>at work at shitty overnight job >working on putting shit on shelves >some guy and his “”””daughter””” (son) walk on by >ask them “what are you guys looking for” >his “”””daughter””” loses his shit, knocks shit off of shelf, threatens to get me fired This world is rotten
what's more cringeworthy that entire conversation or the fact that some people actually find what they're doing is funny?
Kevin Jenkins
This, death to gay and gayblers.
Jeremiah Bell
In the bible 2000 years ago jesus drove the money changers from the temple(It was the only time Jesus used force during his ministry).
>What were money changers doing in the temple?
When jews came to Jerusalem to pay their temple tax they could only pay it with a special coin. the half shekel of the sanctuary. This was a half ounce of pure silver, it was the only coin around at that time which was pure silver assured weight without the image of a Pagan emperor. Therefore to jews the half shekel was the only coin acceptable to god. But these coins were not plentiful. The money changers had cornered the market on them. Then they raised the price just like an other commodity to whatever the market would bear. In other words money changers were making exorbitant profits because they held a virtual monopoly on money. The jews had to pay whatever they demanded. To jesus this totally violated the sanctity of gods house.
Guys can easily be referring to males and females as an informal group
Jacob Smith
i hate that liberals call us incels, we're not, i have a lot of sex with plenty of women, so much sex that my wife is actually mad at me for having sex with our mother
>I say guys when talking about a group of males and females all the time >let's go guys >what are you guys up to? >you guys want to smash? am I a bad man?
How does this happen? How does someone get to this lowly state? Surely there must have been hundreds of opportunities for its parents or friends to step in and say, "No."
Eli Foster
Rudy is a transexual with all the ego and delusion the media claims trump has. this is just media bitching though, he said he could only speak for the president and that there may have been collussion involving other people who kept it to themselves. And even that was just a "can't prove it didn't happen" statement.
Media is furious all the conservatives have tuned them out. They can only preach to the choir and the choir is slowely sliding toward hopeless desperation
> our It's the little things that really make these shitposts
Kevin Green
Drug deal gone bad. None of the “victims” reported anything to the police and they are wearing all black. All the methheads/antifa in Portland wear all black.
Charles Thomas
what gets me is how he acted superior for lacking those skills
Joshua Scott
I checked a minute ago, and there's been an update. Still no Arab/Abo.
> OH MY GOD NOBODY GETS UPSET WHEN STRAIGHT PEOPLE SHOW SEXUALITY IN PUBLIC, YOU'RE JUST PHOBIC AND PROBABLY IN THE CLOSET > Also here's my new article about why masculinity is evil and straight people need to keep their violent colonial sexuality in check
The choices were Hillary or Jeb! Everyone who isn't clinically insane supported him once he threw his hat in the ring and it was shown he was viable
Joseph Cox
(((adjusted net approval)))
Hmm, why would they need to adjust his approval down by 15 to 20 points? What is their justification?
Thomas Martinez
Wow If only he'd lost the election and not your 3,000 sample internet quiz
Zachary Thomas
leftists are completely detached from nature. They don't even recognize as nature as being instructive of moral truths. It's all just "what the fuck ever" to them.
Kayden Foster
p dpss npcl fvb aol kljvkpun av nltayph av npcl fvb huzdlyz av aol mbabyl paz zptwsl npcl tl haslhza 3 fvbz
I wanted the Bush’s/Clinton’s about as bad as I wanted a cock up my ass. I would have voted for ANYONE other than that. Instead we got an angry Orange man who told the establishment to suck his cock. That’s the man I picked
Tyler Price
why did ben garrison make that cartoon? is trump going to audit the fed?
John James
p dpss vusf npcl pa pu aopz jfwolypun kv fvb buklyzahuk
because the right sees it as nature------>society the left sees it as the opposite. they think society randomly set the rules about what to do. in which case, things are infinitely malleable and there is not objective truth or "better" society. not that they realize any of that is underlying their canned lines, but it's there.
You are so fucking stupid. It’s adjusted based on the sample types and it’s literally adjusted by a point or two. Subtract disapprove from approve and you get a number close to the net. Fucking 80iq rural retards I swear.
It isn't them being jewish that makes them bad, it's the bad things they do that makes them bad
Easton Perry
Elijah Mitchell
The skills in question are useful. You acknowledged the usefulness of riding a bike in the same post where you let slip the fact that you needed to learn.
Jace Martin
So in 50 years there will be no paper trail
Justin Hernandez
>trump is a racist antisemite None of us are surprised. Might be news to you bootlickers though.
ohoho but riddle me this, if i acknowledged the usefulness myself, then why would i be stating the indisputable fact that it is useless now? i think you were, and are, bamboozled my dear user
of course if you even try to question that you then get accusations of fragile masculinity
Julian James
Nathan Watson
>bedroom >streets >public bathrooms >libraries
Adrian Ross
Swimming and biking, in addition to being healthful and enjoyable activities, are practical skills to possess. Knowing how to swim makes you safer when around water. Knowing how to ride a bike lets you cover distances under your own power, traveling farther and faster than walking while expending a comparable amount of energy. Most people with proper upbringings learned these skills as a child, and it is unusual and even saddening to learn there are manchildren that never learned these elementary skills.