New UK food guidelines

Does Jow Forums follow a healthy diet?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> dairy
> bread
Yikes. All you need is meats, fish, veggies and a little bit of fruit.

>Muslim country
>No bacon
Checks out

>tfw raw vegetables like broccoli actually taste really nice to me
its like living life on easy mode lads

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all i eat is milk, rice and beans

health begins with the gut anons

Of course it’s fine to eat other foods that you enjoy. But that doesn’t mean they’re healthy.

nutrition is now politicized...

eat less meat! not for your health, it's to save a bunch of niggers from dying at birth so they can die from starvation or genocide later on!

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The best thing about these sorts of bulletins is that they automatically assume I want to save the planet.

Where are the three major food groups?
1. Alcohol
2. Nicotine
3. Caffeine

Fuck off, give me the pig i'll slaughter it myself you soft cunts.
Quarter of a rasher my fucking arse.

Beans destroy the gut lining, and rice - the starch - destroys peoples joints.
Carnivore diet is the only true way. Animal organs, brains and blood as a staple.

kill yourself shill rat

We can see the end result already. Africa is like one, big breeding ground. Since they are pretty much at the top of the food chain and their only natural predators are each other, once they started getting public health and nutrition, of course they are reproducing like rabbits (except that rabbits at least, are prey. A couple of cats will take care of all the rabbits in your yard.) Now they all want to come north and have all your nice stuff so they can break it, shit on it, and leave it to fall apart in the yard.

trips of truth

>not eating only meats, greens, & dairy

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>eating the caloric jew
a real aryan photosynthesizes


>31g of sugar
Daily recommended intake here is no more than 20g

Yes! Just eat this shitload of carbs, goy!

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>meat and animals fats unhealthy
>but it's ok to eat unlimited amounts of plant carbs and fucking 31g of sugar a day
obvious goyim slave diet is obvious

Can't cut it. Can't eat it.

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If eating a pig a day is a healthy diet than yes.

Theres literally nothing wrong with dairy or whole grain bread.

Fuck Scientists

So Brits can't eat bread anymore either?

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Well don't you? What about your children?

>fifth of an egg
Suck a fifth of my cock

> Daily Mail
> Intothetrashitgoes.gif

>say (((((((((((((scientists)))))))))))))
Oy vey

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we can only eat brown bread that has been Halal verified

>scientists say clickbait
didnt read

>Spending your last years sat by the sunny window
Fuck that I'll take the bacon

I don’t know why you faggots care. Are they forcing people to follow this diet? It’s also good health advice. Why do you think Asians live forever? Because they just eat fucking rice all day and no meat.

triglycerides clog arteries

cholesterol is a building block your body makes when arteries are damaged, it repairs

foods to avoid
Starchy Veggies
Baked Beans With Sugar or Pork Added
Too Much of a Good Thing
Canned Fish Packed in Oil
Starchy Foods
Sugary Drinks.

Based guidelines, I can't wait to get my groceries loicense issued so I can be told what to eat

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First sane respone in the whole thread. I don't even agree 100% with the food guide. Like for example 1/5th of an egg might be a little too restrictive and on the other hand 31g of sugar is definitely way too much. But on a whole it's a lot better than what most people eat.

nuts and high in phytic acid which binds to calcium, zinc and iron lowering it essentially

I fucking love broccoli, but it's difficult to find fresh ones here, most of the stuff is frozen, since it's not part of our cuisine and no one is used to them.

I see the traitors are fazing out bacon from the market.

I'm so fucking sick of the food pie chart model. I swear the people who showcase it have some kind of malice for the general public. I remember the food pie chart on the wall as a poster when I was in kindergarten. The lack of creativity in not presenting the information in a new way.

Also wtf is this. 250g of milk, onions, a fifth of an egg...

I only consume milk (yes, full fat). It has all the body requires.

The guidelines say 28 grams of fish and seafood but 31 grams of explicit sugar, before somebody eats two thirds of a pound of fruit? Who made this? so they're trying to say that a grapefruit with an ounce of sugar on it is preferable to a fish filet? That's so dumb.

>Who made this?
Scientists and experts

You got a loicense for that wedge mate?

>source of animal protein
>chicken nuggets

Jow Forums here

i eat one meal a day. i cook like Jamie Oliver but on one meal a day I act like Gordon Ramsey. best of both worlds. stay hungry. stay angry. stay sharp. comfort kills.

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My breakfast was 4 slices of bacon , 2 fried eggs and half a bell pepper

>1/16th of a burger a day
Christ. Donald Duck got bigger rations when he was in Nazi Germany.

Anyone got the webm of him cutting a slice of stale bread?

Scientists can fuck off. Eat bacon, praise Jesus and live a good and happy life until the day you pass on to the other side.
Scientists don't know shit, just like academics they are whores for Gibs and grants. A prominent 'Doctor' in the UK just gets naked and has Pepe draw on her saggy hips and tits. Eat bacon and fuck 'scientists'.

>this specific food makes people fat, believe me!
Just stop eating so much if you don't want to go fat. It's common sense

None of that justifies being miserable 24/7

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with certain foods like vegetables you get fuller with less calories so it does matter

I eat once a day for almost 4 years now. My behavior hasn't changed really on day to day basis.

>50% leaf, 20% grass
No thanks, my dogs and I are on the same diet and it's working fine.

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>humanity has become so dumb they dunno what to eat in their own environment and think they need a government to tell them
get a fishing rod and a bluberry basket you stupid plebs

Drove to grab some tea this morning and heard the (((bbc))) shilling this bullfuckery. They want you to eat less meat because African kangz gunna make the world 10 billion strong and diverse by 2050 and we gotta feed all those porch monkeys. I'm not going to stop fucking eating chicken and the occasional steak britniggers can fuck off. Eat clean by not eating processed foods sitting in plastic. Try and eat seasonal and local to support your friendly (white) farmers (and it tasted better) and don't eat a lot. Veggies are great, fruits are alright, cut all sugar.

If you really live in Japan and you're not some weeb retard, then it shouldn't suprise you since that's literally what the portions look like there.

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Imagine having this body shape for even 2 minutes without tossing yourself into an industrial grinder.

What a KEKED existence.

Jokes on you when I get off on him fucking my girl

Just become jewish or muslim bro

>don't eat meat, goy. this cockroach milk is better for the environment.
>why are you talking about africa's population? are you a racist or something?

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how's looking like this even possible

So, this is the latest food industry lobbyist diet?

meat doesn't cause any of those things.

I went to McDonalds for dinner and ate a whole double cheese burger, not 1/42 of a double cheeseburger. And I have an Ikinari Steak rewards card. Whenever I go I order a 350g steak. It's one of the fastest growing chain restaurants in Japan.

While you're right Japan doesn't eat a lot of beef on average, we aren't fucking crazy like the English.

t. lactose intolerant

Save the planet for what.

Funny way to spell bronze age religious morons.
Are the jihadis really planning to kill 11 million people a year for haram?
Should MI5 be informed?

Get the fuck out with your soft sharia approach. Bacon is fundamental to the British way of life. Honestly, if this is such a bottom line for you goat fuckers I don't know why you even bothered coming here.
We will drown your Imams in pig fat before we surrender our bacon butties.
Now, go and insidiously pervert someone else's culture far away from here you arrogant, degenerate moon worshippers.

Guys. Please help me with something.

I'm skinny fat. and live in a village. The only meat that is easily available and affordable near me is chicken meat. For other kinds of meat I have to travel far or pay too much while ordering online. I can get most vegetables here tho. And eggs too. Can anyone suggest me a good diet plan?

Need to be Jow Forums before I can be /1488/.

Chicken vegs and eggs, that's most diet plans lol

The dairy should be raw and the bread should be sourdough



But what exactly? How should I cook it - boil it or stir fry on a pan? Eat it raw? What vegetables should I mix with what other vegetables or chicken breasts? I need specifics and I feel fucking stuck with my shitty body. I have been trying to out train a bad diet for TWO years now. I lost 44 pounds and gained it all back because I quit working out everyday and not seeing results.

I have work dude. If am a low energy fag at work they will fire my ass.

I can fast on saturdays and sundays tho.

What have you been eating? If it's good chicken, you can eat it raw, but if it's super market trash, cook it

Cole Robinson's (snake diet guy) a total Chad and eats one meal a day at most.

Adults should not drink milk.

>For other kinds of meat I have to travel far
Get a pushbike. You'll be 1488 fit in no time.

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I used to fast for weight loss when I was a big fat cunt. I never had so much energy in my life.

t. Nigger. RAW milk and Kefir are super foods, that's why (((they))) pasteurize it

Salmonella IDF pls go

Asians don't eat that much rice actually, one or two small bowls per meal and only with dishes, they also eat wheat noodles and in the northern and southern provinces they replace rice with various kinds of breads.

>burger wants to eat burgers and stay /comfy/ and /fat/
add a cold shower in the morning.

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I said, if it comes from a good healthy chicken, raw is fine. Same with any meat. Just don't eat supermarket meat raw from sick animals

I'm just saying that if you search diet plan over here, 3 of the top results are chicken, veggies and eggs. Grill the chicken, eat it with veggies and have eggs in the morning. Go running whenever you have time, it's the most natural excersise that you can do anywhere

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Fuck this thread! It's making me hungry!

they ate like 80 percent rice prior to the 80s and just like us they are getting fatter and sicker

It's called Jewish Lies, user.

That is one ugly woman.

Also drinking lots of black coffee and tea while fasting will drop weight insanely fast. I would drink just coffee for days when I was an anafag

You sure about that? I looked into it a little bit and he said to fast for days after days drinking only salt water. Idk how that's possible or if it's true at all. I'll look into it a little more.

My diet is mostly gluten filled grains and carbs and vegetable oils at home and a little bit of processed junk for lunch while at work. I need a complete overhaul. Still live with my parents. Don't judge me.

Dumb arse I love milk but you really should not consume it as an adult.

Thanks Anons I'll take your advice into considerations

I was in a similar situation, moving out really helped as I could control almost everything that went into my mouth

>Theres literally nothing wrong with whole grain bread.
yeah keep believing that. to your own downfall. or maybe try looking up why you're wrong. i'm done trying to help people.

Honestly I don't like plain milk but yoghurt and Kefir are great

Whole rye sourdough is based though