Fragile White Masculinity

Just admit it, Jow Forums. You don't like anyone else having power. You don't like anyone being to inflict upon white men a fraction of what they have inflicted upon women and POCs. You assume the universality of your own experience and arrogantly ignore things that challenge your cozy norms. Why can't you just say it?

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Why does it bother you so much when white men start doing what you've been doing for ages? Did you not realize this has been a transition period, not the new normal forever?

>being thus much of a fag
>coming to Jow Forums

>inflicted upon women and POC
Whatever are drivelling on about you silly fucking twat. You expect to start a debate with such an absurdly fictitious premise? Fuck off back to Plebbit you retarded fucking faggot.

this ends badly for you

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Simple reminder that white men are the world minority by a ridiculous margin. Meanwhile, we're the only group left in the world that can be explicitly put under fire by media and the like. It's almost as if (((they))) want to neutralize a threat. Sad thing is, all the other groups are too self-involved to realize they're being used against us. Only when it's too late will they realize they were a pawn for the true enemy.

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they are not there because they earned it by having great skills, they are there because of compassion for the disabled, lower standards for a specific race and filling quotas.

fact is white male is a minority in the world. men suffer from double standards more then women. same for white people. if you are too narrowed view to see this it's because you chose to ignore it. and that makes you part of the problem.

i used the kind of shit rhetoric you're used to indulge on in medias. it will make things simpler for you.

anymore like this?

Jews don’t want our women to breed so they fed our weakest linc feminist propaganda birth control as freedom and abortion

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Having whose power to do what now op? Fragile is a pos poc or woman fantasizing about seizing white power true pathetic delusions of grandeur.

white men have built western civilization. the most prosperous safe and peaceful in history. thank us or shut your dumb mouth. you will not replace us

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Why should white men have to give up their power for others? No one likes to give up power, especially if things are going good for those in power. You a retarded or something?

Oh your so far ahead of us!

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you want a country run by POCs? go to Liberia
the West is White and Male

>Just admit it, Jow Forums. You don't like anyone else having power.
I don't like the State, or globohomos acting as the De-facto State, having too much power. Now get off my property.

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is that a serious thread, some gay fucking bait
fuck you , kike time waster


do't timewaste with kike threads that try to victimize you user and waste a trillion posts for kike bait

No faggot I just don't want to live around niggers. It's really not a hard concept to understand.

I want ancaps so subhumans will starve in the streets, because their iq is too low to have any useful job, making them resort to crime, giving us a reason to kill them. I dont want to inflict anything upon them, i just want to deal with them according to my set of ethical norms.

Strong men can’t be shamed into self loathing

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I've never had any power. The only reason I'm angry is because there appears to be a lot of shitty people mouthing off that I'm losing power I never had. If I truly ever had any power at all, these fucking degenerates would already be in a mass grave.

>You don't like anyone else having power.

>Gee i wonder why you hate being hungry while everybody else is feasting


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>You don't like anyone being to inflict upon white men a fraction of what they have inflicted upon women and POCs.
the white men that did the inflicting are not the ones getting hate from useless cunts.

a whore once bit my cock so i'm gonna donkey punch every female i can...thats what you sound like faggot.

and lets be clear there is no power no one has power bring every cop and soldier you can find and you still cannot make me comply you can only kill me but not before you pay the price i name.

and your last sentence ...projection, ver good self analysis, now you understand why you are hated and what you must change to avoid death.

WE HAVE A WINNER! I thought it was pretty high-quality bait, but oh well. We have to sharpen our minds and learn to speak as the enemy speaks, anons. This was practice.

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Okay. I'll say it:

Fuck niggers.

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>Fragile White Masculinity
I always find this a hilarious projection of women and betas. It's the ones who can't handle valid criticism who project with whatever criticism they can, regardless of validity of place in reality.
Just think of a discussion based on these things.
1 All men are rapists
2 Not all men are..
2 Why do single women raise so many criminals?

Every. Single. Time.
Yet men are the fragile ones.
Exact argument with race, replace rapist with racist and single mothers with blacks and watch the outrage begin anew.

Meryl Streep is a dude

It's almost like the meaning of life is to compete, gain power and struggle to keep that what you've gained. Nothing is free. You want something, you have to take it from someone else. But don't fucking whine when that someone kicks you back.

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>women and POC
You mean white women and POC. Why can't you just say it?