Why aren't millennials buying houses and having kids? The unemployment rate is literally under 4%!

Why aren't millennials buying houses and having kids? The unemployment rate is literally under 4%!

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I'd lick her feet, if you know what I mean

What blue grass music festival is she attending?

The average wage can’t pay for a rent let alone buy you a 20 times overpriced home.

My parents own 7 houses.

I can't afford to live with no roommate and I work about 50 hours a week. How can I support children if I can't even afford to rent a one bedroom apartment?

I don't find this kind of sluttiness attractive.

I like when a girl dresses like this youtube.com/watch?v=R1v8wpScKNI

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I know the struggle my dude. I do rent an apartment but there's no way I could ever afford kids. I kind of got over it. I will go to Valhalla though

White women from Atlanta are vile. Stop posting them.

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now thats one ugly kike


this thread again

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>Posting ugly Jews
At least post some decent Khazar milkers.

sweaty roasty slam piggy

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shes so disgusting my disgust loops around and makes me want to fuck it

I did buy a home though, it's a scam. The only one I could afford was in a bad area of town next to HUD and the boomers who lived there never fixed anything in the 50 years they owned it.
>Entire electrical system is shot
>Entire plumbing system is rotting out, drain and supply
>Basement leaks
>Painted over wallpaper
>Peel and stick plastic tile
>Quilted carpet over beautiful red oak

And I still paid 75k for it.

What about these wholesome gals? youtube.com/watch?v=61cY1ILv60k

why do you keep asking that everyday
when will you get the answer you seek?
you already know why.
the men are weak, the women are out of control, and relationships cant hold together anymore. the women have decided to take turns being chads sex toy, chad is sampling women like a buffet, and the rest of us arent getting anywhere. thats the new normal and its also the end of all civilization. was a fun ride while it lasted

lol saved I guess

How the fuck

>1 post by this ID
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>Bought something used for 75k
>didn't think to have it inspected before sealing the deal
I guess being cheap didn't work out for you.
And for 75k, you were either going to be in the Sticks, in the Hood, or living in Tiny House.

flood country with low wage workers, gee I wonder why wages have stagnated and a bunch of faggots can't buy a house like their mom and dad did right out of high school.

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They painted the water pipes black to match the gas pipes too, so when I'm in the basement fucking with things I have to be ~very~ careful.

Is this what my grandfather fapped to

I'll give you a hint;
It's not the brown people coming IN.
It's all the Changs doing the blue-collar work on the cheap over in Bugland.

Jacked off to her earlier.

why did you choose that ugly dumpster slut for the Op

It’s the same here. Renting has become a racket and they don’t even pay taxes on it.

>didn't think to have it inspected before sealing the deal
I did though, it was one of the only single family homes not in the sticks that I cold afford that wasn't a literal crack house about to be condemned.
I just didn't expect it to be so bad. Inspectors don't have x-ray vision.

House is 625 square feet, double that if you include the semi finished basement.

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Since they didn't have streaming, dvds or VHS back then, if he fapped to it, he did it in public at a movie theater.

>posting this sweaty Jew again
Imagine the smell.


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Sounds like you should have commuted from the Sticks then.

2011...8 years since she wanted to go get fucked and do drugs at a festival. You think when she sees this picture in 5 years she will care? I don't. We will be too far gone by then. Christianity led us to a certain point of respecting ourselves and our fellow man but we saw it for what it was. We unfortunately left behind the human value we gained from it. Live to fuck and fuck till death. Another day trying to come up with reasons not to rid myself of the disease of life. I hate to remind anyone, but remember that you are in hell and nuclear holocaust isn't far off. Goodluck anons.

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There have been some quality posts by Canadians tonight

I'll give you a hint
It's both

Prime breeder

Let us see her pussy

To busy buying 10 dollar avocados and being leftist entitled scum

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Why do you keep posting this thread with the half-naked jew?

Jew nose.

Can't tell the difference between gas and water pipes..... dude you know you can repaint them yourself for like 25 dollars. Did i really just have to tell you that about your own house?

What is with these data mining threads? This shows up a few times a day. Credit agencies? Banks? FED? Go fuck yourselves. Sage


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One is steel, one is copper. Use a magnet ya dumbfuck.

that is literally the result of bankers scooping the cream off the top for over 100 years.

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>House is 625 square feet
Dude my first apartment was 1100 something. What you bought is literally a house for mice.

We are in the garden of eden currently. The story of leaving eden is the apple. Explaining anymore than that would be less concise.

Here you go.

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If you think we are in the garden you are misguided. We are in a nosedive to hell.

People may have jobs but the housing market is so damn high, it's brutal.

Sure they do

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real unemployment is higher and after adjusting for inflation what was entry level pay 60 years ago is now the most the average worker will ever make.

Holy fucking shit. That's only a couple of years within one generation

The treason shown in this picture alone is worth going into full war mode

It's all true; we are being robbed and enslaved by foreign non governmental bankers

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>still paid 75k for it
Come to the bad area of town anywhere here and you'll be looking at $400,000 minumum for a rotting weatherboard shithole next to a tribe of niggerydoos that will africanize your shit unless you have two dogs and bars on the windows.

Because boomers let in a fuckton of spics and streetshiters that work for peanuts while convincing women to stop being mothers and work for Shlomo Goldstein.
Now the average job listing reads like this:
Help wanted:
$10/hr, nights, holidays and weekends, no benefits, no room for advancement
10 years experience and bachelor's degree preferred

Modern employers are fucking kikeniggers and I can't wait to see another market crash just to watch these faggots screech. Hopefully shit hits the fan like in France and these fuckers get the rope.

OP’S pic related is one ugly yid

It's all part time jobs where you have random-ass schedules with no notice. Even if you made money you can't ever make plans.


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I wish we could have an actual talk about this. Imo all biblical stories start and end with the snake. The entire bible is the apple that brought us out of eden. The only truth is hidden through the lies. We worship god just by living, any sacrifice made towards god is a gift to his dark side. Letting ourselves become lesser in the name of god is Satanic.

Swedish economy is going to shit. not a prosperous time to raise kids.