cast, don't worry.

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The country has been destabilized since Obongo because of his racist, polarizing rhetoric.

>food is not being inspected
Lying sack of AIDS infested crap. Food is still being inspected. The people not working are "nonessential". Food inspectors are essential.
Even then, only about 2% of imported food is ever inspected anyway.

The fucking romaine lettuce was infected by some migrant worker who shat in a field or didn't wash his hands.

Most of the stuff that was burned was probably fine. People are still flying, and the assholes that are ruining my state parks are the kinds of people that just need to be shot on sight at this point. They are usually out of state, black, or mexican.

Imagine thinking government workers are worth paying anyways

Idiot. I have been looking for work for MONTHS. I would love to do that hard work. I can't get from the suburbs to the farm anymore. I would have skipped school to go make 7 bucks an hour as a kid. The farmers are assholes who want a cheapo harvest.

At what point do we just conclude that the wall won't solve our problems and what this country needs is instability?

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At what point do we start slaughtering all the leftists in the country?

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>food is not being inspected
they are down to 7k employees (from 17k)
mostly administration
which should make YOU think as an american tax payer

>parks are not being maintained
its why they are closed
trees and wildlife don't give a rats ass about the government

do yourself a favor and stop consuming MSN

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This. Tough shit if you gotta pay $1 more for salad at the supermarket. Start a garden in your yard if it's such a big burden you fags.

You can't ride quads in Joshua Tree you fucking faggot.

>that he is trying to destabilize the country? Maybe so he can impose Martial law?
>implying that's a bad thing

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Trumpkins triggered by a cartoon. Good. Good.

no wall, no deal. Pretty simple faggot

>leftist getting assmad that the food stamps are about to stop

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If you need a government running your life, you're a faggoty parasite.

>Destabilize the country
I wish. Fuck this Union.

This farmer is telling you to go fuck yourself. You think I live high on the hog? Fuck off. Work right now is long, hard, cold, wet and goes without so much as a thanks. Then I have to deal with unappreciative fucks like you.

Go fuck yourself, faggot.

I can't wait for SNAP to run out of funds so you niggers can all start killing each other at your local CVS because they ran out of cheap beer and Doritos, you unappreciative motherfucker.

If you want the government back up and running, just put in the paltry 5 billion to get him to shut up.

It's a tiny fraction of what we've got earmarked for Israel this year.

There were many white sharecroppers just 50 years ago.

When did anyone ever give a shit about government workers?

>without so much as a thanks
Pay is your thanks for working. You work, you get money. You shouldn't need anyone to pander to your emotions to complete the contract. You sound like a woman.


I want the government shutdown (forever preferably).
I want martial law.
I want to destabilize the government.
I want a dictator.
So I don't see the problem.

All you red state bumpkins on the dole too. No beer, weed, and meth money for you trailer dwelling filth.

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Do you really think supermarkets are going to sell diseased food, knowing they'll get sued the hell out if they do ? Or will at least lose customers once the scandal burst in the press ?

Not being inspected by a government officer doesn't mean the food suddently stop being supplied through an efficient and sanitary chain.

There might be a few more mistakes in the long term but damn, kid, the FDA isn't doing much when it is active and is barely a century old.
What do you think your grandparents and their parents ate when the FDA was barely more than a single-building office with a few paper pushers ?

The FDA doesn't do shit. Companies have a higher bar of inspection than the government.

Plenty if drumpfags get food stamps too.

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>Working for the government and not a politician
>Using immigrant slave labor and not buying from companies that inspect and give guarantees through competitive certifications
>Not picking up your own garbage, allowing people in parks during a shut down, not treating it as private property
>Feds still in control of the aeronautic industry, fear tactics of 9/11

Why do commie leftist always claim they want to bring down the corrupt government, but then when it's actually happening they complain?

If you think you can survive without your government, then you are the fool doomed to repeat history. Where are you going to get water from? How much are you willing to pay for it?

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Appreciate farmers and the work they do, but farming is a shit occupation if you're looking to make good money. The market is flooded with food and prices are too low to make it truly profitable.
I'm in Wisconsin and every fucking farm field I see is growing basedbeans or corn. No fucking exceptions. Every farmer I know bitches about not getting good prices. I ask them why they don't switch to a more profitable crop instead of flooding the market and depressing prices with the same shit that everyone else is growing and they look at me like I'm crazy.
I respect farmwork, I've done it myself. But farmers as a whole are shit businessmen.

Green Team 3 here, ready.

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Wow toiling in a field from sun up to sun down, shitting on the crops sounds way better than playstation and clean food.

>All you red states
>Muh stereotype

You know that's the kind of things "them rednecks" LOVE to read, right ?

>muh civil war
I wish you fools would try something.

You will never get a wall. OP is spot on the wall is a ruse. Total bullshit.

Truth hurts. Per previous poster.. cry me a fucking river.

>Where are you going to get water from?

The cistern ?
Might have to ration it a bit in the summer but otherwise it's pretty rainy here.

Anyway, tapwater distribution is either privatized or dependant of municipalities in most civilized regions, including in the USA.
Which means a federal shutdown ain't a problem for that.

>but farming is a shit occupation if you're looking to make good money.

Money ain't the main point, user.

At what point will you just conclude that dependence on the government makes you a waste of life?

You misunderstood me :
They REALLY love to read the whole "all people from the red states are dirt poors and not my equals" from self-defined democrats who would then hypocritically preach equality between all.

It also validate their vision of the world :
For them, the USA are already divided between the free countryside and middle-sized cities on one side and the totalitarian commie megacities on the other.

So when someone from said megacities just lump a whole geographical region under a stereotype and distance himself from it, it's gold.

There is a reasonably credible theory that he's using the shut down to lay off a tonne of bureaucratic chaff through some obscure law.

>trees and wildlife don't give a rats ass about the government
Only retarded leftists think nature needs big governments to keep it alive. Can't make this shit up.

really startin to feel that shutdown arencha?

Trumpkins characterize anyone that hates Trump as a libtards. Nothing wrong with giving hem their own medicine.
Red state Trumpkin trailer trash are also a minority. The electoral college won't help them next time around. Their boy won't last much longer in office.

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John Stossel used to talk about this all the time. He mentioned Omaha Steaks irradiated their meat to kill any bacteria that typically causes food poisoning.

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Fuck off kike

Fucking this.