Conservative Traditionalist Women

Are there are traditional red pilled young women on here? If so,are you tired of seeing spics,thots,and normies all day? Do you feel alone at school,work,or out in public? If so,then I am humbly asking for your acquaintance. I am searching for fellow women to befriend,and talk about political/social/philosophical topics with.

I am 18, wish to be a homemaker, and raise many beautiful children one day. My hobbies include reading philosophy, baking/cooking, knitting, sewing,gardening,canning, farm animal care, and singing! I am kind and feminine,and waiting until marriage to have sex as well.
I know I cannot be the only one of my kind out there,and am eager to make friends with fellow traditionalist women!

Feel free to discuss how your political beliefs make you feel/influence how you act.

How you are helping to guarantee a future for the white race?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anons,please be respectful and understand traditional woman do not show their bodies online. Fixing American society starts with fixing the American family unit. Women are the key to saving the white race,and so they must be guided toward like minded women,and non-degenerate behaviors. There are plenty of other threads for you to disrupt,and I am not addressing the men of Jow Forums in this thread.

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post feet

Women should not post pictures of their bodies online for others to fetishize.
Our future husbands will not prefer a woman who has prostrated herself all over the internet seeking attention.

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gross feet confirmed

Reading nonfiction, sociopolitical books is a valuable asset for traditional women! I am currently finishing up the book "Death of the West" by Patrick Buchanan.
It explores immigration, the destruction of American family values, and the instillment of more "industrialized" ones. He also speaks on how birth control has altered women's place in society, by allowing them to act more promiscuously without consequences, as well as altering their hormones and making them more "independent". It is a good read for any Jow Forumsack.

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Daily reminder to stop watching porn and get right with Christ.

It is important for women to also exercise and attune their bodies regularly. Even though we are inferior to men when it comes to physical strength, it is of great magnitude that we strive to become stronger.

Fore what are ideals, virtue, and morality, if you have no strength to physically uphold those ideals if they were to be challenged? Or if you were perhaps in a non violent situation, where you could not pull somebody to safety, or help push a car because you were not strong enough. The man is supposed to normally be the one to deal with such situations, but there will still be times where you must depend on you own strength.

It is important to remain attractive and youthful for your future husband, and children as well. It will be easier to lose weight after having children, if your body was at peak physical performance before having them. You will also produce better offspring if you are healthy and fit as well.

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Imagine being so retarded you have to find a girl on an Indonesian basket weaving site.

I am having trouble with porn. Now i last 5 to 8 days between fapping but when i fall it seems i go deeper and deeper. I pray the lord every night. But it seems i am short of grace to fuel my fight. Any advice?


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Channel your time and energy toward meaningful, prideful actions. Workout, get gains, read books, study them.

Think of your ancestors, what they done for you, what they have fought through, fought for. Imagine them when that urge afflicts you, and fight past it.
Become a strong, willful man, who does not let his primal needs overcome his state of mind.

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Jow Forums is a male space. Women shouldn't post here.

If you think about it, G Fuel is the Zoomer's version of the boomer monster energy.

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Go to Walmart, buy two oven mitts, wear them to bed, keep hands above covers, think about RBG.

I am aware it is very rare, and would lead people to believe that they do not exist. There are differences in everything. It is merely that in our current mangled society, acting promiscuous and being a liberal SJW is how the majority of women behave. There are still women out there who pursue traditional hobbies and lifestyles. I do not care if you believe me or not, but I know within my heart that I am part of the minority of women like this, and that it is impossible for me to be the only one.

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too late roasties
not falling for it

> Now i last 5 to 8 days between fapping
thats fine, fapping once a week is not too much
nofap is a meme, should be lessfap
testosterone levels rise for 8 days of nofap and then fall again and stay down. so fapping once a week is basically optimum

Then where should they post? Where can they find far right, traditional people to converse with? Even in churches, people are not true to noble morals, and are becoming accepting of leftist ideals. And if a woman tries to voice far right views, or even traditionalist views in society, at work, or school, she risks being branded "racist", or "fascist", or "anti-feminist" . How is she to find companionship with women, or even court a man, in today's society?

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haha, nope. not falling for it
women are naturals at deception, if anything they have to struggle to be honest

>Think of your ancestors, what they done for you, what they have fought through, fought for. Imagine them when that urge afflicts you, and fight past it.
Become a strong, willful man, who does not let his primal needs overcome his state of mind.

Well said. How many times have i heard and read things like this. It gives people "esprit de corps" but there is no fight to keep that flame lit, and after a while it just vanish. It all sound so good and so virtuous but the true fight is to keep yourself ready and strong when your at peace to not let it fall et crumble under you. You say you are a women, what is it like for your kin?

Based and redpilled

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Just stop it. The men you're looking for are all around you, you just don't notice them. And it's not our problem anyway. Why do you think women should be heard in a predominately male political discussion space? Because you breathe air? Or are your designs more complete than just using Jow Forums, of all places, to "meet" likeminded people? /soc/ exists for that express purpose. But because vagina, you feel entitled to shit up this board with your gynocentric preoccupations to make a /soc/ thread where it doesn't belong.

Are you starting to get why women should just fuck off from this board totally? Want to help "the movement"? This is the best help you could provide.

Or you could just show us your tits.

Bumpin your thread femanon

SHEEIT, I’d have my pic taken with Jimmie Walker if given the chance, I liked Good Times!

Checked that’s fucking next level

>Conservative Traditionalist Women
>Implying these exist in the white race

As I said, believe what you like.

It truly is a constant battle. Kind of like how for New Years, everyone signed up for the gym, but I've seen the crowds quickly disperse already, just 16 days in. I learned a bit ago, it's not necessarily about motivation, it's about discipline. There should not be a question about whether or not you need to do it, you just do. I feel a deep gratitude for the men who have fought in the past, as well as gratitude for the women who diligently stood behind them and raised them. When I lift, I like to play war-time speeches/march songs, or things like this
It inspires me to complete my sets, and makes me feel something more spiritual when working out.

Jow Forums is anonymous, judge me on what i post, not my gender.
In a space like this, a public board, interpersonal relations do not exist. The male/female dynamics are different. However, I do agree that in real life groups/clubs, they should be male only, as females do create conflict between members, and they overall make the group less about it's purpose, and it becomes more about trying to gain the female members attention/favor.

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>judge me on what i post, not my gender.
But you posted your gender, you fucking nitwit. And this place isn't different. You're shitting up the board with this off-topic /soc/ bullshit as we speak. Because you're a woman and you will rationalize all of your behavior with bullshit.

im a man who wants a traditional women to take as a wife. we need a dating site for people like us to make it easier to find each other.

You can go to church like the rest of us, you know the way people with traditional values have been doing it for generations

I feel many young people are promoting a culture of "depression", and other self-diagnosed mental illnesses. Perhaps they are doing it for attention, or to be apart of the mainstream culture, but I feel it is much more than that.

Young people have no meaning, no purpose in their lives. They are losing their sense of spirituality, and with it, their willpower. Many do not believe in God, and are embracing atheism. They no longer take pride in their ancestors, and instead desecrate them and everything they fought for. Many despise members of their own race, and even go so far as to wish death upon those who wish the continuation of it.
They fill their lives with social media, video games, and pornography. Meaningless things which provide no comfort to the soul. They eat food simply because it tastes good, not to channel it into muscles, or toward productive work. They do not read books other than fiction, and do not seek higher knowledge. They live, constantly seeking pleasure, and when they do not receive it, they claim to be depressed.

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Just pure sadness here. I'm too old to get in on the game but I am happy to larp anyway since its all I have left. thankfully didn't get on the dick congo line but thats not going to make me not a degenerate.

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I'm a cute 14 year old nazi loli with D cup breasts. I love video games and anime. Trad as fuck.

the thing about conservative traditionalist women is that they'll betray you the same as any other woman. they're cut from the same cloth. so you better be able to keep them in line.

sort of like how you rationalize your superiority and feeling that women are intellectually, emotionally inferior to you, but you cannot resist temptation. You bite into the hook and worm reliably like any fish. begone from this place.

Men are no different I'm sorry to break it to you. theres a reason nuclear war has made the world so peaceful user. men are in check, but now women have nothing to check us. Were men not in check, you would act as barbaric as we.

I posted my gender to let other women who browse this board know that they are not alone in their cause. In the same way that you believe good women are impossible these days, the few that still strive to be virtuous feel very alone in a society dominated by hookup culture and liberalism.
It has been hard for me to find females who share my belief set, and thus I am searching on Jow Forums for them. Though not the most ideal place, I feel if they're anywhere, they would be here. It is them I wish to converse with, and talk about traditional ideals with.

If I were to try to find them on /soc/, where the majority of women are posting nudes/display low concern for morals, I would be told to go back to Jow Forums. The things I am discussing in this thread would not be well received on /soc/.

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my gf is traditional and was raised in a pro white household. She is bit chubby now, but I still manage to dominate her sexually even thought it gets boring when I'm surrounded by 18 year old blonde fit girls in yoga pants exploring their sexuality at college.

I shrink from duty because every single attempt from my young childhood till now is the aping of an incompetant child and no ammount of sharpened skill or wisdom gained has offered me any foothold on stability in my life. I am still no better off than I was when I was 8 except for that which people wiser than me had dropped into my lap to help me stand. To be a woman is truly reprehensible, no wonder so many have decided to drink jewish poison than face the truth.

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we need to start working on creating a group for people with traditional values. would make it easier for us to marry each other and find other like minded individuals. would also help if we had a trad dating site.

push her to be healthy. get her to obey you in more than just the bedroom.

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Here's the thing Jow Forums doesn't understand about women, traditional women like Feminist SJW women don't even exist. Women are followers, they are naturally submissive. Outside some obvious exceptions most women can be saved. The women of a society are a parallel to the men of the society. By that I mean when the men are degenerate and weak the women will be too. Women need to be broken in and brought to heel.

Where are you from user? You sound like a real qt.

>nuclear war has made the world more peaceful
That's not true at all. In fact, if we use 1945 as the starting year the middle east has been almost constantly at war in some way or another as Israel has been fighting Palestine since 1945. As well as Russian and American intervention for almost 40+ years now. I don't think your statement is accurate, or you haven't provided an accurate way to measure "less war".

I like you, sorry your thread had no luck.

Mucha was great. Continue posting more arts from time to time. That could perhaps be a code that you are of the fairer sex. Seeing this brightened my bleak ritualistic evening Jow Forums experience. Cheers.

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i go to church but theres no one else my age there. all the people i grew up with in the church became degenerates.

Is there nothing you live for? Find a reason, a worthy reason, whether its religion, family, country, or whatever, it's fundamental you find something strong to give you purpose, to give you meaning.

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Right away with the projection. You get hit with facts and logic and you immediately begin with the "but you hate women" nonsense. Fine by me. You don't even realize you're proving my point. Just keep being the perfect examples of why women fuck up everything.

And if your /soc/ thread isn't well received of /soc/ that is not a Jow Forums problem. This is off-topic and not politics.

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I dont think you understand how wars used to be fought user. or the impact colonialism had on places abroad, or what soldiers did before war crimes where tried.

It is true that there are many proxy wars in the middle east I'll give you that. but these countries where rarely at times of peace. the entire western seaboard at peace along with the new world, east asia, etc. is different than the multitude of wars in the industrial and renaissance periods. It wasnt just the europeans who where fighting during this time. Nearly all countries across the planet where embroiled in war, pillage, and plague. nowadays we just have proxy wars and let niggers run wild in chimp zilla.

This is to say nothing on the impact of guns and telecommunciations on peace in the western world, which is slowly evaporating under a slew of niggers and shitskins.

If you want sources for these things I'm not really inclined to provide them in detail. you'd have better luck looking at the various wars during those time periods in the various theaters.

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I'm not retarded enough to ask to get to know you better, but how do I find women like you (assuming you are woman)?

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This. Women cannot shake their motherly instinct, which will always make them at the very least slightly left leaning. No such thing as a conservative women.

I have my friends, but thats about it. but its a weak reason, not because the will isnt there, but because I'm directionless without authority.

theres no facts and logic to your post. only the reality; Women are inferior.
and you are not capable of ignoring dumb women by posting original content in actually important threads.
IE you are dumber than a woman.

It's written by a Roman Catholic, though.

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This is probably not the right place to post; it's full of incels. The strong, conservative men and rational conservative discussion forums that are looking for can be found elsewhere.

Anyone tradfems in MN PLEEEEEEASE can we meet up I promise not to be too much of a sperg lord.

Go to "Lacey Lynn" on YouTube and comment to her. I think she has a FaceBook group that would help.

But I don't feel like ignoring you. I feel like continuing to point out how this thread is off-topic and should be deleted, if these retard fucking jannies actually did their job. It's not as if anything Jow Forums related is being discussed here anyway, so I'm free to nibble at any bait I want.

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>uses a gross-ass website full of faggot porno
I love housekeeping and my husband, I'm proud of my right leaning and of not falling to many modern failings, but none of us on this shithole of a site are really "traditional".
Knowing about fourchan knocks a point or at least half a point off of a woman's piety rating.
The real good traditional woman is in a yurt, hut, or cottage somewhere and she's a better woman than either of us.

Texas, sorry leaf.

Thank you, Jow Forums needs to realize that they can't preach about the continuation of the white race and whatnot if they don't start with repairing the white family unit first. Many woman are headed down a wrong path, but we cannot keep leading them that way. Surely something can be done to restore them to their feminine, kind ways.

I am glad i could offer some light to you in these times. God Bless!

Discussing sociopolitical topics, I believe is political. I'm not posting nudes, or asking for dates, or for people to tell me what I am out of 10 or something. I am discussing social political occurrences, and have talked about /SIG/ related topics for women, IE working out, books, spirituality, etc.

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God bless you, femanon. Fake or not, I approve of this thead. have some (you)s.

you're a dude

Man I wish Ann Coulter had not been too autistic for kids.
Imagine if Ann Coulter has two mid twenties sons right now, they'd be badasses.

my guess is to give up on finding women unless you are confident enough in your position of them wanting you that you can hold shit over their head and get them to be complacent and obedient. The sad reality is while you could get a woman in ordinary circumstances, you don't want to be marrying one thanks to the kiked laws we have.

If you want to try any way in a situation that is legitimate instead of coerced (the natural state for us for thousands of years mind) all I can really suggest is to find someone and be her friend, give her the male attention she'll never get online from dumb places like twinder and thotstagram. being redpilled was really hard for me. still is I guess, but the reason I did it was because I cared about the feelings of my close friends. so drawing on that experience, make your attention and feelings instrumental to a woman's self esteem and will, and lure her to the truth with that leverage.

this is why you are dumber than women.

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>I am discussing social political occurrences, and have talked about /SIG/ related topics for women, IE working out, books, spirituality, etc.
How progressive of you. Take it to /soc/ where it belongs. This is not a Jow Forums thread. Jow Forums is not the board for you to form a little hen roost and trade gossip that you think is meaningful political discussion with other thots. /soc/ is the board you're looking for and it's not our problem that you don't like it there. It's where this thread belongs.

>women have nothing to check us.
>faggot flag

In case you aren't a shill

We can't let women take over this space. They mostly just lurk, or post without mentioning that they are women. Only shills trash white women, but expect to be hazed harshly.

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I'm sure dumber than a lot of women. You are not one of them though.

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but I hope you speak somalian

are you suggesting aids ridden degenerates fucking men ass are a check to thots?

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I feel I must first find like-minded females to continue building myself with, before I can seek out a family. I work alot right now, and put alot of time into reading, working out, bettering myself. I want to be deserving of the man who will support our family one day before I go seeking him. So I can't say really. I wish I could find a group IRL that aligns with my beliefs, where I could meet fellow women. I would love to be able to knit with friends, or discuss philosophy, or recipes to make for our husbands, or to garden with.


Thank you, I shall look into her!

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Listen here fairy boy, you didn't define the metric of "less war". I don't have any need to justify my education on previous wars. You need to justify your education in statistics. You can't say there is "less war" and then not have a metric to define it, that's absolutely retarded and so are you for flunking out of a high school statistics class.
>It is true there are many proxy wars in the middle east
And more money has been spent on those wars by the United States alone than every nation combined in both world wars. So I'd say war being America's number one export in the year 2019 is a pretty good indication that there is more war now. But of course, you weren't arguing the amount of money spent. I would have known that if you had defined a metric like you should have. Pay attention in school next time. I know you had a hard time being bullied for being a faggot, but really. You're stupid as fuck and no where near as intelligent as you think you are.

>listen you didn't define the metric of less war
I said I wasnt going to, and told you why i think theres less of it. you are welcome to offer some kind of reasoned explination for why that is wrong instead of resorting to semantic pilpul kikery if you like but I'm not holding my breath or anything

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There are literally zero single women at my church. I joined two bible studies hoping to meet a single girl. Still didn't meet any.

>conservative traditional women
>on fucking Jow Forums
lmao. Those don't even exist in the real world, you're not going to find them on these degenerate boards.

death to all foot fags sock war when

>wish to be a homemaker
Nope, women are equal to men now. Get a job, deadbeat.

Where do you live?

I have a job, and work 40 hours a week. I pay all my own bills, and live on my own. I aspire to be able to raise children without having to stick them in marxist daycare.


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In a purely selfish sense, so I can have other broads like me who will have kids and I could actually talk to, it makes more sense for you to focus on finding a man to become better alongside today.
If you wait too long you could find yourself a decade down the road with a much older and less able body.
I still have a long road myself, but my fertility takes precedence so I'm improving my body and abilities while also trying for my first child with the husband.

>you are welcome to offer some kind of reasoned explanation
You mean like the one I offered? The one about more money being spent? Like that reasoned explanation? Look, if you have such thin skin that you missed the entire point of my post because I called you a fairy, you should off yourself now, you little bitch. I can make points and sling insults at the same time. You catch dick in your mouth, I'd assume you should be able to catch a point when it smacks you in the face. Also, the only reason I came at you is because your stupid fag ass came at me. Telling me I need to brush up on my historical knowledge. Suck a proverbial dick. You need to brush up on your knowledge of high school level math.

I meant something along the lines of how more war is happening now instead of in the past instead of getting pissed off at me that I didn't strictly define war so you could skirt by on some kind of hilarious technicality.

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"normie" girls are basicly the conservative nowdays

How would you feel about a man who is not religious and has bedded 15 women before? But is good looking, white, well established financially and socially?


I don't get whore-mongering.
I mean yeah, you get to ejaculate a lot, but-
It seems gross to me. If you just want to cum all the time why not just jerk off?

>I have a job, and work 40 hours a week. I pay all my own bills, and live on my own.
Not very traditional of you. Feminists would be proud though.

just be careful. I dont want you to get kiked. Its hard to give advice sometimes because I feel so stupid, probably the only reason I can get up out of bed some days is being surrounded by men on this shit hole like who act dumber than me despite being born with superiority. I know how stacked the deck is against men, I don't blame any for mgtow. the only winning move with thots seems to be don't play, but some of us seem to throw ourselves into impssible challenges anyway. I just hope the picture is a real help. I'll stop yammering now.

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