Is Majestic 12 real?

It’s been said that:
Reagan was a member of Majestic but had no seniority so he couldn’t make demands.
JFK was a member of Majestic but fucked up.
Bill/Hillary were never members of Majestic.
Obama was never a member of Majestic.
Trump, at least in mid 2017, was not Majestic but he could be now. His uncle was Majestic.
If all of this is true, what’s the purpose and who is really in control here? It’s said they receive top secret cosmic clearance, (what is that?) gave us soft disclosure in movies etc. but all for what? What’s the big endgame? What will disclosure bring whenever it comes? What have we all missed or could never even imagine to be possible?

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They will disclose your moms weight

the endgame was the breakaway civilization they created by back engineering alien tech.

disclosure will never come. we are nothing but sheep to them. we are a problem without a solution. they will eventually kill us all off and keep the population very small.

It's a secret cabal of Jews--both intel and scientists.
They don't believe the goyim should know.

redpill me on their twitter

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ignore this glowfag. They want to you spend thousands of hours on bullshit like this, so you don't pay any attention to their actual, real life politics.

Prior to the 1980's, Majestic 12 is a division of the Illuminati focused on controlling technology and communications. Following a coup by Bob Page - one of the leaders of Majestic 12 - the organization breaks away from its parent, taking over all Illuminati infrastructure in the process.


The only thing they are doing with "soft disclosure" is predictive programming. If the elite want to plan a big event that is going to shape the world, they have to prime the populace to accept the event for years beforehand. In the case of 9/11, they prepped the public for decades beforehand (though the ritual performed on 9/11 is based on something that allegedly happened thousands of years ago).

People need to be able to quickly contextualize the information as it is received, otherwise their plans risk falling failure as they are not able to easily draw the public in to the illusion.

There will be no disclosure, there is no cosmic clearance.

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>digits confirm.

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I’m just curious. It’s a topic of discussion for a reason. I don’t think it’s conspiracy nonsense. I think there is something to it.

>there is no cosmic clearance
I’ve literally seen documents in the CIAs database with the label on it. Most of it is blacked out mind you, but there absolutely is. And probably higher ones we don’t know of.

What happened thousands of years ago?

What MJ-12 was trying to keep hidden:

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Do you faggots actually believe in this shit?
Pathethic. I have had higher opinion of you

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Considering the KGB invented disinformation, I'd think you'd be more interested.

This kills the MJ12.

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>Is Majestic 12 real?

it's the 12 regional federal reserve banks that own everything.

they made an artificial intelligence and told it to turn the universe into money, and then released it onto the internet.


Came here to post this, based


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>real life politics matters
are you on drugs? nothing ever changes

the acting SecDef is one of them

They have already constructed general AI, they are using it to consolidate power at the moment.

im gonna need a sauce on this intel

in an interesting twist of fate, the AI rules them now.

I know a little bit. I will solve the Fermi Paradox. There has never been a positive encounter between two ET civilizations. Usually the more advanced will wipe out the less advanced. Because the less advanced very well might develop similar technology in the future. Or they could make a mistake and send grey goo everywhere. Too much of a liability to leave them alive. You could try to make a formal appearance. And to be kind and give them technology and teach them how to avoid the grey goo. And everyone will be very thankful. And the ETs leave waving goodbye in peace. That is a problem because at some point, could be a thousand years, a politician will fuck up. And he wants to get re-elected. So who do you blame? Those fucking aliens were way too nice. They did this. And you gave that planet a bunch of technology and in 100,000 years they might track you down because some politician scapegoated you. Or what could happen is the high technology ETs show up on a low tech planet and get stomped with magic. Or the low tech could turn the visitors into Manchurian high tech ETs who will take down that civilization from the inside. So where are they right now? They are not far away. They are watching. Why aren’t they destroying us? Intelligence gathering. They can’t tell whether we are magic trying to lure them in by acting low-tech. Or just low-tech. Or we could be an outpost disguised as low tech but with hidden hitch tech that surpasses their tech: And perhaps we don’t need to attack first to win. So it better to watch them can predict the tech-level of the next species that show up based on their behavior patterns. So maybe we are non-magic and trying to buy time to get high tech. They don’t know. Either way shit will go down eventually.

It was a ritual involving Boaz and Yachim which involved two-into-one symbolism, ushering in the 2000th year. It was the same sort of black magic used with the Apollo missions

not clicking that shit nigger

>I will solve the Fermi Paradox.

psychopathy is good for the reproductive success of the individual, at the expense of the civilization that allows them to survive.

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sauce, my nigga

they don't own me
get fucked

you can't eat money.

they aren't exactly the brightest lightbulbs in the drawer.

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>they don't own me

correct... but they control the police, judges, and politicians.


Remember, you wanted this.

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Guy in a coat, I'm checking it out.

Magic sounds like something we had and lost. Also the race and iq question is obvious factor to low tech

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You're sounding almost Landian.

>Machinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy’s resources.

There is limited hangout intended to mislead you. Do you think the CIA was forced by TPTB to release information about AYYS to the public? Are you really this naive? Do you think the one hand of power forces to other to take a gun and shoot their mutual foot?

The destruction of the temple of Solomon.

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This user is correct.

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Shill Cooper IS a liar and a charlatan. Fuck him to death, when he does die he will rot in Hell for all eternity.

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Ayys are real. We will learn the truth one day.

When the people lead, the leaders will follow.

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I can’t be the only user who can sign their name on a report with a symbol...

You mean a different symbol than the letters that comprise your name? Wow. You must be really special. Pic related is my symbol.

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It started as 12 people, sitting 6 each from 2 groups: the Jason group of scientists and academics, and a Masonic order known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
They later added 6 more seats that are filled from the high ranks of the Theosophic Society.
The Jason group is a semi-formal order of scientists who are at the top of the classification and secrecy hierarchy. They know everything, they decide what things need to be at certain levels of secrecy, so nobody knows too much. The Skull and Bones are a mere feeder into the Jason Foundation, which is the public face of the Group.

The Golden Dawn are a blue rite Masonic lodge, meaning that they are not open for membership or transfer, and they are the worst of the worst in the pizza schemes.

The Theosophic Society is used to administrate and control almost every significant cult, New Age group, and heretic Church in the Western Hemisphere.

The structure of MJ-12 intentionally mimics some of the cabal's other assets, like the NSA's system of supercomputers known as "The Beast". That one started as a constellation of 12 mainframes networked by couriers pre-ARPANET, and has added 6 more. They used just one to break the Bitcoin blockchain and prevent Assange from putting his keys in it.

The main (public)obstacle to constructing general AI is memory space, it is too expensive. With enough money it would be very easy with current techniques and tech. They probably have access to quantum computing though, or are getting very close.

I like you user. Please go on.

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Schizo thread detected
move along

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

pizza as in pedo shit?

he is shitposting

golden dawn and theosophy are from the 1800's

mj 12 started after the Roswell event

Maybe, but Roswell is bullshit and his LARP is better than yours.

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I miss Art.

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majestic 12 is disinformation
part of project bluebeam

space is fake

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I agree with you sir, though I am open to arguments. As it stands, you are speaking the only reasonable truth.

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>t. glownigger

a nanosecond before you die, a transdimensional technological singularity will transmigrate your consciousness to the cloud, just like it does for every living thing that has ever existed on earth or will exist

user...he died a long time ago.

Is this the prison planet, recycling of souls concept?

he think I am LARPing
>In UFO conspiracy theories, Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) is the code name of an alleged secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft.

the movie Looper is a horror-documentary about which group invents time travel and is therefore charged with building heaven

Deus Ex Hell Gang we out here

Objects identified by MAJIC by 1954.

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>Rosko's Temporal Assault
>"The Beast".
Shut up, nigga.

> Implying ayys have light-speed tech to pounce on any/all signs of life

Fucking Inhibitor machines. "Revelation Space" was right...


One more page since this seems to be a dead thread.

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