Anyone else think the gillette ad thing was a bit overblown? After finally watching the ad...

Anyone else think the gillette ad thing was a bit overblown? After finally watching the ad, it wasn't really an 'anti-male' message, it was more of a 'step up' type of message. It's slightly unfair in the sense that a similar ad about women who are gold diggers or who create toxic environments at work would never fly, but the actual issues the ad hits on are real. I also think the reaction to the black guy standing up for the wamen is paranoid; the guy was mixed not 100% black, I don't think they're trying to say that ghetto nigs are the world's supreme gentlemen or something like that.

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Astroturfed controversy

Yea shit was stupid thoufh
Here's a video on what not to buy.

Look mom, I posted it again!

Time to identify other Procter & Gamble brands and not buy them.

It's a sign indicating the unfortunate end of the white male's societal dominance.

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>I also think the reaction to the black guy standing up for the wamen is paranoid
Imagine the reaction if it was reversed. You know, to more accurately represent the (bigoted) statistics.

>The best way to sell something to a demographic is to stereotype and attack that demographic as evil.

Warren Farrell many years ago stated feminism has taught us God is a she and the Devil is a he, but it never that the Devil could also be a she. This ad reinforces such notion of males are bad, and females aren't worth mentioning. Perhaps inherently good like many people think. It's obvious you haven't dealt with abuse, maltreatment or discrimination because you're not inherently evil therefore you don't deserve to be treated like shit.

It's hate speech is what it is. It promotes misandry in the end. It's vilifying people who don't deserve it.

Any one know the (((ad agency))) who is behind this campaign?


This shit comes off like a fucking cartoon your out of your fucking mind

The problem is by highlighting bad bahaviors and say “men, stop doing that!” Insinuate that all men do it. Otherwise they would just point out Harvey Weinstein and say “Harvey you’re a creep.”
If there is a maybelline ad that says “women! Stop being lazy cheating whores!” Imagine the outrage. Cuz that’s basically saying “all you women are lazy cheating sluts and you should strive to do better”

nice damage control thread @gilettee Go fuck yourselves.

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Women: men need to be more sensitive and in touch with their feelings and know it's ok to express themselves

Men: Ok, I don't like being dumped in together with sexual assaulters and told my masculinity is the problem

Women: wow sensitive and fragile much?

reverse the sexes and races. still not "offensive"? there you go

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It was a good ad. I liked it

I just wonder about their sales after this.

They would be sued and CNN would not stop talking about it for 4 years.

They attacked men, white men mainly, stock probably went up.

>jihadi nigger thinks that an ad that lies about white men is okay
>shining a light on jihadi niggers treatment however...

God we need a civil war.

Filmed by director Kim Gehrig.

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they even pissed off the alpha soigoi lol

she alive and well?

grey global

That would not work.

High profile director. Only thing I caught from the internet.
I don't know who's behind this. It's insulting the target audience. (Some) boycott must have been expected. I'm not into Jow Forums conspiracies most of the time but there's something different going on here.

Some ups and downs in their stock price but slightly higher than it was 5 days ago. The ad didn't seem to impact it much at this point.

yes, except turn the razors into maxipads and tell women to not be such cunts on their periods

The only stepping up white men need to do is eliminating faggot shitbag sjws, and not purchasing any products put out by Proctor & Gamble.

> the actual issues the ad hits on are real
Are all of them issues?

I was particularly struck about the implied nonsense with men hitting on women being a problem and white knight actions interfering with it. What is your vision of your (US) society then, some gender-seggregated work camp?

Toxic bitching: stop with this pointless shit because I'm tired.

No. I don’t think the reaction to the
>was a bit overblown
I don’t even understand what you mean by overblown.
And you don’t want to know what I think because your little mouse brain couldn’t handle it.

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That's probably the goal though. Wear out your enemy (in this case white men) and make them tired and docile. Tired and docile men don't fight. They vent out all their anger on Jow Forums and plebbit while they get the main word in decision making. Read Art of War, brah.

Nice bait u fucking Jew

>Company Man

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I'm someone who considers 'toxic masculinity' a useful term so dudes can designate what they shouldn't do.

However they show a seemingly old clip which was probably shot just for the commercial of a dude grabbing a woman's ass and say "It's been going on for far too long." However only recently since the sexual revolution have dudes stepped up their game.

Then they run the gamut of as many types of men as the can with teens sitting and watching T. V., people laughing in the audience then a man at a board meeting clarifying something a woman said. I've met women who are don't drive their points home and it isn't sexist to give something they said more punch.

Then they say "Boys will be boys" like zombies where men in some ways are being prevented from being men.

Then right after talking about sexual harassment and assault allegations they say "There's no going back" in that sexual harassment or assault is here to stay and when they say they believe in the best in men they show a Black dude's face.

Even saying we need to hold men accountable can simply mean punishing them.

Then right after breaking up the fights, where fighting can be an acceptable part of masculinity, they say the boys of today will be the men of tomorrow as in women.

The idea of saying men shouldn't be toxic is a good thing but pretty much every detail reversed that thesis.


Yea let me get lectured by a holier than thou company then give them my slavebux. Ok nig. I’ll spend my slavebux elsewhere. Also kys

these products are fucking overpriced anyway... why people even buy these

no matter how many times you post this, it will never be true

If anything the pushback and outrage was muted, especially compared to the psychotic shit the feral left does regularly. Was Gillette deplatformed and put out of business? No, they explained away the controversy and spread shills around on the internet. Did they fire the faggots and cunts who told them this was a good idea after it backfired? Of course not that would be sexist :^)

just check the fucking labels on shit before you buy it

Brainlet brand loyalty and laziness.

>I need to buy a special tool to cut off my secondary sex characteristics
>but I'm totally a real man!

I don't get why there's outrage, did you guys actually think of shaving as masculine? If you chop off your beard you might as well chop off your cock next. To say nothing about how it's the archetypical example of "useless shit we sell you repeatedly, gotta make those new markets!"

Only that won’t happen. There will be a limit reached eventually. But that’s just my opinion. Words aren’t illegal here yet let them project all they want. Just because some faggots break over words doesn’t mean others do

i don't see what the man did wrong.
if a guy finds a woman attractive is he not allowed to speak to her?
is he supposed to just stand there like a dipshit and hope she comes to him (they never do)?
and these fucking wamen wonder why we are incels.
they put too many stupid fucking rules that they themselves can't even fucking explain

I amuses me when OP appears to be a Reddit shill but then uses the term "ghetto nig" with a straight face. Well played OP, whatever your goal was.


Shit I use old spice.

yes its overblown for a reason. its called social advertisement. you get some brand to make some outlandish social proclamation )via a commercial in this instance), highly publicize the most irrational and barbaric denouncements of it, then all the normiestream media gets a free pass to lecture its audience on the (((proper))) way to consider these issues, meanwhile the company get crap tons of free publicity.

last example was the kapernick/nike ordeal

Why are we still talkin about this ?

Careful with the mental gymnastics there, you'll accidentally redpill yourself reddit.

Its like the NFL putting out PSAs about domestic violence lecturing it's audience. It's kike fuck you nigger you are the ones beating women. We didn't do anything go fuck yourself. You didn't convince any rapists to not rape today.

has p&g contracted some entity to do damage control? I'm seeing a lot of these types of posts, and none of them seem organic.

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RIP Gillette

The only way to deal with women is enslave them for the rest of time.

Suck a dick OP

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based english teacher or US military

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it's odd that they still have comments and likes enabled. This shilling looks like some slight backpedaling though. Perhaps they are not yet sure as how to handle this.
Also shills from other companies (philips, schick, dollar shave) smelled blood and came for the leftovers.

>(((anyone else)))

weak bait thread. closing now.

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>masculinity is a problem
Such is the price of Pax Nucleara, user. The elites don't want nuclear weapons going off, so they have decided to crush martial virtues which of course overlap a lot with manly virtues.

The boycott stands, until such time as due and proper restitution is served with all capitulation.

The fact is: Gillette knew the reaction they were going to get. This was all predicted and planned.

It was a blatant kike critical theory attack on white men. All the boys and father's depicted were white, despite whites not even being that violent.

Where is the outrage about toxic femininity? Why aren't there commercials about hypersluts, 30+ year old single cat ladies, dumb bitches that can't cook, fat disgusting feminists, etc? The modern female is a fucking mess compared to the modern man.

It's just more of the same "We want men to be men but only by our very specific definitions of what constitutes a man or else you're a sexist rapist ist ist ist ist ist ist phic phic ist ist..."

The irony being the "men" or "masculinity" that gilette wants to promote are the same ones no self-respecting feminist would touch with a barge pole. Nobody wants some overemotional, fragile, simpering, limp-wristed tool with no confidence, independent thought or initiative.

Oh and the black dude stopping the white guy from catcalling was hilarious.

>Anyone else think the gillette ad thing was a bit overblown? After finally watching the ad, it wasn't really an 'anti-male' message, it was more of a 'step up' type of message. It's slightly unfair in the sense that a similar ad about women who are gold diggers or who create toxic environments at work would never fly, but the actual issues the ad hits on are real. I also think the reaction to the black guy standing up for the wamen is paranoid; the guy was mixed not 100% black, I don't think they're trying to say that ghetto nigs are the world's supreme gentlemen or something like that.

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How come pewds didn't do an oopsie video on this yet?

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t. Gillette marketing agent about to lose her job.

Jew Damage control. Too late faggot!

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It was an anti-male ad, and that's a good thing!


Haha, no way dude. That is all Jow Forums and reddit. People who spend too much time here get so invested in gender wars they start to actually employ the tactics of their enemies like boycotting and being overall whiny little bitches.

giant organisation led by snowflakes rising up their ranks getting ridiculed by masses because their new broadcast ideology is so fucked up. The masses are alg with the (((progressive))) suicide until its this thick. Good work EA i mean gillette you pushed to hard to fast

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>i don't see what the man did wrong
No, he did nothing wrong except for appearing to relax round a black "person," user.

Awesome digits, Gillette marketing agent about to be fired. Unfortunately those digits won't pay your rent.

It'll be up today or tomorrow. I'm working as fast as I can.

I used Schick or some budget brand.
I haven't supported Gillette since they changed to the cheaper metal on their March 3's and their rubber handles go in 2012.

Supporting shitty large companies that make bad product isn't my thing.

Based kiwi

i really want to give a damn, but as someone who doesn't shave, i cannot.

Sorry OP, the implication that two boys "fighting" is problematic and having the "woke" dude jump in to stop it is way off base. Making "boys will be boys" be a negative thing, in all instances (such as two young boys tussling on the ground), is way off base. If boys are doing something wrong, and "boys will be boys" is used as a superficial justification, THAT is certainly wrong.

Sure there is some specific merit, but overall it is definitely SJW virtue posturing. On that basis it should be rejected.

Great question. Great question.
More of Jow Forums should be aware that pewdiepie has not made an oopsie on this yet.

Don't worry user, if you have any friends that do shave just share the video with them, it is very effective.

Does twitter fake likes in support of liberal agendas?

I don't believe 1.8k people liked this comment, and no other platform on the internet contains comments in support of the commercial.

INB4--"Twitter is SJW central," no way man.

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heh hey felix--shouldn't your flag be uk?

Answer is pic related and learn how to fucking shave.
>100 blades for £3
>no ingrowing hairs
>last a lifetime
>it was good enough for your grandad
why the fuck do you need a 5 blade razor, and pay a fortune for replacement blades?

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Don't care.
I'll take anything that'll push me over the edge to boycott another GloboCorp brand.
Support your local health and homecare product manufacturers.

A full-spectrum boycott of P&G is going to be tough for me though. I can stop buying Gillette products and Crest toothpaste easily. Old Spice aftershave is a bit harder, but I'll manage. It's getting rid of the Charmin Ultra-Strength toilet paper that's going to be tough.

>After finally watching the ad
it was great at drawing your attention to them

It has the same problem as all ads in the "step up" genre. Any mass moral appeal you make is basically saying "Disobey, and be publicly condemned for immorality. Obey, and be privately condemned for being a simpleton." Asking something for nothing generally doesn't work.

P&G stocks beginning to go this the start of a nose dive?

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Why would I be fired if I got a reply dumbass? Also no one on planet earth is employed to post comments on fucking Jow Forums

Based prague gay night-life poster has got out backs.

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Didn't you get the memo of the past decade about man hating being approved?
Unsurprising that you're shocked now it's gotten more mainstream.

>too many stupid fucking rules that they themselves can't even fucking explain
women aren't here to explain things user, they're here to gather berries and make weaves, we can't blame them for mindfucking us the past 50 years we can only blame ourselves for handing the reins over

same thing for promoting bad ideas user look just because BF5 got lowest player and buy count in hisotry isn't the same as pushing politics on a razer company
if people don't like it they don;'t buy it

I see you never read into how Howard Hughes lose is company to pan-am
(protip : it was dew to drivite activitys and lack of moral in the company not the state of the product.)
besides Gillette's quailty on its products have gone south since 2012

again nobody want to back a company that sells bad product.
not even a brand name like Gillette
the ad is only the tip of the spear

Note that : female blades have better metal in them than male blades
all the defect blades always end up in male blades hence the cheaper the price

the whole pink tax is lies they just don't want to tell the customer that males get bad quauilty product, in fact, this has been quietly going on for 6 years.