Well, change my mind pol

Well, change my mind pol.

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you accepted the terms and conditions of the employment.
if you wanted a higher wage, you should've held out.

No, I took what I had to take out of desperation for starving.

Murder is bad.

What is it with you commies and purges, anyway?

Capitalists have to die. I don't want them to suffer or anything I just want all of them to have quick painless deaths so humanity can finally move forward and normal people can live decent, dignified lives.

why is the name on this badge so obviously photoshopped?

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You can't live a decent, healthy life when you're under constant threat of being murdered by other communist fanatics.

Change my mind.

Good, you should live in fear. The poor will get poor enough to not care about killing you.

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So start a business fag

If you truly believe this, why don't you do it?

You mean die of starvation, right?

I don't want to enslave people for low wages. Why would I want to contribute to the system that I hate with all of my heart?

>No, I took what I had to take out of desperation for starving.
The employer offered to pay for your labor even though you have low/no marketable skills. If you want to get higher pay then improve your value in the job market.
It's as simple as that. Nobody is stopping you from changing jobs, getting an education. It's not the employers job to give you high wage. Their job is to run a business successfully. It's your responsibility to earn higher by developing more skills, networking and getting more educated.

Sure let me pull capital out of my ass to start one.

>change my mind
Shoot self in head.

Then pay them high wages! Retard

You are either younger than 18 or mentally retarded

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>Try to run moral business in capitalist society
>Get undercut by other business owner paying their workers like roaches
Your fucking stupid.

>Sure let me pull capital out of my ass to start one.
You can literally make an etsy page and sell cookies. It doesn't require much capital.

What a idiotic faggot.

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Why don't know grow your own food? You can get land for free in many states, or you can hunt and gather on public land.

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Sell Value not price. Be different, Start with Why.

>you are born without consent into a capitalist society....

>Bosses and business owners deserve to be murdered for paying low wages *to their Third World H1B legal slave lower class shitskin imports instead of the actual market value of wages to decent citizens
You're on the right track, commie, but not specific enough.

who determines what a "sufficiently low" wage is, if not the people selling their labor?
you're against people setting their own prices for their own labor, so who gets to?
magic fairy genius benevolent commie overlords?

Yes that is the reason you sought to sell your labor and the reason you accepted youremplpyers offered price for it.

Then why do we have to build a wall to keep out immigrants from socialist countries from pouring into our capitalist economy?

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You can find out by giving everyone all human basic needs for free. The jobs that people choose to take after that will be a fair wage.

>It's the business owners who sets the payment of the worker who determines their value

If I, as a worker am getting worked like a roach at low pay, do you think I'll continue to work there instead of switch to your company that pays more? You're basically taking their workforce when you do offer higher pay.

You convinced me OP.

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If you think they should be murdered, why haven't you murdered one? Or do you want the collective to do that for you so you can take pleasure in the evil and not face the consequences?

Your basic needs are not free.

Because of rampant social programs they qualify for that they do not contribute to. We have enough of those in our country as it is honestly. Parasites need to be addressed before any real progress can be made in this country.

How do you give services for free without having to pay the service providers? Slavery?

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try and keep up idiot

Kill yourself cancerous tripfag

>You can find out by giving everyone all human basic needs for free
You have to engage in producing things for things to be produced.
You don't magically conjure consumer goods - people have to physically move their bodies in labor and capital maintenance.

careful, they are too stupid to use context and will almost certainly smugly reply to your usage of the word 'free' satisfied that he has enlightened you on something profound

by taxing the rich at a high rate

suck a nigger dick newfag commie

You can always move out. Nobody is stopping you. Venezuela is pretty good place for socialists I hear.

What if I don't want to work and want to play video games all day?

you can always start your on business.
Also funny that the poor in america/the west get fed, and are wealthier than the average person in communist countries.

Funny that a communist is talking about starvation, when communist regimes are responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths due to famine.

>what is
>the great leap forward
>Khmer Rouge
>Derg Regime
>North Korea

There have been literally no mass famines in western/capitalist countries, most exciting thing is that the housing market collapse, and 8 million people lost there jobs, but 9 million more jobs were created in the years after, no mass famine

>creating an environment only the largest corporations can survive in
ok have fun with that

Risk and reward.

If you want to be spoonfed a wage, you take what you're given.

If you want to get what you want, you need to work harder and risk more.

I was forced into it.

>commie memeflaggot
>actually taking part in the revolution
Someone need to post the pic of all the faggots saying their "contribution" would be shit like designing the fucking uniforms

>What if I don't want to work and want to play video games all day?
Then you can. Most people will choose to better themselves though.

This cant be real
No one is that stupid

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>Low wages
Okay so I assume that means you're being under paid. That implies that being short changed is worthy of death so...

If your boss pays you more and starts to lose money then he's in his right to kill you for short changing him. You are under valuing his money with your lack of ability. Sound good?

Illegal immigrants have lowered wages across the board

>nature oppresses me
nature isn't a moral agent
your conditions have no intent, and owe you nothing
neither does anyone owe you anything unpromised IN THE SAME WAY that you don't owe THEM anything unpromised

such a ridiculous excuse to unironically say "nature oppresses me" justifies you using VIOLENCE to DICTATE to other people what they can or can't sell their labor or property at based on your completely arbitrary fucking opinion

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Actually they wont. In a society where everything is handed to you, it's pointless do meaningful work. Who wants collect other peoples garbage all day when they can just play their guitar? Who wants to do a shitty 9 to 5 office job when you can just get drunk, fuck, play video games and smoke weed?

There is a reason why every single communist country forced people to work by law or penalty was death.

Then you're worthless. Either you can become a more valuable member of society, or limit the flow of new workers into your country so that the value of labour isn't shit

Trotsky and ML's in general have always justified this on the basis of subjectivity.

In other words, it's equally justified for you to be assfucked to death right now because I feel like it. When you're cool with that, I'll think about being down with your petulant murder fantasy cargo cult.

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all your basic needs are handed to you. Working for more money and a better life is an option. Its the same thing we have now, only people will be better off.

>I don't want to enslave people for low wages.
you would rather enslave them for low rations?

Actually in countries where wages weren't set by market prices, there is mass under work i.e. people in factories that show up and do nothing/lie about working, and forced labor (read soviet gulags)

non market price is extremely inefficient and wasteful.
Some type of pricing is necessary as there is the issue of scarcity; we live in a universe without infinite goods, but infinite wants, sure you could say "advertising" but people want; shelter, food, water, clothing, entertainment. That shit isn't free, it has to be made and worked.

>There is a reason why every single communist country forced people to work by law or penalty was death
Its not communism, its capitalism with high taxes on the rich.

Define low wage

Kill them, if you feel so strongly about it. Being a cuck is a mindset. If you aren't willing to kill them, you reap what you sow.


Raise taxes on the rich. Pay for the peoples basic needs.

America is the same capitalist country its always been, just taxes are raised on the rich.

By this logic I should go shoot my fucking neighbor because I don't like the color of his car

This board is full of psychotic retards whose response to everything is endless sin and death

we already do that. in California, you won't face freezing, and you can live off of free shit from ebt cards, free university, free healthcare, free food, free tents, etc,
all paid for by a 13.5% additional income tax on the rich

in addition there is no MASS STARVATION like what we see in communist countries

other people being taxed =/= your life improving

nobody is going to let anyone starve to death - taxes do not improve people's living conditions or impart anyone with newfound empathy or love for their fellow man

If your neighbor is fucking with your livelihood you absolutely should. There are only two things in this world that matter. Life and death.

now imagine if you didnt have to be a homeless crackhead to get your basic needs met. Imagine the opportunities and jobs you could then choose to take in your own best interest, instead of the interest of whatever your employer wants.

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Working for more money is profit incentive. It's called capitalism. In this capitalistic society we even have welfare to support the poor. Even though I disagree with it, we're able to support that.

Do you even know what communism is?

In a communist society there is no incentive to work harder or longer or be creative because there is no reward after the most minimal tasks. The laziest jobs get you the same as the hardest. If you're efficient you'll just do the laziest job to get the most amount of profit.

also if you can finish free community college with a 3.00 gpa and your parents/your income make less than 80,000k you get free room and board free tution, a stipend for food in addition to ebt cards, and pell grant.

if you can't get a job with a college degree, thats on you.
You also CANNOT starve in california, its literally impossible. The same cannot be said for the USSR or China

>This board is full of psychotic retards whose response to everything is endless sin and death
Well yeah. Most of the people here are the bottom of the barrel. Societies rejects.
Why do you think you're and they're here?

literally all we are talking about doing is expanding welfare to the middle class. No communism, just higher taxes on the rich so people can have better lives. Still a capitalist society, still the opportunity for obscene wealth.

>Well, change my mind pol.
Don't need to. You'll never revolt.

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you'd be right if bosses and business owners didn't pay wages at all because they'd be guilty of slavery, but wages are best set via the free market. if you're being payed a low wage it's because your job has a low value, if you want to be payed a livable wage you should better yourself until you're worthy of a higher value.

The real issue at hand is that you are a stupid person. You have a low IQ and you have no value to society. If this were a just society you would have been murdered in your mothers body, but you weren't.

Employers seek to make something about this life better. They are trying to improve something, anything, and it's people like you that DON'T seek to make the world better who should be put to death. You add nothing to the world. You add nothing to the conversation.

You deserve the death that is coming for you my commie friend. You bring it upon yourself by having no inherent value as a person, as a mammal, as an entity. You are worthless. Die already.

we have that, its called medicare, social security.
People have better lives. The poor in the US have the highest standards of living in history. Economic growth makes all society better off.
Middle class wealth has grown over time.

The biggest issue is immigration. California had a population of 17 million in 1970. Today its 39 million. Dividing natural resources by that much more is taking a toll. It also makes things look like its getting worse, when really, immigrants are making the poverty rate go up, hence all the macro stats saying poverty is increasing/wealth is being concentrated

God damn I hate fucking stupid commies. You fucktards need to learn basic economics. The reason a McDonald worker gets less than a brain surgeon is because of the training and skill required for each job is vastly different. the surgeon needs to go through years of training and learning plus he must be VERY good with his hands. A micky D worker can be train in 2 weeks and does the same thing over and over.

Start a business.

and in the US/west capitalist countries, you can get a free ride into becoming a doctor if your poor, its about individual motivation

Go fuck yourself commie bitch. Remember your revolution will be crushed in no time because you are nothing but bitchy lazy armchair activist.

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wages have been artificially suppressed for almost 40 years. People cant even afford homes anymore. Either tax the rich for everyone's basic needs or let capitalism work. The rich have to choose.

The world will become a one world government eventually because capitalism demands it. Immigration is not a big issue.

commies are too stupid to do anything but hate and complain. Every commie I have ever met was a spiteful, hate filled, wretched shell of a person. Commies have no soul. Commies are stupid. Commies, are the little bits of excrement you wiped from your shoe... No scratch that, excrement once had value to someone, commies are worthless to all. Die commie, die.

Here's your communism bro

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GTFO commie Reddit bitch. I will kill your bitch ass when I see your lazy ass on the streets preaching about muh Revolution and muh Marx shit.

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Your parents are shit, your mother shouldnt have shitted you out of her stinky cunt, if her farm cant feed you off.

They don't understand how supply and demand works.

Still your choice

I'm sure the pay is better in any communist country. By all means, please go to the one of your choice.

exactly how I feel about communists
kill them quickly and painlessly
so productive people can continue to carry out trade and work under voluntary conditions rather than enforced government fascism

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since you and the liberals wanted homosexuals, woman, illegal aliens and niggers working y on business you deserve low wage

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They pay based on skills and what the market will bear, it’s the reason why techies make $200,000 plus stock options and everyone else makes pennies

remove half the workforce, wages will necessarily rise

they wont, wages will continue to go down as long as you allow it.

>we need a world run by obese benzo dependent schizos who can't actually do labor, services, or research to lead humanity to a brighter future

You should've been aborted.

i would love if you killed my boss so yeah... wont bother changing your mind

Why should anyone participate on a high tech society with an medieval job, commie cunt?

And why would the rich choose to stay where they have to pay more in taxes?