
>pro illeal immigration
>anti gun

The fucking killers have made a full on propagana song. Jesus christ and i hate to admit it but its catchy. Fuck them.

Attached: the-killers-land-of-the-free-800x445.jpg (800x445, 70K)

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>Jesus christ and i hate to admit it but its catchy. Fuck them.
Viral marketers get the bullet on DOTR.

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Their most famous song is about getting cucked.

fuck yea, rock is making a come back!

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The only song I know by these faggots is Read My Mind and that's only because the video was kind of meme for a while.

What's it called?

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Mr. Brightside
it's about a man who falls in love with a whore


Washed up band from a decade ago releases a political song to try and be relevant.

Who the fuck cares.

The Dire Straits Romeo & Juliet cover was great though

Im pissed because i've been a fan for years. Listen to that stupid shit song they made. All they missed was putting in something about their being 95 genders and they would have coverd all the bases. It feels like a friend kicking my in the balls.

Send link

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I used to like them. Gutted. Check out their video filmed in Japan.

I never have understood the justification in which we should allow millions of unwashed barbarians to flood into our lands. Just how could someone ditch the very building blocks of civilization just so they could invite idiots who are too dumb to fix their own damn country.

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Jow Forums BTFO forever

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-16 (615) The Killers - Land Of The Free - YouTube.png (2222x163, 14K)

>Idiots abound
What a discovery.

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>getting fucked in the ass and thinking your winning
why are libtards this stupid

i volunteer, maybe it will snap you out of it. nothing is sacred anymore

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>the lyrics
solid yikes
Youtube is definitely deleting 80% of the dislikes and negative comments.
I wouldn't even point it out if the song was good if you just tuned out the lyrics but it wasn't. That was all around bad.
I loved Hot Fuss, Sam's Town and Sawdust as a babby but this is just trash.
SAD! attempt to gain relevancy again.

>young people are stupid enough to be in favor of having their own right stripped away
Theres a surprise
>New Saudi Arabia
You dont even deserve a you.

have you sworn allegiance to israel yet?

Did you get excited watching all your white women getting raped and browned all around you

>You dont even deserve a you.
you triggered, snowflake? lmao, that was too easy. it always tickles me when a 56%er tries to talk shit about demographics. sorry not sorry, because you will never be white, trayvon!

I like Bad Religion's The Kids are Alt Right better.