Well yeah little Nazis? Is it?

Attached: OverTarget.png (626x491, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:




(((graham))) on suicide watch

Attached: graham.jpg (1386x844, 146K)

I'd rape the shit out of the little commie Horner

People actually liked this kike?

Graham hasn't been blackmailed since McCuck died. He's just playing a ROLE in Trump's SHOW.

Attached: 1522946433698.png (849x1172, 956K)

>trump's show
pic related

need I remind you how impotent your propaganda is?

Attached: kushnershill trump show.jpg (1600x897, 161K)

Moarpheus is SEETHING tonight. You must realize how bad the future will be to you.

>gets exposed
>Jow Forums isnt embracing your message
>everyone but you is seething
the absolute state of Chabad.

Attached: kushnershill.jpg (600x400, 65K)

exposed about what? I actually feel sorry for you. You're the only Israeli shill I feel sorry for Moarpheus.

isn't Zionism a real and pretty surface-innocuous movement more or less concerning legitimizing, establishing and maintaining a Jewish state in the holy lands?

>isn't Zionism a real and pretty surface-innocuous movement more or less concerning legitimizing, establishing and maintaining a Jewish state in the holy lands?

Attached: 1536725582045.jpg (1200x800, 109K)

One of two things will happen, Kushnershill:

>You're right in which case I admit my fault and you gain a powerful ally
>I'm right in which you I gain a powerful ally or a most deserving victim

Maybe we want the same things but merely disagree on how to achieve them? I have my reasons and so do you. This is the reality of the matter. All the ecelebs, all the propagandists, all the Intelligence Community assets... they're either right or I am, and I'm happy to eat a bullet if wrong because I'm pretty sure that I'm right. So I mean... welcome to the stalemate. But in this war Jow Forums is mine.


Every time I ask for proofs and reasonable discourse you spam me with unrelated images. Why should I believe you?

I swear, tens of millions of complete morons woke up one morning in 2016 (or later) and found out for the first time in their sheltered, naive lives that politicians are opportunistic liars who'll say whatever they think they need to and that half of what you read on the internet is bullshit.

Attached: 1545103818120.jpg (768x768, 165K)

>why shoudl I believe you that I'm a mossad asset.
Do you realize how stupid you are? Understand that America is free from zionism and your friends like Laura Loomer are going to prison.

I expose Loomer on the daily.

Attached: laura loomer mossa.jpg (2631x2999, 3.33M)

I made that infographic you stupid kike.

He wants a spot in the cabinet

You kikes are such fucking retarded losers.

Attached: 1527447643802.png (1879x1155, 1.03M)

It's not bad. A little disorganized but not bad. But don't use black as a background in the future.

Attached: laura loomer is mossad.png (615x963, 188K)

You're a fucking kike shill who tried to use MY INFOGRAPHIC AND YOU PRETENDED LIKE YOU MADE IT.

Imagine being a fucking loser zionist like you. Man what a shitty life you have.

Kek. You losers are fucking done.

Attached: 1541133983716.png (1292x855, 850K)

I save and share many memes and have never claimed to make yours. I would never use black as a background.

Attached: moarpheus VS loomer.png (520x828, 78K)

Someone is mad that one of the favorite Dual Citizen senators cant control the AG?

Attached: 1547694926004.png (1504x1103, 676K)