What is Russia fighting for?

What is Russia fighting for?

They seem to side with China, Japan and now even some of Africa over every country from Europe.

Russia Redpill Thread.

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Aviv Kochavi is a bitch who will lead the IDF into a slaughter. Bibi Netanyahu will watch Iranians kill Yair in front of him. he can't stop it.

And Russia, is it about what?

If Israelis are so smart and strong they wouldn't hide behind meme flags and proxies. You fucking cowards are gonna be slaughtered.

What are you talking about your idiot? The behaviors of Russia and the US don't even make sense anymore, let alone Israel.

>What is Russia fighting for?
Do we

>I asked about the photograph of Donald Trump holding the dove.
>“He was 32 years old when I took that photograph, in 1983.” Bill explained. “He was attempting to (independently) negotiate an agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians at the time.”

>Trump had a plan to work with Russia to cut back nukes in 1987. Might he try it now?

>The Trump Files: Donald’s Nuclear Negotiating Fantasy

>In the 1980s, Donald Trump became a global symbol of wealth and success who wasplanning to buildthe tallest skyscraper in the world. But the one deal hereallywanted to cut was an arms reduction treaty with the Soviet Union that would take nuclear missiles off the Cold War’s battlefield. It’s now clear that Trump knowsquite literally nothingabout nuclear weapons, but then he fantasized going toe-to-toe with the Russkies at the nuclear bargaining table.

>“It’s something that somebody should do that knows how to negotiate and not the kind of representatives that I have seen in the past,”he toldtheWashington Postin 1984. “It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles…I think I know most of it anyway.”

>Three years later, growing even more alarmed about Libya and other rogue nations getting the bomb,he toldauthor Ron Rosenbaum that he was indeed working with the Reagan White House on nukes. “I’m dealing at a very high level on this,” he said.

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>Trump was frightened about the spread of nuclear technology—he seemed at one point during the interview to suggest the United States should bomb France to keep it from selling nuclear know-how—and worried about the deal-making skills of American officials. “They have no smiles, no warmth; there’s no sense of them as people,” Trump complained. “Who the hellwantsto talk to them? They don’t have the ability to go into a room and sell a deal. They’re notsellersin the positive sense.”

>Trump and the Dove
DONALD TRUMP, LIKE ANY HEAD OF STATE,is one of the most photographed people on the planet. But one of the most striking images of the president is also one of the most mysterious: a much-younger Trump posed in front of a backdrop, his mouth in a Mona Lisa smile as a dove rests in his hands.

It turns out that, three decades before being handed the nuclear codes, Trump was eager to share his thoughts on one of his favorite subjects: thermonuclear war. It was that obsession—combined with the real-estate mogul’s nose for publicity—that led to a series of photographic encounters between Trump and the bird.

What Trump lacked in, say, military experience or scientific knowledge of nuclear weapons was made up for by, in his mind, two sources of information: his uncle, who worked in a radiation lab, and one of his pilots, who used to fly for Muammar el-Qaddafi. And he said that if his famed deal-making skills didn’t convince everyone else to get rid of their nukes, then, “I guess the easy thing would be to say you go in and clean it out.”

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You can only choose one

Russia is a shithole

So Trump wants to disarm Russia and Russia wants to keep its nukes? Is it?

It seems to be.


Bibi is gonna watch his family get tied up by muslims and Yair will be shot in the head in front of Bibi and he won't stop it. That's the future faggot. israel is dead so you should kill yourself now you cowardly proxy using fagogt.

MOTHER RUSSIA. Russia fights for Russia and it's interests... that's it.

>What is Russia fighting for?
Wealth in order to become a developed nation to compete with the West.

Are you some kind of retard ?

Nothing of this makes sense.

Last year they were about to destroy the planet in a WW3.

All that because of what? Money? Peace?

It doesn't make sense.

Pathetic cowardly mossad faggots like you should kill yourselves.

>Last year they were about to destroy the planet in a WW3.

no they werent

Have you ever played a tabletop pvp game?
What happens when one of the players is about to win?

>What is Russia fighting for?
Jews basically. Putin is a jew. His mother is a jew. Putin is as much Israel's bitch as Trump.
Anyone telling you otherwise is a shill.

Is there, in your opinion, any big power from the first world that is not in the joos pocket?

and Venezuela as well

Honestly it seems to me that they have 2 goals:
1 - earn easy money
2 - piss off western countries

But is it? Really? I've never been there and the only thing I know of it is that theres always that one white russian car that seems to be involved in every dashcam accident. The only thing I know for certain about Russia is that they're supposedly the bad guys for some reason or other. Yes I'm an uneducated retard, and thats why I ask such questions.

Russia has been falsely promised a lucrative role in NWO.

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Of course they were. Read the news and the threats.


No one knows what's really going on.

No, not that I can tell.

My take:

Russia wants to see American influence over the world (particularly, the world to the east and south of Russia's borders) wane.

It's no secret that Putin wants to see Russia reacquire the Soviet Union's old territorial holdings, and regain status as a superpower.

He's just an opportunist. If working with China looks like it will advance his interests, he'll do it. The same is true for Japan, Africa, and probably even the US.

But what will never be in Russia's interests, as long as Russia seeks to restore the territory of the Soviet Empire, is an alliance with the EU states, who are in direct competition with Russia for influence over the former Soviet states.

It's all pretty transparent if you know the history, and stay up to date with the news.

Thank you, user.

Russia is an economic shithole. Putin is a faggot dictator wannabe. He is KILLING the Ruskies by corruption and by starving them to death. He BOUGHT Drumphf by ‘compromat’ and rigged our democratic elections, so then Donalduh does whtevr Putina wants him to do.

Russia is a criminal enemy state and should be Sanctioned. Republi-can’t’s can’t get their head out of their asses and vote to keep sanctions in place.

Trump and ’most’ Republicans ARE TRAITORS to Our beloved DEMOCRACY.

Orders are to shoot on site!

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But is he? Have you been to russia? I'm really starting to think a lot of this information is anectdotal at best. Can we get some sources or solid info here, simply for the sake of argument?


russia is based

That sounds like CNN's content.

Are you Jim Acosta or something?

So, it's over?

Unfortunately I don't think we are going to get any decent answers here today bro. American cold war sentiment seems to trump any discussion or rational arguement, which is kind of sad to be honest. I like to make my decisions based on first hand experience, so I guess I'll never know the truth until I pay them a visit.

Our country is in deep shit right now, goverment is stealing money from everything, and since money income is so small, but they still need to steal money from somewhere, they are selling half of countrys factories, resources to other countries for cheap, primarily to China. I also would like to say that you can get in jail for posting a joke, even if its not yours and you just reposted it

We dont do that, our goverment only cares if theres enough money in their pocket, not about citizens, they invested 2 billion rubles in study, but like 90% of it was stolen, the roads are shit, the salary is shit, the pension is shit, old people are barely have enough money to live, with all the taxes and buying medicine, they only get 1000-3000 rubles, they dont have enough money to buy food

Given the chance, the Russian elite would trample Europe and all its beauty. They're insecure about their place on the world stage because in their minds they should be calling the shots. I don't trust them.

>What is Russia fighting for
They do everything to keep Putin as eternal ruler because he let's kikes make billions while robbing the average russians.

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To make mad all.

Russia is a country with a gdp less then that of Italy’s. The only thing that makes them formidable is the fact that they are a nuclear power capable of ending the world if fucked with. All that being said, as an Amerimutt I see no reason to hate Russia or even feel slightly threatened by them. The media and the globalists shills are working hard to convince the general public that Russia is bad

Russia is fighting for Russia.

Russia is what happens after the bolshevic jews rule your society.

Applying realpolitik to re-establish Russian regional hegemony. If this goes well, further ambitions may be realised.
What they're fighting for? Same thing every resurgent power ever has:
Ein ort in der sonne

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Outstanding bait

You know there was more than 200 government sub contractors in Crimea alone who got paid and bounced without competing the jobs right?

Don't listen to Russians on the internet, because they love to complain about Russia very much, love to say that it's over, that they want to leave etc. It's a cultural thing.

He sold us out to China
He's slowly replacing us with muslims that vote 99% for him. They are slaves that work and obey. This way he can reduce electoral fraud and get less bad publicity.
Constant pointless wars give him even more support.
He cares about nothing but money
>Trust a KGB colonel

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Nice bait faggot
God Emperor is not for sale

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Russia is fighting for its very existence. Neoliberalism almost killed it in the 90s and Putin has had to claw and scrap just to try and return the system to something approaching normal. Meanwhile NATO and EU expansion is threatening what is left of RUssia's sphere of influence in hopes of finally destroying it.

Russia is entirely the victim at this point, we should have ended NATO after the USSR dissolved like George Kennan wanted, ever since the 90s we have been provoking Russia for no reason whatsoever.

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

>muh Drumpf
>muh ebul Puteenz

Anymore brainless slogans?

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The biggest threat to America is the American elite and their obsession with importing foreigners and outsourcing jobs.

Russia is fighting against the US-led liberal world order which has been dominating the planet since 1945 through imperialist tendencies. Putin doesn't care whether you're a commie, a muslim or a fascist, everyone hating that system is his ally. Nor does the race of his allies matter a lot to him, though he seems to have some sympathies towards the traditional Europe that's currently under American influence.