How would you go about starting an (Off the grid community)?

Been giving this some serious thought lately, and I know at least 11 - 15 people who want on board and would contribute to the "community" were it ever to start. Plus plenty here on Jow Forums would jump on board depending on how legit it was among other things.

What if Jow Forums had or started its own little community, what state, city or county would Jow Forums choose? What people would you let it? How would you delegate tasks and jobs? How would you situate the electric or Internet, what type of housing would it be?

Very curious. Some say, the government hates, HATED off grid communities and will find a way to poison it, or paint a narrative to shut it down. Is this true?

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Other urls found in this thread:

you have Zero people, zero people including yourself.
no one wants an of the grind life, just an of the grid facade

I want to have 30 wives all with feet for me and me alone

You guys can do whatever you want to keep the place running

Before we get started, we're going to have to refine some nuclear weapons and nuke Israel. If that doesn't work then BDS along with deflationary trade, scorched earth style.

Wow.. Where did you become a psychic? I'm impressed. So what do they want? The idea? It's a hard life, I'm aware, but I think the idea of no taxes, no real bills, small community, and self reliance is what people are after

Is it possible, realistically, and sustainable? Or will the govt just try and shut it down?

Fresh drinking water

These are the things you need to consider for off-grid living. It can be done but without a large amount of capital it won't be comfortable living

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If someone offered it to you, would join a community of off grid people, if they weren't like beta faggots, hipsters or liberal earthy snowflakes?

From what I've seen most if not all communities except the amish or reservations get shut down. They always find some reason or some excuse to stop the communities

I've always fantasized about the idea but as of right now I would say no (wife and young kids) but I would definitely be interested in helping out a project like this.

The government would only crack down on something like this if you were squatting on public land, committing crimes (selling weapons/drugs), or publicly declaring yourself as an enemy of the state. If something like this happened in the US you would have to make sure it's on privately owned land and you're not making dumb decisions right off the bat.

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start with learning basics

>growing food
>canning food/waterbath/pressure canning

then move on to the next thing

Why sewage? cant we just shit in a river or something?

yeah I think about this everyday

for electricity we need to find somewhere that allows us to dam/divert a stream for a micro-hydro set up

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There are lots of LDS all over the West that are quite isolated

>no taxes
we still need to pay property tax

Maybe back in mainland China you can do that Chang

A good sailboat is all you need user , it´s literally of grid , hardware for electricity , water and communication is sold , it can move all around the world and most of the marinas are for richfags with security.

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Sorry my indian friend, that shit might fly in toronto but not anywhere else

>micro-hydro set up
beavers do it every day. solar anons cannot compete with 24/7 creek pressure

how many acres were you thinking OP?

Are we going to work the land, manufacture something, or work online?

Hobbit homes

"wives" and "with feet" aren't really high bars
rural appalachia, near a spring. DIY hydroponics, solar panels and maybe a water wheel
live downstream of the water source for maximum comfy water pressure/minimum pumping requirements
everybody helps everyone set up a home
everybody helps everyone in growing food
people with the knowledge to fix/maintain shit do so
sell trinkets/carvings/excess food at farmers markets, don't expect to have any electricity or internet or gas/fuel

Microhydro is overpriced or underdevelopened and as you said you need to be let divert the stream.

There are smaller solutions that don´t requiere that but use tubes to propel water downstream and increase it´s speed to generate electricity.

But in my opinion you prepper fags are dreaming if you think that housing will stand in a collapse.

You can have the best prepper building in venezuela but when shit explodes like there you end up worse because there is no law in the countriside to protect you from crime but still enough law to put you in jail if you defend yourself.

Best solution is a sailboat or a catamaran you literally can cross oceans on them and move to better land and also live from the ocean with enough intelligence.

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The Amish have already figured this out. Just join them

what about pirates?

When a society collapse best survival strategy is not to prepare but to move to better lands.

A collapse can take a lifetime , just look at the roman third century crisis and when they finally fix that shit they ended up with chavist tier economic policies and still decaying.

Movement and flexibility is the only strenght in a decaying society not the best castle.

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I'm really good at mushroom growing
I'm confident I can produce enough mushrooms for the entire colony and have excess to sell at a farmers market

Pirates use fuel as they need speed , just keep yourself away from land with known piracy and your fine.

This guy crossed the atlantic and is in the pacific atm with a ridiculous small sailboat that probably costs 10k usd if not less.

He also moved in pirate areas near venezuela.

build your own small ""grid"" and reinforce the fuck out of it so that it will survive /no matter what/ happens. Store everything electrical in steel containers with copper cladding on the inside. Build a well. String up phone lines (you cannot kill analog landlines as easily as you can kill a mobile phone. they operate at 100V regularly, no EMP is going to cook it beyond repair).
That's how cholera happened, user.

thot farm
camera, 4G connection, some crop tops, cha-ching

>4G connection
user, digital radio systems are VERY easy to kill. I've killed 5 of my own totalling to $200.

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>4G connection
you can, right now, buy a chinese radio jammer for $17+free shipping, and they'll lie about what it is to customs

These types of threads happen from time to time. If you really truly research how to pull this off you'll see what a huge undertaking it is. You will either need millions of dollars or people willing to live like the Amish.

Here are some random tips I figured out after doing an inordinate amount of planning.
>Taxes are a massive drain and are the strongest method they have to force you to interact with the normal system.
>Income tax is avoided by not having any individual make a large income.
>Property tax is avoided by controlling the municipality, the school zone, and if possible the county (those three make up 95%+). Vote in your own people and don't hire outside contractors.
>Solar Thermal is the most self sufficient off-grid power source. The technology is over 100 years old. It is less efficient than fossil fuels, but only by a single digit factor (half to 1/10th as efficient). For example, burning wood is hundreds or thousands of times less efficient than fossil fuels.
>Water rights matter a lot. What you can do with ground water. What you can do with river water. Western states have worse laws. Eastern states are clogged with people and buerocracy. Midwest is usually optimal on this topic.

One useful way of thinking about it is trying to build efficiencies, so your people can produce enough with the resources they have. Inputs to outputs. Imports and exports. Energy. Materials. Time. Space. People.

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the ground level house is just a decoy, the real bunker is 2 levels down, the air pipes are embedded inside tree trucks and stuff.

This exactly user , a decay takes long time waiting for it to end can take a lifetime.

A shitty investment my dude , any thieve will wait outside until you leave

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>chinese radio jammer
>not getting FBI agents falling from the sky onto your house
link? i'd like to see it

This is the idea son. To start a blueprint for VARNASHRAMA DHARMA .
Little cute yoda homes ,with solar panels and green house and internet.and little hover buggie to take you to your local VISHNU TEMPLE

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are there any websites that keep all the best information on laws, methods, efficiencies for doing something like this?

what if we just started looking out for each other, buying selling bartering sharing information etc., as a group and eventually going homestead and off grid
maybe have several small groups that simple just start to learn and master methods
that way it isn't a massive undertaking all at once


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what if we have Jow Forums east and Jow Forums midwest
and use it as training grounds to expand to other areas

I honestly think the best place for a off the grid town would be in Africa, it would be able to exercise the most power and couldn't get shut down there.

I would suggest the town to be built along Lake Edward, where it is sparsely populated and mountainous.

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Give about 16 white women who want a future for our race children once a year from the age 18-28.


>privately owned land
yearly property taxes

Land copyright

This is my end game goal.

what's that? some kind of tax loophole?

Wow a community of polautists and no women in the middle of no where? Sounds based!

Trust is the fundamental hurdle we must overcome. It's not an easy hurdle.
>what if we just started looking out for each other, buying selling bartering sharing information etc., as a group
Economies of scale would mean we wouldn't be the cheapest option. That means people would have to be acting out of duty or for a meaningful purpose. The bystander effect and the tragedy of the commons means this is unlikely to happen unless there is some larger societal force compelling people.
>as a group and eventually going homestead and off grid
maybe have several small groups that simple just start to learn and master methods
Small groups must by necessity use inefficient methods. They will be economically outmatched. The only recourse is to drop expenses until you're living like the Amish.

Libertarians/Anarchists/Cypherpunks try and solve the trust problem with solutions like cryptocurrencies. Jow Forums's system of 'trust' also functions like this.

Humans are naturally hierarchical. Trust is granted to leaders. What we need is a leader. Leading is very dangerous. Even the powerful organizations that currently dominate the world often started with leaders that got murdered.

If I am able to I will attempt to be a leader. The skills and knowledge required is not easily found or taught outside of elite families.

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Only sewage you really need is one of the Earthship gray water recycling systems. Other than that, just use compost toilets. Of course, you could always implement a full sewage system, if you're willing to fork out the capital, but I think the first method is more practical due to low-maintenance.

Not sure yet, it's still just an idea at the moment, but I'm really considering it, especially since so many others even right around my area want to do this. An old vet in his early 80s has about 67+ acres, said he would just sign over like 7 acres to me at $100 a piece for "grins and giggles ". He has no family except for his shithead sister, so he said it was no big deal and wanted to help "the community get started" if it ever actually happens.

Before I take him up on his offer, I want to have a solid plan, and gath as many like minded people as I can to bounce ideas off of. I'm just scared that the govt will give me shit.

30min from the closest gas station or market, so not too bad. Tucked away at the back of dudes property

forgot pic

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75% will die after a month without internet

As I state in The way to eliminate 95% of property taxes is for your people to be the recipients of that tax base. If you have ~350 people all living in one unincorporated place you can form a municipality (often called a village). You can also try and form a new school district. That takes care of 2/3rds of the property taxes. You will be using that tax base to pay your own people to maintain the police, fire, and schools. If you can amass enough people to vote yourself control of the county elections you can control the county purse. Use that power to return your fair share of country property taxes in the form of contracts to your own people.

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It's not a loophole, just a relatively obscure and underknown practice. You copyright your land, nobody else has any claim to it once the copyright is approved. Unless your land is sitting on a bunch of oil or something (and you don't already own mineral rights) or near an airfield or some shit, it'll likely not be challenged. Good luck finding information on how to get the ball rolling though. (((some))) people really don't want this to catch on.

Solid info. Very true

You will be destroyed by the local zoning board.

Composting toilets require too much man-power for their hassle. The amount of time used to deal with human waste should be reduced, so people can be more productive.

want to start a website and make a roadmap
accept crypto donations and have a volunteer forum or application to join forum
what state? for $700 we should scoop that up and even if it's just to fuck around

I'll have to look into that much deeper, never knew you could copyright land. I guess we'll see. I hope it moves forward, could really be something..

Damn I need to do more research on all of that, sounds like it's really possible if planned correctly

Pretty sure you automatically get the mineral rights, too, if you copyright a property. Not positive on that. A good lawyer would know.

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VA, plenty of streams and lakes around. Yeah, if the guys not dicking around, I'll snag it just to snag it if he's cool with it.

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that's perfect
don't pass that opportunity up

Im working on buying the land next to my uncles farm.. building a home there. then i need to meet the neighbor on the other side,

doesnt need to be off grid just a self sufficient tight group, some family

I have never heard of a thing called a Land Copyright. Sounds like nonsense. Copyright law has nothing to do with land rights. Unless you're talking about those people using copyright laws to troll oil pipeline companies. That doesn't absolve anyone of property taxes.
7 acres zoned agricultural will only allow one house and one (maybe two) family to live there. There are laws dictating how land and property can be used. Every county has zoning ordinances. Virginia will have very mature and heavily regulated laws on what you can do with your property.

Guise when are we going to /Nambia/?

Over 50 years you will pay 100% of your property value in property taxes. You will need to consume 99% of your resources by buying from the normie system. In order to do with you will need a normie job.

Rural living does keep the diversity away pretty well.

I'm a recent law graduate, studying for the bar since I failed the last time. I took an intellectual property class and helped my brother trademark some stuff, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is shit, you can send them anything with a simple description and as long as you pay the fee you're registered. I imagine you'd need some creative structure on the land that is highly photographic or artistic in some visual way and the whole land together with the structure could be copyrightable. However, the LAND itself will probably still be subject to taxes, as far as I could imagine...

What's a cheap way to make durable and decent housing?

If I was young again, I know what I would do. I'd claim a piece of ground somewhere way up in the wilds of Canada (a few years ago the Peace River area was open for homesteading, don't know if it still is, but somewhere like that). I'd load a few shipping containers with basic necessities - a sawmill, a Bobcat or two, chain saws, nails, screws, solar panels, a still. Find a place with clean water, clear a road to the nearest highway, build a small community based on logging, some hydroponic farming, gold collection (if applicable). Let the rest of the world go to shit.

I have been looking at joining a pagan off grid community as well. Preferably one without internet though, because I seek to live a life without distractions and stress.
I am a chef in new york city and want out.
I could cook some delicious fresh killed animal meals for the commune that I am a part of.

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I'm also in intellectual property law. I've spent way too much time searching through TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System).
The original comment that started this train of discussion was , which alluded to not paying property taxes with something they called Land Copyright. Sounds like sovereign citizen logic.

>Energy. Materials. Time. Space. People.
This user knows exactly what he's talking about. Land, water and power plus political control of that land is the basis of autonomy.

Tesla has got some cool solar tiles to use on roofs and have power packs that can store the energy allowing you to stay completely off the grid.

What a saga that was. Hard to believe there were actually boots on the ground.

it's afraid

It's not called a "land copyright", it's a normal everyday copyright wherein the thing in question is a piece of property rather than a concept or song or something. I believe the tricky kike aspect is that the land has to have something YOU designed on it and you claim that the little section of fence, old-timey well, or whatever, AND the land are a set. And that is art. And you're copywriting the art that is your land/the item in question. Kikes ruined art with postmodern bullshit, this is just a fun and useful utilization of the lack of boundaries regarding what is/isn't art.

Google is your friend. There are a few examples wherein this trended. It's not some law that says "you can copyright your land, here's how", it's a creative way of converting a piece of land into something ELSE and copyrighting that.

>What's a cheap way to make durable and decent housing?
It's about resources.
Do you have lots and lots of volunteer labor?
Do you have access to lots of timber?
Do you have access to abundant "free" energy?
If you're 'importing' from normie land, what is available logistically?

You'd still have to pay property taxes.
Copyright is only used to stop people from making copies of your work, and stop them from destroying your copy. The "don't destroy my art" is what is being used to stop the oil company pipelines. You can also troll google maps.
Again, you will still have to pay property taxes.

Dead ass facts

What's the going tax rate for a sculpture? Annually, let's assume it's a 10x10 acre sculpture. What's on the books for that in your state? The conversion of a constitutional right into a paid-for privilege is STILL illegal, you can't charge somebody for having artwork. This is actually how it works. If it sounds ridiculous to you, don't do it. But it's the way it works.

> archives
> tl;dr imperium-themed neckbeard fitness camp funded by gibs

Marijuana = off grid

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Note that this idea is pure donkey gas

The discussion has rightly been about property rights in this thread. Here are some more tips on that topic.
>You want to control the county and municipal zoning boards. Either by having enough people to vote in your own candidates or you can be located in a podunk enough place to be 'friends' with the zoning board.
>In most states there is a minimum size needed to create a new municipality. Usually 200-500 acres minimum. That would be a few million dollars if you wanted to own all of it. It takes years and many many steps to create a new municipality, but it is do-able.
>A good search term for the laws about things like zoning, and municipalities is "home rule".

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Nice, ya sounds like it could be argued and it's very possible to work

I still don't see how you can't have taxable land that's also copyrighted. Some people do day-labor jobs and pretend it's a 2-way favor when they're paid, but really it's an income and it's taxable, just like the land

Not true

More tips for anyone reading (and those crazy anons like me who search old threads on 4plebs).
>You will need to think in terms of supply chains and how they link to normie-land.
>Studies have shown that autonimous communities that last the longest have the most stringent rules. Don't be "everything goes". You want to collect people by galvinizing them to a strong ideal.
>Interpersonal drama can destroy any level of civilization or group. Being able to gather the right people is vitally important. This can't just be done by gut instinct. You need to think of "laws" just as much as the founders of a country or religion.
>Location is very important. You want enough rain (dry location are only possible because of the globalist level of infrastructure). You don't want it to get too cold (permafrost damage, growing seasons, human moral). You don't want it to get too hot (productivity reduction, pests, and generally overpopulated).
>Solar thermal and geothermal are the best choices for autonomous power. Steam-heat is a very efficient heating system. Steam turbine is very efficient power system. It can be scaled small enough for a community.

Good luck fellow anons.

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100% I would

>permafrost damage
Correction. I meant frost heaving and other cold related damages.

Boats are nothing more then a whole in the water you poor money into.

How would you prevent people you don't want moving into your new town ?