Why arent we fucking with their website?

why arent we fucking with their website?

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I'm too dum

Hello FBI. Working late I see.

I'm Australian

>"fucking with their website"
That kind of shit use to get you banned but knowing the nigger mods/janitors you will likely be allowed to attempt to frame Jow Forums with your bullshit.

Here is the true shaving tool !
>Lasts from 2 to 3 times more than cuckgillette

Attached: 512E-RQNiLL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 19K)

not today cia

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Get on your fucking ship and raid their harbor you fuck, I thought you were a pirate, not some little bitch who needs help from us.


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ok you got me, but seriously, it feels like you guys are being fucking lazy on this one

im compiling a quantum data hash to reintegrate their server load with several digibytes worth of compressed jargonites


fuck off, go outside, make friends

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friends are for faggots, and not the op kind

Can we spam them with porn

I remember 10 years ago when i was 16 visiting /b/

someone would fileshare a small executable and we would run DDOS on websites that pulled stupid shit

what happened chan

because who the fuck uses their website like honestly?

Cuz only children are getting mad about this.

What I keep trying to send but it's not letting me

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its not about who uses it, its about sending a messege...and lulz

Who gives a shit, only a faggot feels the need to voluntarily shave.

Holy fuck stop making threads about Gillette ,just thumb the video down and move on with your life

Having a corporation like Procter & Gamble use their brand Gillette to virtue signal some liberal non-sense is nothing new and it only added to the pile of trash the marketing and PR departments of the corporations spew at the general public and their customers all the time. Not something worth commit a crime to "fucking with their website".

If it bothers you that much get off of Jow Forums and go to twitter, redddit, and facebook where the faggots who liked the ad resided and talk to them.

youtube keeps removing people's thumbsdowns

This. It takes like 2 secs to dislike and leave a comment on jewtube. Thats about as far as im willin to go because it is that dumb.

just don't buy gilette and enjoy your own profits and their losses
that's all you can do right now
you better learn how to shave like a man frend, you'll need it to look badass in the race war
shadilay 1488 epictrollz schlong weed erry day

wouldn't a refusal to purchase any of their products be a lot smarter?

Its probably a mod

no one actually gives a shit about the mainstream virtual signalling advertising or legacy P&G dying globalist empire

we just want to do Alinsky shit back at the commies: "hold the enemy to their own standards" because that upsets them more than anything

Attached: shave me.jpg (524x900, 141K)

Careful, you'll trigger all the dual edge razorfags telling us they're saving money using a $50 handle and a $100 lather brush because the face slashing blades cost pennies.

chanology irl faggotry ruined this place

this place was never good

We should fuck with their Facebook and Twitter profile instead

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Attached: just a coincidence.png (964x874, 248K)


Just go change the DNS entry and point gillitte.com to nigger.com or something.
