Mexican president AMLO linked to new corruption allegation in El Chapo trial

LULA 2.0

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got an archive link?

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Nice Facebook tracking link.


>corruption in mexico
Imagine my shock

Bs, if ant President is gonna be linked to corruption it’s that hijo de puta Nieto. Obrador has done a lot to combat narcos and is actually helping Mexico

We monkeys warned you about how bad is to vote for socialists, but you tequila borratchos didnt listen to us.
Now you harvest what you sow.

is this the magapede equivalent for mexico?

Brazil is civilized. Mexico is a dump. I don't even give a shit if we get a Mexican Bolsonaro.

No shit. The only way a politician is permitted to live in that shitshow narcostate is if they take bribes and look the other way. Those who refuse get taken to Funkytown.

Sadly this. If you want to participate you need to play ball

This has got to be a new world record.

Wow politicians are corrupt and in a Latin shithole? Who didn't see this coming


You don't get it, for the mexipedes this would be the equivalent of discovering Trump conspiring to take out Assad for the glory and hegemony of Israel, more of the same shit Demonrats and the Neo-cons have been doing. For Mexipedes, AMLO was the none-corrupt politician, the only stalwart soul in the entirety of Mexican politics, to discover that he's corrupt would humanize (mexicanize) him and put him in the same category as others before him.
In other worse: Big, if true.


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Yea but would anything even be done about it if proven true?

Brown people commit crimes. What a shocker!

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maybe, just maybe, we would stop putting our faith in democracy and messiahs

>LULA 2.0

It's Mexico m8, nothing will happen. That "witness" also said that peña and Calderon took bribes.

aylmao , how will all the chairos react now, they were shitting on based peña for the same

why would you say this

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Based reptiles

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I tire of posting reptiles, i'll just let this thread quietly 404
goodnight primitos

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I’m not like the other snakes user

>mexican president not murdered by cartel
>is surprisingly linked to cartel
im not surprised desu

What does this have to do with John Goodman?

Clever girls.