Ancient Egypt

Were i live, we were taught that egypt was a 100% black civilization, i've seen threads that said otherwise on Jow Forums but i thought it was something that only existed here and nowhere else. Recently, i've been seeing things that "prove egypt was a black civilization" and stuff like that, i was dumb founded when i read these things, i mean, do people teach in other countries that egypt wasn't 100% black? When those threads about egypt not being white popped up i didn't read much because i didn't want to bother with it, but now i'm interested, could you bring me some sources that prove it?

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>Were i live, we were taught that egypt was a 100% black civilization
not possible because egyptians still exist and they are not black.

what type of slant is this?

today's egyptians are arabs, not the original egyptians

Stop posting traps, kike.

Where do you live? We were taught Egyptians were closer to North African Berbers

Where do you live?

>posts lies on a board known for lairs on a website filled with liars.


look up articles about Egyptian kings and their DNA

i live here, in the south, i use memeflag because when people see brazialians they thing about northerners

>meme flag
>where i live
you dont have a house fucking commie, its the commonwealths

>if I say it enough it will be true


didn't you fucking study about the arab invasion of northern africa? burger education is really that bad?

im not a commie and this is where i live

>if I insult peoples intelligence maybe they will be shamed into believing me

Are you Jewish?

The rope draws near rabbi.

What country are you from lol

>brazilitard commenting about anyone's IQ

Your countries average IQ is regarded as borderline retarded in my country.

recent DNA discoveries showed that 70% of British males are descendants of the Pharonic line.
literally an island of KINGS.

we literally were kings.
kek the irony.

my good i wasn't insulting you intelligence, i was insulting you education, but i might insult you intelligence now, because, my god, you are dumb

education is different from IQ, my god, why are burgers so fucking retarded

its even worse
i hope you get bolsoneroed mang

my god sven, read a bit of the comments

at the time of CLeopatra, blacks weren't allowed into the city of Alexandria

Ancient Egyptians were not sub Saharan Africans, or whites. Although, they had DNA and relationships with both of these races on different accounts.

>tfw sat and had lunch on the pyramids of Giza

Egyptian royalty had red hair
official history is bullshit

thanks user, will read more about it after some time

Because the population of the Arab peninsula at the time was lower than that of Egypt (And still is), No way can the Arabs replace them.


Ey screw you Pablo, I got a tight shitposting schedule. I can't be reading through all this

again, we were told that arabs basically colonized the place

again, i live in the south, great majority of people here are german and italian, as am i

What the fuck, they teach you that nonsense in school there?

yes, but the liberal zionist agenda isn't as pushed here, as it is in other european and anglo country. Have to see how much of the history they taught me was wrong tough

wait, why are you going to egypt like some sort of female backpacker?

red hair doessn't MEAN they were white

Ancient Egypt wasn't European or African.

if everyone is lying why don't you just go back to plebbit

it was what then?

Coptic-ish? Or like just non-arab Egyptian which was.. it's own or some shit?

its nonsummerjack, a female

when are you going to secede from the north?
i'm moving to south brazil when you do.

who are the copts? i know the religion, but never understood the ethnicity

they were white...very white.

some dude larping as an egyptian.

the whitest and most successful ethnicity in egypt. presently persecuted.

They were Atlantian

shame that dark skinned people are persecuting light skinned people. it can only end in bloodshed.

It's hard to say, check out their wikipage and read through it and see what you find.

probably never, there was a vote some years ago and like 90% of the people voted to leave( but the vote wasn't all that official, and it wasn't state sanctioned so it would probably be like 70% in reality) the problem is that it is ilegall for a state to secede in brazil, so it isn't gonna happen unless we declare a civil war and i dont think it's going to happen, the people are becoming more and more brazilian every day too

Red hair isn't found in African genome.
It's only found in Arabic, Germanic, and Nordic bloodlines.
Red hair was incredibly common around the Mediterranean sea.

what about this person tough?

Attached: main-qimg-d02a192d920a4d51fca0484bf0b27ffd-c.jpg (720x946, 99K)

The Ancient Egyptians looked like this....

Attached: Egyptian Queen.jpg (525x641, 23K)

>a random child with mixed blood is suddenly the case for all pure bred africans.

Once again, red hair is not found in the African genome.
If a black child has red hair, one of their ancestors was fucked by a white man.

Sorry you're retarded and can't understand how genetics works.

No pure blood Africans have red hair.

No they looked like this

Attached: bc4bbce5bfd82a5d0eaf825ff6bba6ef.jpg (240x240, 13K)

Here, it's a shame I don't have the original on this device, but whatever. Point stands.

Attached: we-wuz-kings-n-shiet-3btfo-d-how-does-this-17508619.png (500x566, 136K)

from the source i got it said that he was pure blooded, i cant test the dna of pictures

based. we need to excavate the richat structure

>nazi flag
>id starts with kkk
kek. but to answer your question seriously, the well-preserved mummies of the ancient egyptian pharaohs have been scientifically proven to not belong to the racial classification of "sub-saharan african" (the typical "black person" as you know them), and closer to what modern north africans and middle easterners look like (i.e. more closely related to white people than black people)
we've also found tomb paintings that record ethiopians as having darker skin, and greeks as having lighter skin, than the egyptians who drew them (who represented their skin as a red-orange color)

Show benis.

Pretty sure they did a geniology test on Cleopatra and she was more Greek then ethnic Egyptian.

she was greek obviously, im talking about ancient greek civilization before the greeks conquered it

Attached: Nonsummerjack-egyptian-God-Anubis.jpg (350x350, 86K)

No pure blood african has red hair. Once again the genome doesn't exist in African DNA.

The only thing that is close is a genetic mutation found in New Guinea that gives people a weird literal orange color. Which has nothing to do with red hair as that color does not exist in any pure bred Africans.
They literally can not have it as the same genome that creates red hair would effect their skin color also. Making them light skinned as its directly related to melanin.

The genome found in the Egyptian king (multiple kings even) directly related to the same red hair genome found in once again arabics, nordics, and asians.
Which is not found at all in anyone who is pure African.

Literally Egypt had non-black rulers thousands of years before Christ was even born.

Ok, thanks user.
Not nazi flag btw, tough i'm a strasserist

if you need more convincing then just read this. wikipedia's notoriously leftist but they can't deny direct scientific evidence:

>post ends in 88
>id still reads kkk
>not a nazi though
you sure about that lol


thanks for the good answer user

>we were taught that egypt was a 100% black civilization
They are not. They are caucasians.

This kind of thing should really wake people up on how cancerous social justice and leftism are.

Attached: caucasoid.png (629x408, 61K)

Wikipedia defines strasserism as nazism but i like to differentiate from normal bland, hitler type nazism, because there are many differences.

They claim the 18th dynasty or something from what I've read. Who was 1-17 and beyond 18?

> scholars reject the notion, implicit in the notion of a black or white Egypt hypothesis, that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia
Y'all were Dickwashers confirmed

When they tested their DNA, ancient Egyptians most closely matched with Middle Easterners and Southern Europeans. They were even less black than they are today. There's a desert that separates the North African humans from the sub-Saharan chimps. Not something that was easy to cross thousands of years ago.

wasn't it a forest when the egyptians got to the nile?

i can't understand your post


Attached: image.png (848x772, 559K)

North Africans were never niggers. Brazilian education didn't teach that Berbers existed?

Do you really believe the history that you've been taught is accurate?

they taught that berbers arrived when arabs invaded north africa

i posted this to find out


You are brazilian and you learned that egyptians are black??
I had no idea things got this bad.

In 2017 a genetic study was conducted on 83 mummies from northern Egypt (buried near modern-day Cairo), which constituted "the first reliable data set obtained from ancient Egyptians using high-throughput DNA sequencing methods." The study showed that Ancient Egyptians had the greatest affinity for modern Middle Eastern (Arab, Levantine and Anatolian) populations, and had significantly more affinity with southeastern Europeans than with sub-Saharan Africans.

When are niggers going to realize that throughout the entire human history they have always been slaves or servants to a more intelligent race?

Know your role nigger, goddamn!

you weren't taught? were do you live

>Were i live, we were taught that egypt was a 100% black civilization
no you weren't you stupid memeflaggot cunt

They lied to you. Berbers are indigenous to North Africa. They do look similar to Arabs (at least to me), but they're not from the Arabian peninsula. North Africa has always been their home.

>namefagging hard
>improper sage at that
>this fucking stupid
why wont you guys stop coming here

This makes the most sense. Kings were white...ish.

I finished highschool in 2004.

that guy sucks

They were brown

Not white
Not black


nonsummerjack, she's a prostitute

Northern Egypt (Lower Kingdom) was middle-eastern; only Southern Egypt/Sudan (Upper Kingdom) was black.
It's worth noting that the Upper Kingdom copied the main Egyptian civilization successfully -- for a while -- even building a few small half-assed pyramids. So the rest of black Africa has no excuse.

Attached: Mummy_DNA.jpg (981x1090, 224K)

i fucking was faggot, is this really the most ridiculous thing taught in schools?

were do you live tough?

They couldn't have been black because they knew how to write and read.

Notice that the one on the left even has an Afro?