Do you think trump is being condescending by serving some average people just McDonalds at the white house? You get to go to the white house and rather than be served something classy and uncommon, or even a fucking steak, you get served cheap crap? How inconsiderate of trump to view them that way. He's so cheap and greedy he won't even buy them a steak, just breadcrumbs. He doesn't view them as worthy of having anything but junk food. What good leader treats his citizens this way? Oh yeah trump isn't good, and what otherwise wouldve been a once in a life time top class experience for these people was tarnished by his laziness, stinginess, and lack of taste to believe these people only deserve the cheap and mundane ordinaries. Fuck him.

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kill yourself shill rat

What a stupid reason to hate trump

Wtf no happy meal toys?

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Your fucking head would have exploded if he served Chik fil a, missed opportunity

You are a shill rat too buckaroo.
You are just the shill rat who is painted red shouting at the shill rat who is painted blue.
You are both disgusting.


serving fast food on silver trays is nigger as fuck

Didnt read your post, but this burger thing is so fucking ridiculously funny that I feel obligated to vote Trump in 2020 solely for this. Nothing has been more hilarious than POTUS becoming burger jesus

People who routinely shit on fast food are annoying as hell.
Just because you don't eat fast food, that doesn't mean you're living a healthy lifestyle or making the right diet choices.

everything Trump does, and everything his opposition does, just makes me love him even more

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>Do you think trump is being condescending by serving some average people just McDonalds at the white house? You get to go to the white house and rather than be served something classy and uncommon, or even a fucking steak, you get served cheap crap? How inconsiderate of trump to view them that way. He's so cheap and greedy he won't even buy them a steak, just breadcrumbs. He doesn't view them as worthy of having anything but junk food. What good leader treats his citizens this way? Oh yeah trump isn't good, and what otherwise wouldve been a once in a life time top class experience for these people was tarnished by his laziness, stinginess, and lack of taste to believe these people only deserve the cheap and mundane ordinaries. Fuck him.
Imagine posting this

he did it so dumbasses like you would complain about it and expose yourselves, maybe considering removing the broom Trump shoved up your ass


fuck off nigger

Attached: 49465143_10157034961942728_1441101260274008064_n.jpg (270x344, 13K)

Excuse you!

Can’t you see his having a great time eating those tasty burger?

Attached: 756E7E67-8F65-43B8-9751-401CE78BCB21.jpg (1024x1024, 169K)

Not a chance now.

Attached: Screenshot_20190116-232232.png (720x1280, 200K)

Half this, the other half is to avoid blatant bad press. If he had served anything other than shit tier food, the media would jump all over how he's eating and entertaining "lavishly" during the shutdown, looking like a tax money waster. Knowing this, he figured he'd go the most blatant route. Everything else is for keks


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yeah yeah orange man bad. any better trolling or is this the best shit you retards can come up with?

Yeah okay, completely sidestep my argument about this being genuinely cheap of him. Can you actually try to refute my point? You cant disprove the blatant truth that he did this because he's cheal and lazy and bourgeois enough to believe little people only deserve little food.

Burger King of Burgers Donald Trump

Just one among many. Don't you have a Mad Max desert to rumble through?

Eat shit weakling

t. enlightened centrist who doesnt get involved in petty political sides.

Somebody post the smuggy

You'd be saying he spent too much if he ordered from a high end place. Fuck off.

Obama spent 60k if tax payers money on “pizza and hot dogs”

Trump spent $500 of his own money on Mickey Ds yet he’s a cheapskate

These threads are so tiresome

Kill yourself soimeister

Retarded false equivalencies

>tfw will never eat the traditional food of my people in the presence of the god emperor

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times. Sometimes a "hot dog" is just a hot dog.


it's a spirit cooking masterpiece

Explain please, because knowing his egocentrism and trumpism, its hard to see this as anything but a statement of his own deluded sense of "superiority" over everyone else. Who goes to the white house of all places and gets FUCKING FOOD THEY CAN GET ANY DAY OF THE WEEK? Seriously, how can anyone see it any other way, he's a total elitist. He should've treated them to something better, its the WHITE HOUSE. For what other purpose but to think of normal people as lesser? He did it because he genuinely thought theyd enjoy it like he does? How insulting to the normal persons intelligence, thinking they only could eat and enjoy fast food. Nobody who cares about somebody buys them cheap crap. He deliberately did this, at any other white house event it wouldn't be like this. He views us all as lesser.

>just McDonald’s

He served them Wendy’s and Taconell too you fucking mong. When I was in college the only thing that could have made that better was if he passed out 4loko, Vicodin and Menthol cigarettes.

You’re right. He should have fed them a lobster tail 3 asparagus and a spoonful of salmon mousse. That would have made them happy.

>4loko, Vicodin and Menthol cigarettes
disgusting millennial detected


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ITT: virgin neckbeards are unaware Drumpf has still not hired a chef for the whitehouse

he's tired of them laughing at him for eating ketchup on well-done steaks


You do realize he eats McDonald's himself regularly? He serves the food he likes.

Moreover, he should have ordered that food with taxpayer's money.

i'm not surprised his tastes are on the same level as his intelligence, honestly

yeah, it's better that he supposedly paid for the whole thing out of his own pocket. yet no one but him is claiming that

Imagine that Obama did this while he was in office.
All these faggots would be saying how cool and hip he is

Obama spent 65 thousand dollars to fly-in hotdogs and pizza from Chicago for a White House Party.

Attached: Obama spend 65 thousand dollars of taxpayer money on hotdogs flown in from Chiacgo.png (780x1416, 71K)

no, they wouldn't

these kike-lovers would have watched obama blow his own brains out on national tv and then spent the next 13 weeks crying about how he landed after his head came apart

>yet no one but him is claiming that
Curiously, no one has come out and said the opposite either.

show your true flag nigger

drumpf gave away 1 trillion plus dollars to the rich, and tripled the deficit in only two years

But OP, McDonalds is Trump's favorite restaurant. He himself prefers eating their food even though he is a multi-millionaire and can afford almost anything.

>absence of evidence is evidence, the post

everyone knows he was cash poor till he started suckling the government teat

Fast food is not a bad choice for serving a bunch of people like that. Especially if it's a self serve buffet type setup and not a tables and waiters type thing.

Fast food is not good for everyday meals but it does taste good. It's a familiar choice that even most picky eaters will accept. Plus it's all individually packaged which makes serving easy.

His party looks like it cost only $500. A normal person could've thrown it. Is it possible Trump is actually poor and pretends to be rich?

How long winded for a retort faggot.

McDs is literally the food eaten by every american ehile conveniently denying that they eat it.

Fuck him we didnt get rib eye.. fuck him, the rib eye we got wasnt cooked to our liking. Fuck him, i got hunny mussy instead of szechuan sauce.

Bitch, bitch, bitch... youre full of complaints with no contributions of substance.

>only trump said he paid for this
>therefore, it didn't happen and it's a lie

You're the fucking retard here, I'm afraid.
Fucking gas yourself, you disingenuous fuck.

Beside the point. Trump prefers fast food, so when he serves it to other people, it seems to me not a gesture of contempt or lack of generosity. He's literally sharing what he himself loves best with other people.



Trump's end is inevitable Admit it. For leftypol discussion join discord/qSgVaFc

>not stealing is giving

him being cash poor till he started syphoning cash from the taxpayer to himself via his various properties he spends so much time at?

you're not very based for a zipper head

Pretty sure Trump really likes fast food. I think I've seen a few photos of him in a Jet eating fast food.

It's funny, but I doubt people there would really give a shit everyone eats fast food.

and here comes the Discord trannies

>sucking the elite's microcock this hard

>trolling for dates on 4chin this hard


>he didn't spend $65000 on hot dogs instead

Attached: lol.gif (480x228, 771K)

>reddit spacing

nice larp bud

Ummm no when you buy food for people its a good thing.
So this is how bad it is?

What is the matter with this idiot, Jow Forums?
Why can't he stop seething?

Yeah, he brought in food from private companies because the government chef's are stood down, there are catering firms that could out do the white house cooks if he wanted to make a point. Instead he served literal shit in a box.

>unironically thinks hot-dogs are lower quality than mcdonald's

stay mad, fag

he's a tranny from a leftist Discord trying to keep their retarded spam threads alive

>look how much i love to think and talk about trannies, the post

>gets mad about Drumpf wasting money
>gets mad about Drumpf not spending more money


>equates 65000 to 1 Trillion

try again bitchtits

>hurr your a fag
They say you're a tranny from a discord, so this is hilarious projection.

The only thing that really bugs me about this is the lack of warming trays and general inability for fast food to maintain edibility over long periods of time.

If he wanted to go with fast food, I think fried chicken with heating trays and maybe a build-you-own-burger station with burgers in a heating tray and condiments on ice would've worked a lot better.

>federal workers not paid during shutdown
>orders fast-food instead
>no $40,000 bill for a white house dinner
>tax payers foot $400 of fast food instead
>"cheap and lazy"
>democrats unironically want more wasteful spending in government

he did it because you faggots who worship the government will give his more free real estate

>Discord tranny leftist calling others bitch tits

pic related leaked from your Discord

Attached: commie leftist sjw discord tranny.jpg (577x608, 55K)

>thinks low class sports niggers have class
>thinks low class sports niggers would rather have some fancy food over McDonalds
Trump just understand people better than you

did i hurt your husband's boyfriend's fee fees, keith?

You deranged pieces of shit sure love to insert yourselves into every facet of our media and culture.

Why do you think normal folks like us looove to talk about you idiots?

lol, look how bad you want to fellate me

>How insulting to the normal persons intelligence, thinking they only could eat and enjoy fast food. Nobody who cares about somebody buys them cheap crap. He deliberately did this, at any other white house event it wouldn't be like this. He views us all as lesser.
he literally eats fast food almost exclusively, he's not eating filet mignon he's having a baconator too, kike.


>Libs: why aren't the white working class voting for us anymore?
>Also libs: OMFG look at Drumpf giving them burgers instead of expensive hipster foodsnob shit
Go fuck yourself.

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watch out graddad, your pacemaker is likely to give out again if you get too worked up

look the obvious thing to do is fly in $65000 in hot dogs and pizza, from Chicago. Great 'waitresses' too. Thanks, Obama

all I'm seeing is a retarded tranny spouting nonsense

Your thread will 404, and nobody will care. Nobody will remember. Not one single person will stop supporting Trump.

my thread?

you're an unwell person

Still not recognizing a master troll at work. Have you forgotten about Hussein's hotdog and pizza fiasco?

He's trolling Obama, try to keep up, kid.

your fellow tranny goblins are making these threads

Everyone from the team said they enjoyed it, and yet here you faggots are still crying endlessly. Just shut the fuck up already. He was under no obligation to do anything for anyone, but he went out of his way to host them, and did so out of his own pocket. Eat shit.


yeah, but Drumpf gave away 1 Trillion plus dollars to the obscenely rich

you're a faggot if you think what obama did was worse, and only niggerkikefaggots will disagree with me

>TRANSLATED: Trump is a low class nigger
>Fast food diet
>basically illiterate
>makes other mongloids hoot and holler when he calls people names and starts meaningless fights
You've cracked the code, user

If he had served exotic and expensive shit you'll say that he's wasting money when many civil workers aren't getting paid during this shut down. Doesn't matter what he does you'll find a way to twist it into a negative.

man, i wish i could afford mcdonalds, foods so expensive here

you're both paranoid and delusional, whilst also being both infantile and pedantic

yup, you must be a Drumpf voter