What is the explanation of today's leftists?

>hyper feminine
>snarky like women
>talks like women
>snitches on their political opponents like children in kindergarten
>all repeat the exact same script
>usually on the uglier side
>enjoys infantile entertainment
>can never actually argue their point, just engages in social shaming

I've heard many theories, but I haven't really heard one that hits it on the head. The theory I've heard that makes the most sense is that these are people who are genetically inferior so they have to gather in packs and advocate for socialism to be able to compete.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.ca/Evolutionary-Psychology-Behind-Politics-Conservatism-ebook/dp/B00DT9ZLS0?keywords=the evolutionary psychology behind politics&qid=1547725258&sr=8-1-fkmrnull&ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1

This is what men must do to succeed under the new Matriarchy.

Women in Education and Post-Modernism

They think like they were told by their boomer parents and feminist teachers to think, they talk like the actors in the sitcoms they watch. Thats about it

International communism socialismus is mental illness provocated by cuck jew

National Bolshevism iz da wae.

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Im not sure. I was friends with a lot of these types and can still get along with them playing mtg. The friends i had who were basedboys were the guys who got rejected and shot down and beat up as much as i did. While i got angrier and more defiant, they seemed happier living in a bubble of vidya and anime and anything bright and colorful to take them away.

Thats why i hate them so much. By all accounts they should stand for what we stand for but they are weak minded and weak willed and care to take an easier path. And that sickens me to my absolute core.

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>>Feminine attributes
They lack testosterone.

They consume s o y.

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"Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason,
science, objective reality and to insist that everything is
culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and
about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can
be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically
analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply
involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality.
They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for
hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates
science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs
as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false
(i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority
run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of
some things as successful or superior and other things as
failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many
leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of
IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations
of human abilities or behavior because such explanations
tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to
others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame
for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is
“inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has
not been brought up properly" - Ted Kacznski

Basically once people stop playing by the rules these weaklings will immediately crumble.
They have zero self awareness or self preservation and are constantly tempting fate with being so cluelessly naive.

Bullying was globally cracked down upon HARD during the late 90s/early 2000s and these faggots that would have had the sissy beaten out of them were given a free pass. This is the result.

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They're trying to get laid.

That's literally all there is to it. The women in their lives are more alpha than them, and to get sex they have to perform. It's a submissive gesture.

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You know why? They consume onions. Ok, that actually is partially.

The reality is, these people are just losers, they lack any special skill, they are lazy, they can't even logically think. These guys are equalivent of bonobo what cannot survive outside save environment with unlimited food and no natural enemies.

In past guys like these at best they were poor beggars searching in trash for scraps of food.

They are leftist because they want system what will give them free shit even if it will cause to economic collapse because they will search in trash anyway and they just want free shit for temporary time.

>>and to get sex
Cuck boys like that don't get any. If they do, it's minimal, and they're being cheated on.

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this desu, also women in politics and voting

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Based and tedpilled

Make bullying great again!

>The theory I've heard that makes the most sense is that these are people who are genetically inferior so they have to gather in packs and advocate for socialism to be able to compete.
Basically correct.
But important to understand how they came to be.

>They're trying to get laid.
Keyword: Trying. That's how women pull them around by the nose.
Anyone that wants a giggle should ask guys like that what kind of things they think women find attractive in men.

How hard has this bitch campaigned in favor of having no gender-segregated competitions?
How enthusiastic has she been if favor of allowing tranny males to run alongside them?

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Those aren’t men.

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Theyre actually femmes Butt Boys for Butch Homofascists

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Exactly, they have no masculine drive for anything. Mans life is a struggle.

That picture is so fucking disgusting... I’ve never seen anyone like this IRL..? Where the fuck do these creatures Hail from and how did they end up like that? I’m in Miami BTW

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>The women in their lives are more alpha than them, and to get sex they have to perform. It's a submissive gesture.
There are basically 2 ways men get sex.
Either they control women.
Or they let women control them.
Male violence stops girl power from ever getting off the ground.
It is, literally, the only thing that trumps pussy power (indeed pussy power is entirely dependent on the violence of white knights to protect it).
It's only when men become 'tamer' that females are able to take over everything.

Vagina trumps dick.
But pimp hand trumps vagina.
But ONLY IF pimp hand remains strong above a certain threshold.

At the root of the problem is that these people think they are truly compelling and that people think about them even in their absence. They literally have delusions of grandeur. They live for "likes". They use quirky yet somehow unoriginal phrases that make them feel ahead of the culture game. (I made a thing. Maybe, just maybe. Faith in humanity. etc...) Kinda like that kid in high school who had to always introduce the newest music and show it off as if it were an accomplishment to be admired. Their life is like a long reddit thread, giddy with "likes" from people expecting reciprocity. They're dead inside and generation Zyklon hates them for trying to remain young and hip week into their thirties. Luckily they are not reproducing.

You people are greatly underestimating the left. There's plenty of masculine men on the left, and even they kind of see the so-y boys and SJWs as weird and crazy. Problem is, these masculine leftists men are the driving force for everything the left does and at the end of the day they are fighting against their own self interests while we actually are fighting for their interests as well. They are rightly called cuckolds, they're kind of lie those Caananite Moloch worshippers who would proudly cut off their own balls and gift them to Moloch and other dark goddesses.

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> explanation of today's leftists
Too lazy to at least try to know how economy works.

Then im sure you have plenty of viable options for gloryholes to meet these guys.

>how did they get that way
Most of Jow Forums would have you believe its from consuming copious amounts of s 0 y
It is partly that, but the basedboy phenomenon is mostly caused by men sitting all day, not exercising, and being pussies in general, never doing anything manly, not getting enough sun (vitamin D)

It does have a lot to do with diet, but less about eating onions, and more like, these fuckers aren't eating enough meat with vitamin D, zinc, etc. Vitamin D is critical to testosterone.

These fuckers are eating vegan diets which lack testosterone boosting vitamins/minerals, and which contain estrogen like compounds.

Ted had leftists fucking nailed on.


>The women in their lives are more alpha than them
This. Most of basedboys seem to come from single mother households, they have no male rolemodel in the family.

>There's plenty of masculine men on the left
Considering what the left generally stands for, I don't know if masculine is what would come to mind when thinking about men like that.

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The west provided too much comfort.

If it's like our country where there's a constant fight for food, women who go out alone getting raped, etc. they respect their men.

1. Breakdown of the appropriate family unit and the destruction of the proper roles for Father and Mother.

2. The Internet and technology creating massive hugboxes and echo-chambers where you can live in your escapist world and never come out.

3. The manipulation of media by the tech giants who control everything we consume.

4. Used to be there was always a spot in Bongo-Bongo land where you could send people to find purpose through colonization or war for the greater good of the nation back home, and now because of finishing the map and nukes you can't do that anymore. So the purposeless people back home find purposeless ways of life instead.

They have no concept of real life, everything they have is handed to them, including their opinions, fashion sense, speech pattern, thoughts and belief system.
They are mindless brainwashed zombies who have no challenge in life and feel safe so long as they abide by their agenda driven teachings from their superiors who lull them into a false sense of security to be used further down the line (now) to enslave humanity.

This is the reason the world will slowly turn into one big Sweden, ripe for the picking, leading to WW3 and population reduction leading to the survivors being subservient loyal slaves under a Chinese style new world order.

Ill check those. Good bost.

>their attack is an outlet forhostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power

"In college I knew a girl whose attention was focused on racism and sexism. She often condemned the wrongs of the world, and was good at getting others to listen. One day I asked her opinion about some readings for a class we were both in. I was genuinely seeking her views. She told me it was obviously racism and sexism. I didn't see her point so I asked for more specifics. She suddenly got angry at me. I had a feeling she hadn't done the reading, so I backed off. We didn't talk much after that, and I blamed myself.
This girl became a prominent student leader so I often heard about her. One day I ran into her and expressed interest in a prominent campaign she'd been leading. I sincerely wanted to know more about it. She got angry at my innocent questions. At first, I blamed myself again. But as I read more about her in the student news, I realized that she had learned to raise her status by making blanket condemnations. If you questioned her opinions, you threatened her status, and she defended it the way an alpha defends his position against all challengers.
Years later, I worked alongside a man who frequently accused people of destroying the Earth. He surrounded himself with allies who agreed with him. He was very successful in his career, and amassed rewards that he shared with his allies. I saw people court his attention by accusing people of destroying the Earth. And it worked - their status rose and so did his."

From "I, mammal" by Loretta Breuning (former leftist professor who later claims to have walked away from PC)

let me explain it on you.
it's so much simpler than you think.
goes like this:
> 1 )They hope they'll be rewarded with sex:
"I will act whichever way women seem to want men to act, based on their comments and criticisms, then the women will respect me for it. Eventually leading to them having sex with me."

> 2) They try to eliminate the competition by out-left the other left males, and by criticizing and attacking the character of males who do not share the viewpoints of the females the left male is trying to impress. Hopes the women remember to exempt him from all criticisms of men.
"Look at that guy in his suit. It's the armour of the patriarchy. Men are so awful. Right? So awful. Can I give you a backrub, maybe. A respectful non-sensual one, of course

That's all there is to it.

The explanation to this problem is simple, these basedboy leftist betas are too sheltered and have too much screen time. Im an oldfag and was part of the last pre-internet and pre-pussified generation. IMPORTANT: If you do not engage in risky/brave behaviors (ie: dangerous sports/JOBS, trying to court alpha females etc) your testosterone and lifeforce level will ween until you are a modern cuck. All ((media and university)) will tell you otherwise. Glory only goes to the brave. PS: I live in a total left wing pacific north west liberal hellhole and landing chicks here as an alpha male is like shooting fish in a barrel. Basic Natural Selection!

>all repeat the exact same script
American polacks with their obsession with Jews are not interesting and are rather annoying as well.

Absolutely the same with Jow Forums, the vast majority of posters outside the USA haven't even met a real Jew yet they're monkeying American anti-Semites because it's cool and edgy and "not normie".

wealth corrupts

>There's plenty of masculine men on the left
You mean there's plenty of opportunistic foreigners.

Yeah because Florida is literally chad capital of the USA. Everyone in that state either lifts, surfs, or is a insane redneck.

Go to any coastal or midwestern city and you'll see these turbo cucks everywhere

>A respectful non-sensual one, of course
Top kek

Kikes promote this shit dummy.

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They are sitting nodding at the Gillette advert.
>so true, so true.

>tfw raised right
>grew up responsible
>family went to hell and back to give me a good education
>I worked just as hard to earn all their sacrifices
>always a leader, rallied everyone together when needed, pulled up weaker people when they needed help, learned how to do all this, dress, and act from the manliest operator types in my family
>graduate top of the class in one of the most competitive east-coast high schools there is
>one of the best in my state at studies and ECs
>get into ivy league undergrad
>do very well, career ops lined up by soph year, running a frat and clubs
>2016 election happens
>suddenly feels like everything went to shit overnight
>these faggots are at the forefront of it all
>Kavanaugh happens right after I graduate
>blackpilled as fuck
Came of age in the worst fucking era, honestly.

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>Came of age in the worst fucking era, honestly.
Dark ages create opportunities for heroes to become legends ;)

Yeah I graduated in 2016 too though. my college was going fucking nuts during the election. Women crying, basedboys bitching, people flipping out about "white people".

I still wouldn't have it any other way. I'd rather be alive now than be a fucking boomer. Anything could happen in the next 30 years, it's a world of possibilities. War? Genocide? Battle? Conflict? Paradigm shift? Right wing dictatorship? Economic collapse? Brown communist dictatorship?

Who knows! Maybe some badass shit will happen


This. Anything bellow classical liberal is 100% faggotry, no exceptions as far as I know.

They are abandoning the responsibility of being actual men. They have had any semblance of masculinity wrung out of them by their feminist mothers and a diet of onions products and disney films. Pathetic.

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Insecurity and fear of female disapproval. It's pathetic but that's what I think it is most of the time.

You just described humanity as a whole. The escapes just vary.

It has to do with viftue signal culture think all those women welcoming muslims or their fem cuckboys tryna impress

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How do so many people miss the steps they took?
The limp-wristed faggotty nerds, over time, perverted society so they could be the rulers, not the warrior types who are naturally supposed to lead.
Now we have transgender children and people being improsoned for non threatening wurdz my nigga

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Not a bad theory, sounds about right desu.

They're effectively women

Because modern politics are seen as a right for all man when in reality politics should be reserved for the virtuous and honorable, not people with polisci degrees and history of college activism. Snakes and backstabbers and people who wouldn't actually put their life on the line for you are now electable solely because they're citizens. George Washington for example was a general and in those days generals used to literally die in combat unlike today. Now you have people like John McCain get a position in office solely for being a veteran and not for his actions as a veteran like giving information to an enemy. And now it's even worse we straight up have literal waitresses who have no verifable track record of caring about any white individual seen as being a pillar of their community because she preaches and says cool stuff. The bottom line is democracy is a scam and the we allow weak people to live

This even early America was mostly lead by warriors. French and Indian war American generals literally fucking died. George Washington literally said fuck you to a military superpower and put himself in danger on top of fighting in a colonial war where even his fellow generals were killed in action (French Indian war). Fact is USA is run by opportunists and not honest ideological diehards

Insane redneck who lifts checking in. Best comment all day, Florida is for chads, Jew York faggots need to get out.

Look who runs major companies now. They're tech companies run by nerds. Weak people who can be overrun by SJWs.

>Muh bullying
I actually disagree with this. In fact I would go so far as to say that "bullying" is the cause of most of the west's problems. That's not to say that I don't think there is a need for conflict to develop thick skin and avoid complacency, rather that I think there are two similar and conflated concepts grouped under the term "bullying". Both involve the same actions
and both can cultivate a thicker skin, but they differ in how they impact tribal identity. Modern bullying destroys tribal identity, while bullying in the past involved components more akin to "Hazing", which helped foster tribal identity on the basis of there being an "us" who have gone through it, and a "them" who have not.

I think the distinction began to emerge with the feminization of teaching, and the desegregation (sexual) of schooling. Female teachers seem unable to distinguish these two forms of adolescent conflict, and either try suppress it outright, pick favourites and take sides, or just fail to take action altogether. Gender desegregation also creates a "mouse utopia" scenario, where sexual competition in an inescapable high population density fucks people up. Sexually low status males experience an instinctual drive to seek new territory, but as there is nowhere for them to go, the repressed desires result in dissociation from, and eventual hatred towards, their tribal identity. The resulting tribal vacuum then eventually manifests as a xenophilic desire to attach themselves to outside groups which can persist past maturity. This is distinct from non-sexual bullying, as that is not as intimately tied to tribal identity. Remember there are plenty of leftist men that eventually grow up, sort shit out and get jobs, wives, etc. The main issue that persists throughout life is pathological xenophilia.

At that age, people are too young to see return from long-term life planning, so status is basically a lottery based on appearance and inherited wealth. Likewise, the results of self-improvement will not be experienced until after their formative years, when the damage has already been done. A return to boys being taught by male teachers is what I think is really needed, as men can better identify and make decisions as to whether intervention is or is not helpful to a boy's development, and they are more likely to be able to hold the respect of their male pupils. Gender segregation would also help reduce the sexual nature of bullying, thus reducing tribal dissociation as a long term consequence.

They are people who never grew up and never will. They won't survive the imminent hard times.

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You have to say you run like a fag lol

What is that heroquest ?

r/K Selection Theory. Explains everything.


Read "The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics":

amazon.ca/Evolutionary-Psychology-Behind-Politics-Conservatism-ebook/dp/B00DT9ZLS0?keywords=the evolutionary psychology behind politics&qid=1547725258&sr=8-1-fkmrnull&ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1

Most SJWs are trapped in envy. The only reason they hate rich powerful chads is because they are not one. Most are impotent would be tyrants.


FtM trannies.

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(((Bolshevism email)))

All fucking reds must fucking hang

Extremely feminine mothers (lots of estrogen), no father figures and most importantly WEAK GENES FROM THE FATHER.
The stacy settles with a beta cuck provider and there you have it, the birth of the soiboi.
Extremely feminized.
The propaganda in the press and media also helps to validate their existence, they're the perfect consumers: women.

>masculinity is demonized in today's society, unless it's chivalry and basically anything but kissing women's asses is socially frowned upon
>many men grow up without fathers
>often boys are discouraged from being energetic as kids, or competitive in any way, and are put on some kind of pharmaceutical that chemically castrates them at such a young age and builds up over time
>food and water are contaminated with all sorts of feminizing substances such as soi, not to mention the major lack of nutritional value which leads to a deficiency in many vitamins and minerals that they don't even know about

I could think of more, but suffice it to say, it's engineered by (((them)))

Males should stop using all social media. Playing women's game and complaining about it is the current state of affairs. Only acting, in this case moving away from, is the solution to the current problem. Delete all your social media profiles.

Femin virus infection. They act like insects part of a hive.

Wrong! Humans are extreme pack animals. Where a lion can kill the male cubs and make the females give birth to his offspring, a human female requires her family/tribe as a support structure to rear offspring. Unless you're with an army, women have fathers, brothers, uncles as well as female relatives. Their male relatives might be heads of the households, but they will still take care of their female relatives and do not rule as tyrants.
Therefore, females always had power in human society.

Humans are not pack animals. If that were the case, you'd be all right to just submit to the stronger ones and live in a submissive position your whole life. Humans are humans, not animals.

Thanks for this thread. I’m alone in a sea of them at the moment and need to change my life (work, really). I feel like I’m the only normal human.

They made the frickin frogs gay.

>gender doesn’t limit my athletic abilities
>Women’s track & field

Bitch tell me that when a transwoman dominates your field hahaha

Is that who I think it is? Diamonds.

Raised by a single mother, act like a woman.
Pretty simple.

Xenostrogens in plastics

Physical strength is not the only measure of leadership in nature. Chimps team up to take down "alpha" chimps that rule with force, because the other chimps have strong social bonds.
Elephants follow old, experienced females, boars have old sows as leaders for similar reasons.

How can they grow a beard when I can't?

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