Why is does a disfigured version of Jow Forums culture thrive outside of Jow Forums? You'll often see blog tier greentexts posted on the normienet, with millions of upvotes or something. On twitter you'll see tons of people into kek/shadilay etc, with a tone that makes you think they've never posted outside of r/Jow Forums.
Why is this relevant? Well I've noticed that this culture has led to a massive victory in civic nationalism/neo-con ideologies on the internet. Whether it be rekt feminist compilations or Juden Peterstein, we can safely say radical leftists have been BTFO of the internet, which all of you must be noticing the influences of IRL.
(((Neo-cons))) are the most cucked political group by far, so I'm not sure its a good thing, but either way this place seems to have a massive impact on the internet, mostly indirectly. Pic very related.
I'm shaking with rage thinking that I could of been talking to someone like that on here. I honestly thought this place is for whites only, and others would be too insulted to contribute.
Christian Lewis
Most diverse place on the Internet
Justin Howard
This is an experimental breeding ground to brainwash people. Whenever reading the shit on Jow Forums, it’s important to realize 90% of the threads and posts are created to completely sway the opinion of people.
For example, Jews. Yes, there are evil Jews that the Bible warns us about, but many Jews are great. Many Jews will be saved by Christ.
Another example, Pepe the frog. Memes with pepe are so influential that it ultimately helped Trump get elected, and it all stemmed from here.
One last example, scam projects in the cryptocurrency/blockchain sector. Look at Jow Forums and the endless pepe meme shills spamming their ‘Chainlink’ scam. Using the techniques prior to the 2016 election to swindle low IQ idiots out of their money.
Be the observer, or be the shill, but don’t be the sheep that is influenced.
Jonathan Williams
This is an experimental breeding ground to brainwash people. Whenever reading the shit on Jow Forums, it’s important to realize 90% of the threads and posts are created to completely sway the opinion of people.
For example, Jews. Yes, there are evil Jews that the Bible warns us about, but many Jews are great. Many Jews will be saved by Christ.
Another example, Pepe the frog. Memes with pepe are so influential that it ultimately helped Trump get elected, and it all stemmed from here.
One last example, scam projects in the cryptocurrency/blockchain sector. Look at Jow Forums and the endless pepe meme shills spamming their ‘Chainlink’ scam. Using the techniques prior to the 2016 election to swindle low IQ idiots out of their money.
Be the observer, or be the shill, but don’t be the sheep that is influenced.
Fret not my friend, because I can assure you very few people from these images have even lurked here. The way these people get in contact with the culture is that some redditor will screencap something normies find funny, post in on reddit where it will receive thousands of upvotes.
A third to one half of US flags are spics. Not even memeing. Make a spic hate thread and see them all come out of the woodwork.
Ryan Baker
It has indeed but you know what I meant
Caleb Allen
>On twitter you'll see tons of people into kek/shadilay etc, with a tone that makes you think they've never posted outside of r/Jow Forums. As for why that is, I know from personal experience that tons of normalfags are still stuck in the 2005 mentality of Jow Forums being some place full of gore, CP and weird hentai and that you can legit get hacked if you go on here.
Colton Sanders
Do they still do this?
Lincoln Lopez
Ahh. You mean they’re not coming? I suppose I’ll just waste these Ferraro Roche then.
It is only getting bigger and more right-wing. I'm not sure if this has to do with Jow Forums directly or simply the rise of nationalism around the west, but this group is getting seems to have replaced the fence-sitting leftists as the most popular ideology in the west. Of course, these people are radical examples, but it mere common fact that Nationalism, especially civic is rising in the west, and exponentially on the net.
You are correct. Many spics larp as whites here, just make a BLEACHED thread and watch them reveal themselves. I suppose its the hispanic version of the black bvll meme, to try and cope their mongrelism.
Jaxson Peterson
> Top 40 music is nigger crime rap and brown bubblebutt fornication noises > Women slutting around and then divorceraping is the norm, not the exception; public school sex ed tells white boys that it's impossible to tell if a woman is a virgin and that it's harassment to ask women out > All races are equal, and black men do 50% of crimes, and Jews are 20% of Nobel prizewinners and CEOs, and we need non-jewish white people to pay for everyone else's college and welfare > California went brown; USA to go brown soon too; white people need to stop having children for the environment > Space travel and having 3+ children considered evil by mainstream environmentalist movement > $150k debt per taxpayer, $1.5 million unfunded liabilities per taxpayer > Suspiciously convenient causus belli for every single war in the 19th and 20th century (plus Operations Northwoods, Gladio, and MKULTRA) > the Balfour Declaration, Kalergi Plan, Charlemagne Prize, and Frankfurt School > Nigeria population explosion; below-replacement fertility in every single White European population worldwide > Growing firepower inequality between government and governed > Prima facie violation of all 10 of the Bill of Rights (ex. PRISM, Five Eyes) > Pizzagate obviously true but censored by the media which is majority owned by five (((capitalists))) > (((Software))) eating the world: Tinder, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Uber... > tl;dr: no hope to own land, be happily married and have 3+ children; doubtful that human colonies will ever leave Earth; on track for economic collapse followed by enslavement under a global equity-lord cabal in 20 to 40 years.
This, They do it because they want to be "e-famous" but they have no OC so they're essentially leeches. They steal content from here, post it somewhere else where no one from 4 chan would likely browse and receive praise, admiration and laughter from normies. They build up quite a big following as well.
It happens on different platforms as well, some people will post things from Twitter onto Facebook and vice-versa. The idea of gaining "internet points" is fucking retarded because 99% of them will never see a dollar from any of it, but it's a dopamine addiction for them because they get tons of likes and funny reactions to their stolen content.
Jeremiah Kelly
My dad is Southern Italian. We all have our secrets.
It's not only Jow Forums, it's the whole internet. The shill/sheeple/human ratio must be at something like 50/45/5 at this point. The only people committed enough to push a narrative are the insane and those who get paid. This is a center-cannot-hold scenario.
Samuel Baker
Always intuitive posts, Japan. That 5% is on the rise though, and sheeple are easier to humanize. I'd imagine we might just have war with the other half though
Samuel Hall
I fear the sheeple needs to first watch their friends family and fellow man maimed raped and slaughtered like a dog before they can snap out of auto-pilot mode adjust course and reconnect with their own humanity. That's how it usually plays out. At that point there'll be DotR for the shills and the loonies, and we'll enjoy some peace and prosperity for a while. Until the whole shitshow starts up again.
Chase Cook
>Many Jews will be saved by Christ. zero jews will be saved, anyone who rejects Christ is welcomed into the warm embrace of hellfire
Eh. I just like the movement of the Overton window. The only real Neo-cons with any sorts of new followings are Shapiro and Hannity. The "civic" nationalists like Peterson are doing good for conservatism
Brandon Diaz
I am actually white user, we exist even in muttland. Over 6 ft, Blue eyes blond hair and BWC.
Adam Martin
That's bullshit. Hispanics are lower class and do not frequent sites like Jow Forums as often as a white American would.
Asher Cooper
Here we have Bolsonaro, he is a neocon pro-goyim positions, but at least I can buy a fire weapon now.
Yeah, I know. It's great, isn't it. That way it doesn't turn into facebook or Instagram. There's tons of normies that glammed onto Pepe. In their minds, wearing a MAGA hat with a Pepe shirt, or just a pepe shirt that's wearing a MAGA hat was a way for them to passive aggressively show their support. It's ok. Not everyone can be seal team 6. Don't be hatin'.