Why are you like this??? Just let boys be b...
Desmond Is Amazing Is Being Accused of Stripping by Conservative Media
>Why are you like this?
because pedos will be erased.
his upper-left false lash is falling off. Sloppy lewk Desmond.
I actually hope this child is able to win against the demons he let in his body .But I think he's too far gone. To the gas chamber.
> have a young boy dressed as a girl dance on a catwalk in front of adults
> liberals are surprised that others find this distasteful
Sometimes you feel like quitting due to the absurdity of it all but you just can't in the face of such evil.
>That is fine
>This is creepy youtube.com
It just blows my mind that some people go through all that shit just to look like that. They look weak, fragile and mentally ill at the same time, why do they think they can achieve anything when their veil is being torn away from their illusions
his parents let him be interviewed by a murderer
God I'd love to stuff my log in that oven
it's cultural appropriation of middle eastern dancing boys.
>islam is bas-
Shit, look at OP's picutre of Desmond. His left eye is a lot lower than his right eye. It's slouched or something, isn't that a sign of mental trauma ? Hope there's an autist on this thread who can read faces the right way.
So this bitch is protecting pedos now ?
Pic not really related, don't know if it's him besides the faggot.
Hopefully the harassment drives them to suicide
Why do you tards want to save this faggot from being a faggot?
the asymmetry of the stage is triggering my autism. there needs to be a fourth girl to balance it out, our 5 girls arranged like bowling pins. having 3 of them, off center like that is making me feel uncomfortable.
That entire subcontinent should be turned to glass
>Jow Forums doxxed him
That sounds like bullshit to me
He looks like he already has HIV. Not joking I think he really does.
>Angles aren’t real and life is 2D
>Reach out to people of Sexuality
what did she mean by this?
Missed what it was so may as well use this fucking junk thread to see
This board always makes me laugh, this little faggot deserved to be doxxed. Haha.
you guys sure seem to like posting about little boys...
Could you imagine if Desmond realize how horrible his parents are and adopts the /fit mentality? He'd be sicker than Zyzz, brah.
The face of AIDS
I think if you are a drag star you should at least know how to apply lashes
fucking newspeak bullshit, I hope these faggots kill themselves
oh wait, they're already doing it
keep up the good work, faggots
What do you think about this?
Started period around 8.
When I was around 11, my girlfriends and I used to get naked and talk about our bodies, so we knew everything, like "Oh, there's a mole or freckle on your back here", and we did that with every things, including our genitals, we had inspected them for each other. At that age, we used to talk about sex, riding cocks, and we'd go full detail into how to pleasure a guy. None of us were interested in guys our age, due to their maturity, but all of us wanted 18+ by 11, and by 15 we wanted guys over 20, and we are white, so why is that a problem? Seriously. I look back, and kind of wish I did not listen to conservatives, I'd be married and with kids by now, now I'm pushing 25 and I'm still not married.
Should have let the Soviets have Afghanistan and this shit wouldn't be happening. Fucking glowies.
A young boy from New York has created the first ever drag club specifically for children.
Desmond Napoles is a 10-year-old self-professed ‘drag kid’ from Brooklyn.
Ever since Napoles was a baby, he would wrap his mother’s towels around his body, don her heels and unleash his inner sass by strutting around the house.
Napoles says he realised he was gay at a young age when he started developing crushes on boys.
Nice anectdote. Can you explain the relavance of your post to this particular conversation?
I must've missed the dox.
fucking disgusting.
I’m sure they fucked that kid up but some of the weird eye stuff could be due to the eyelash glue
Now that I'm almost 25, I'm still the same, not interested in guys my age, they are still so much more immature than I am. I push into the 30s for an appropriate age.
Well, obviously any guys that would've been interested in us, would've been pedos as we were between 11-13. And poster said "death to pedos", and I just wanted to know his thoughts on that post, that even very young, we were very sexually active in our minds, and in speech with each other, so I wonder why he makes himself hate pedos.
It’s sad we all know how fucked this kid is but what can you realistically do
>members of Jow Forums have dkxxed Desmond
Good, do not let this evil take root. Make no mistake this is a push to make children acceptable as an object of desire.
when SJWs protest stuff that offends them its called “activism” but when conservatives protest shit that offends them its called “harasment”
These drag fags are spreading more then just normal STDs to that boy.
Uh believe me, I am not even 25 yet I am still so much more mature than you. I also work hard and actually have a future.
You know you people pushing this pedophilia agenda is what is immature. Children can not consent since they have no understanding of what the consequences to their actions might be.
Already looks like the little niggers got aids
I should note that my cousin got pregnant at 11 and 15, and my other cousin was pregnant at 15, and then my mom got pregnant at 14. So yeah, that age, I was very horny and already exploring my body, ready for a man, maybe it had something to do with my upbringing and genetic factor?
I mean, 15, I was already smoking cigarettes and drinking liquor and any alcohol really. I even remember my first cigarette, I was 5 or 6 years old.
That boy is painted up like a cheap whore. Fuck this goddamn world, man.
Why didn't I have friends that let me examine their hoohas and they mine? I feel shafted.
Can't into reading comprehension. Life must be so dark for you.
Prove you are a woman
I'd bet he's on painkillers.
Honestly that isn't even making me feel like that's okay, but I feel sorry for you.
No one should have such a degenerate life, didn't you ever go the fuck outside or did you sit inside like a loser all day?
freedom is freedom retards. This little guy is fucking inspirational as an icon of liberty. Its no different to a gun owner using their right to open carry.
Sounds very white trash yet you have decent grammar....tiddies or gtfo
> People of Sexuality.
I understand now more than ever the allure of a suicide vest.
What did you mean by if you hadn't listened to conservatives? I've been conservative my entire teen and adult life and popped out 2. Liberals tell you to do otherwise, so I'm confused by your statement.
Personally I think we should have let the Soviets go through with their plan to taint every aquifer in the country with water soluble nerve agent powder.
ITT: bunch of dumb fucks who would rather live in some totalitarian hellhole like Iran with no freedom or self determination.
gypsy roach, off yourself
>babysat by Michael Alig
yeah he's getting molested for sure.
Oh but it is different. See guns keep us from living under tyrannical rule. This little man slut using attention to garner support for pedophilia is not keeping me safe at night.
In fact quite the opposite, I don't see how you kikes rationalize your bullshit, at this point it is TOO LATE we whites will kick you out of our countries again soon.
> too degenerate for a degenerate! can you imagine?
Why is a homos end stages always turning into a demon? It’s like heaven and hell is real but not in the way we think
>It's totalitarian to ban children from strip clubs
I can't wait for the whore pits.
Find Christ.
Yeah, never mind, apparently you had a terrible family. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
When someone wants to play the victim all they have to do is post their own info and claim it was whatever site they don't like did it. It's been done before many times here and other places.
He's posing with almost naked gay men and hanging out with a convicted murderer and his drug dealer on his youtube channel, but Jow Forums is the REAL threat. Uh huh. COLOR ME SHOCKED when they find him overdosed a pozed in a back alley and he blames it on his parents for pimping him out to rich fags because they were dirt poor and mom and dad didn't wanna actually get a real fucking job.
Can we consider this legal? if it is, then it shouldn't be.
(((Jewtube rewind 2018))) told me that Drag was some enlightening art. Its all a fucking sham.
Mabey it’s because it’s on a slippery slope?
Wouldn't be surprised. He looks sickly.
I knew the consequences very well. I had also thoughts of murder at that age, but I only stopped myself because I did know the consequence was jail time and punishment. My friends and I also discussed birth control, but the general idea between us was that we'd be very happy with a baby, and how cute the babies would be with these guys that were 18+, or if he would make a good dad, etc.
I had really great, supportive friends, they are still my besties, also without kids now because we believed the conservative lie that we were better off with children, and now we've wasted until 25 with nothing.
We didn't want the guys being branded pedos or spend jail time thanks to conservatives and "Christ", we went to a public school and were surrounded by mostly conservatives, and they called young girls whores and "had to know" who the baby daddy was, regardless, and they had to brand them... just trust me, we've already seen that stuff when we went through school.
I don’t remember seeing his doxx posted
Dead Jews will not save you.
it looks like a possesion or some shit. Must be drugged like crazy.
>but he wasn't stripping
Most people would classify removing clothes and walking around half naked as stripping.
Prove it or shut up
People of Sexuality is an awesome phrase we need to use constantly
There is convincing evidence he’s being given date rape type drugs
Fuck you, I'll let my 12 year old fuck as MANY STRIPPERS as he wants, long as he doesn't engage in any of that faggot shit.
I want the freedom to burn lgbt people at the stake
No one fucking cares, take this shit to /soc/
only customers are gonna be pedos
He looks like a typhus victim, the kid is probably on amphetamines.
I'll tell you an example, once when I was 13, I was with a group of guys that were 18, and we were just talking to each other, I had them laughing, there was no touching or anything, but I remember this VERY Conservative woman with a cross saw us, and she knew my age, so she called the cops and they came over to me and asked if the guys were bothering me and told me to stop talking to them because "these guys are poor, you'd be very very poor".
Kys. Anyway, I don't. The kid is already debased. Its amazing to me that people think shit like this is ok.
Anyone in the press ever ask CPA for their opinion on whether this is an acceptable environment to raise a child in? I had a buddy lose his daughter for months over a pot conviction, but this is somehow allowed?
Don't worry user, he'll save himself just fine. Pic related.
>I had also thoughts of murder at that age
Here's one how about you kill yourself? You didn't know the consequences then, AND you do NOT know or understand them now. You are an aged child who hasn't yet earned the title of a man or woman.
Quit embarrassing yourself online faggot, and take responsibility. If you aren't married by now that is your own Damned fault.
If you think we are gonna change the laws of the land to include under 16-18 in the states to consent to sex you will eventually hang.
>LGBT children
Excuse me?
Prove you are a woman or shut the fuck up because no one cares
The ones defending the child being there are disgusting pedo apologist or pedos themselves
thanks for the image
I once considered myself tolerant. At first I said live and let live... but now?? No more. its time for the new spring to rise upon us.
>13 y/o girl hanging out with a group of adult males
Be honest, you fucked at least one of them, didn't you?
This kid has probably already been conditioned to accept sexual abuse for drugs. All we want to do is stop this shit from getting normalized which is what the gay media campaign around him is trying to do.
It’s a man user
Shut the fuck up roastie
Why are you playing into some 50 year old faggots larp about being a girl?