Do you guys seriously not understand how tax brackets and the marginal tax rate works, or are you just pretending?

Do you guys seriously not understand how tax brackets and the marginal tax rate works, or are you just pretending?

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tax bad

Brown woman bad
Millionaires cant afford losing 70% of total income. The economy relies on 72% of our money being in the hands of 1% of the population!

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Seriously dont. Please explain in detail

Taxation is theft.
At some point it becomes cheaper for the wealthy to overthrow the government, than to suffer the theft.
Something like that happened in 1776.

You can't have a stable nation state without taxes.

Well, considering that 1% invest 99% of their money into the economy, it kinda does.

Have you never seen a laffer curve, or do you not understand effective vs marginal rates?

Corporate jew bootlickers.

Why is AOC such a pussy that she won't tax $10 million at 70%? No one needs that much money. What a sellout she is.

The boston tea party happened over tax cuts and a bailout, not tax hikes

Thats absolutely untrue.

>dumb burger doesn't understand what liquid assets are

Do you think rich people will stay in the US for very long once you tax them higher? And do you really think that money will go to anyone but uneducated blacks and spics? You guys are digging your own grave, but I get it, it's just 56% now and many are fighting agaisnt themselves.

Okay, so how much do you think billionaires actually spend on themselves per year? More than 50 million? More than 100 million?

Maybe we can't have one with taxes, either.
That was 1773. 1776 was the declaration of independence, the text of which specifically mentions taxes without consent as one of the motives.
Taxation is theft.

We don't need their money. We can print our own and destroy it when it's served its purpose. You're literally shilling for jews to make money lending the government's own money back to them.

>he thinks representation is consent

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We have had these tax rates and higher and rich people still exist in america

"Nobody spends someone else's money as carefully as they spend their own"

There's no point in giving more money to the government for it to mismanage it and gain even more power. Let the rich guy keep his money and invest in something that people want in an efficient way.

Yeah, let them buy 5 more cars and another property instead of giving the government money for their pogramz. Lower debt
only lower debt

You don't get rich by buying a bunch of things to please yourself. You get rich by doing something that people want and care about,

Ah i see, so rich people all live modest lives and dont indulge themselves

Yeah dont respond you bootlicker, another trumpanzee rekt

And BRs are poor as shit because nobody cares about you little monkeys. You're literally worth less than the average Americans shitstained underwear.

imagine paying taxes
lmao cuck