>and thats a good thing!
And thats a good thing!
>"enemy" has no real face
>control all information outlets
>look we defeated enemy! You have to believe us!
>one post from ID
>self promoting your own article
sega and gys
>t. seething chink
Is this that lone, weird fuck that's been spamming every interracial dating/marriage thread with Asian male white female stuff since at least the zimzam era?
>thinks Jow Forums actually never saw this before
That's so 2018, faggot
Imagine paying whore for sex instead of getting it for free
Never been to r/Asianmasculinity (or any other reddit thread for that matter), but am I correct it’s made up of a small pool of the same 6 or 7 angry chinks?
it's made off Asian incels that hate white men whille they live in white countries
Reddit users like AMWF because it doesn't offend them. Asian men are passive, small and non threatening.
Redditors fear the BBC. Redditors always project their fears.
yeah its pretty pathetic
a bunch of reddittards pay money to some aisan guy to fuck a prostitute
>paying a woman to fuck another dude
at least his self aware unlike other bug men
Imagine a fetish being so unpopular that you have to pay to make your own porn of it.
I can find gay dwarf beastiality porn within 20 seconds of googling, but AMWF is so niche they have to fund it themselves AHAHAHA
Spending money to trigger us? Oh yeah it's working keep spending your money on porn. Oh God I hate it so much you monsters
So why don't anons fund a porn with an Orthodox Jewish couple wife swapping with a Palestinian couple
Or an Orthodox Jewish couple and the wife gets blacked in front of the guy
Or one where the Orthodox guy is bored with his wife and finds a Thai ladyboy?
>implying Jow Forums would be upset at asian/white racemixing
i mean odds are there are some fucking morons who hate it, but i don't really mind.
rather this than a coon.
Oh wait I have a good one, a paki gangbang wearing their usual clothing fucking a young Jewish girl
>>It's working
>>Zero data
Fucking sage.