Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Abbruch deutscher Patrioten Edition


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>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E

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I need to see AFDs propaganda in english . Can you link me some with english subtitles Hans ? Also this is english speaking board you turbo autistic kraut .

Thanks . So their narrative is immigration.


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what did welt mean by this?

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I love the high suicide rate for queers

Bernd bumped aus dem Sexurlaub

Wie alt war die jüngste Hure, die du gesehen hast?

Sind hier alle volljährig, die Zeiten wo man Lolis überall kaufen konnte sind vorbei, musst dafür schon in Vororte fahren

Post pics then

I love Germans, having such little faith in countrymen, instead, turning to sub-Saharan African's who've lived middle of nowhere, their entire lives, while still complaining about country hicks being "degenerate, low IQ".

Germans aren't very smart, this is the same brains that lost you 2 world wars. I get a very Hannibal Lecter feel from these dudes you put on TV and promote for governing selves.

pic related,

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Die benutzen 'Totalitär' um eine Linie mit der NSDAP (muh ebil Natsi!!!!) zu ziehen, das Ziel ist beim Leser die Wahrnehmung zu erzeugen AFD = Nazi.
Das richtige Wort wäre 'absoluten Wahrheitsanspruch' im Gegensatz zu solchen Floskeln wie 'Die Wahrheit hat immer (mind.) zwei Seiten', was eher in die relativistische Ecke geht.

Chink Eyes...shut up


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I'm not trying to be mean to Germans, it's just that, you guys say bad things about me, so I say bad things about you. It's only fair, plus I love you, so it's complicated.

Are you a gril?

would it be too much to ask for even one day, ONE DAY! without la creatura, without latvian imbecile, without subhuman cretins of all walks of life having word diarrhoea on Kraut/pol/...
nope... too much it seems

Maybe because Europeans are so used to worshipping their rulers or leaders? Like a politician is just a guy or girl that you hire to do work for you, like a plumber, and no one worships a plumper who you pay directly out of pocket, and just doesn't get the work done. Nobody hires a plumber and goes "Okay, you run my house now, it's all yours sir boss me around, I'm your maid and servant!" Nobody goes "This plumber is like sooo celebrity", they are a fucking plumber, there to do your plumbing, and get out when they are done. Like, Obama wasn't my God, he was my plumber of the house, and did he do plumbing? No sir, he came into my house, thought it was his, and brought a million of his 3rd world friends and tried to have a my house, on my time, with my money.

fucking tsundere

I'm a very friendly person, I laugh with people, I laugh with Germans, I know how to have fun, but I know that if I was hired to do plumping, that those people are living miserably somehow because their plumbing is all screwy, and that's why they hired me, to do that job. Backed up sewage pipes, toilet overflowing with literal sewage into all rooms of the house, it's a mess, and what if there's kid? They need a house with good plumbing, so that their lives can function properly. If I'm hired to do something, I'm there to do a job only, and most importantly that I am there to serve THEM, not the other way around.


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>AfD General
More like Prüf- und Verdachtsfälle General

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we must abolish pig farmers immediately because isla... because feinstaub.

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>Die benutzen 'Totalitär' um eine Linie mit der NSDAP (muh ebil Natsi!!!!) zu ziehen
>Das richtige Wort wäre 'absoluten Wahrheitsanspruch'

>'absoluten Wahrheitsanspruch'
>'nicht totalitär'

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Welt also has an article up right now telling people that gold is not a good security atm, they should buy (taxed) silver because price is lower atm. You guys should get worried, if they tell you to not buy gold...

Gold is too expensive for most people also silver is more handy in a complete shtf situation for trading.

>Gold is too expensive for most people
dude, 1g gold right now: 36€, silver 1g: 13€
of course its more expensive because theres less of it than silver. Silver is cheap right now because low deman, however in 24 years there will be no more gold. Think of who holds up the gold price so high, who has some of the worlds biggest gold reserves? I'll help you: FED.
>silver is more handy in a complete shtf situation for trading
first of its more a security, second you can use it to trade into a strong currency when euro crashes (look at current recession), third in a complete shtf situation you need other stuff for bargain ( medicine, food, antibiotics, alcohol, ammo).

correct my silver price, its 0,44 for a g, i looked at oz, otherwise wont change my statement.
Of course you should also invest in silver, but just keep in mind its value is low as it is very available

he knows what they meant by this you absolute brainlet.
it's a meme.

That media outlets and your lokal gazettes are not just some typwriter faggot, but instead are schooled in the arts of wordchoice is nothing new. you can say the truth while spinning it in a view for your readers to adapt to your thinking.

Bild: Türke sticht auf homosexuellen ein.
(der streit ging um den letzten fallaffel)
Normies: well, see? homosexuals are being oppressed!

what are they and we looking at?

homsexuals have the right to get stabbed as equally as everyone else!

Yes sir!
i for one stand for the right that women can get set on fire by the sharia law too.

Women can become everything now-a-days and that's beautiful. policemen, corrupt politicians, dyed-dykes undesireables and even charred corpses! i am on the right side of history here.

Toter Kosmonaut

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>. Silver is cheap right now because low deman
Well you're quite wrong, the first chart shows silver and the other gold.
>however in 24 years there will be no more gold.
I'm not a big fan of peak gold and oil. A lot of it is bullshit. Also asteroid mining could fuck up the entire market in a few decades from now if you consider the extreme amount of resources out there. And many of them are not even too far away from earth like 433 Eros or 16 Psyche
>first of its more a security,
Of course, that's the only reason to hold any commodities, if you want to invest your money there are better options.
>nto a strong currency when euro crashes
Why don't get a foreign currency account in Dollar, GBP or CHF then? Even your local Sparkasse offers this. Or even better get an account abroad.

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Es wird extra der Begrif totalitär benutzt, weil selbst jemand mit NRW-Abitur damit Nazismus in Verbindung bringt. In der internationalen Totalitarismusdebatte des 20.Jahrhunderts wird zudem der Bolschewismus/Stalinismus/Kommunismus mit betrachtet, in Deutschland eher nur der Nazismus. Die Gegenpole nach dem 'Tode Gottes' im 19.Jahrhundert waren Totalitarismus und Nihilsmus. Jede Religion ist deiner Definition nach totaliritär, weil Gott als Letztbegründung immer absolut ist. Der Schreiber hätte die Dichotomie 'absolut/relativ' verwenden sollen und nicht 'totalitär/nihilistisch', außer er will die 'Altparteien' als Nihilistenindirekt als nihilistisch bezeichnen, was ein Systemschreiber sicher nicht will. Ich kritisiere hier schlichtweg die philosophische Fehlbezeichnung, die er gewollt oder ungewollt vornimmt.

Seems the Russians are building new railways all over Siberia. Project I am about to plan there is built only for galvanizing railway parts on-site for coming years.

>Seems the Russians are building new railways all over Siberia
GULAGs when ?

>asteroid mining
pic related
>Dollar, GBP CHF
dead currencies walking, same as Euro.
but otherwise quite based on the whole gold/silver question. both about demand for silver and that money metals are not investment.

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Sounds like a lucrative project

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>muh one issue party

Their narrative is German sovereignty essentially.
Started in 2013 as anti-EU/EURO party and still is today.
In 2014/15 immigration became the biggest thing in the country due to Merkel calamity.
Since all these points narrow down to an issue of sovereignty, they cover it.

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>pic related
Asteroid mining will happen in this century
>dead currencies walking
In case of a global recession they will lose a lot of value too but survive. The Euro won't

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Is it you, Spasticanon?

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sorry, but you're delusional on both accounts.
>those currencies survive
define survival, in their current for they will not, and if respective countries cling to them they will turn into Zimbabwe 2.0/3.0 and 4.0 respectively


Wladimir Komarov. Or what was left of him, after he entered the atmosphere with a defectice heat shield I guess.

Wei geht's euch, Krauts?

How bad is this for the AFD? Is it just noise or more serious?

Ihr Nazi Schwuchteln kapiert's wohl nie, wa? Wo ist denn eure "schweigende Mehrheit"? Seit einem Jahr jetzt kommt die AfD nicht über die 14% hinaus und jetzt wird eure Lieblingspartei auch noch vom Verfassungsschutz dicht gemacht. Würd' mir stinken wenn ich einer von euch arbeitslosen Kreiswichsern wäre LMAO.

>define survival
No currency reform. The dollar might lose let's say 70% of it's current value but that's it.

rude !!

Don't get carried away and bump uglies without a rubber!

so, what you are saying in actuality is that USA will maintain hegemony over the globe?!
I can't laugh harder, humans do have limits

The USA will remain one of the most important players without a doubt

mkay, koombaya and so forth. just like with all your future "prophecies".
when did you make a habit out of looking at the world through rosy glasses?

fugg, forgot the pic

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I may be a Nazi that believes that 6 million weren't enough, but at least i am not rude.

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I base my predictions on economic and scientific knowledge.

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sure thing, and me and others who are holding diagonally opposing opinions base ours on superstition, tea leaves and such
nice Alinsky you have there

Legally it's a nothingburger. AfD has been "checked" since 2015. Being "observed" is a different thing. That would mean officially infiltration with FED agents and provocateurs and state gay OPs. There are probably already glow in the dark niggers active on a local level, trying to incite fed up boomers to say spicey things or organize "neighborhood watches" the FEDs later can deem as RWDS.

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Type english, you low IQ Juso faggot


You mean to say Wall Street and the Pentagon

You forgot silicone valley

Time will tell who's in the right here.

yeah, the flaggot's got my big secret.
Ich lese Kaffeesatz aus.

I pretty funny that leftyanons never learned how to speak English properly. So much for cosmopolitism.

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tru dat. so no point in furthering this discussion
pray share the details what has Kek divulged to you in your last session :D

>silicone valley
>something totally different

As if they weren't already in bed with the "complex" since decades.
Tell me, what infrastructure is Big Tech working on? They are one and the same thing.

How many kikes and non-Whites do you guys have in the AFD?
I am asking because I have seen a ton of inbred kikes shilling for the AFD.

Ah, Just bad PR then. Same shit different day.

Evenings Kameraden


>Darin enthalten: knapp 773 Millionen verschiedene E-Mail-Adressen und mehr als 21 Millionen unterschiedliche Passwörter, schrieb der australische IT-Sicherheitsexperte Troy Hunt in einem Blogeintrag.
>Insgesamt umfasse die Sammlung mit dem Namen Collection #1 mehr als eine Milliarde Kombinationen an Zugangsdaten.

better change your most important Emails Passwords, just in case

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i am not sure, but i think it spelled "you fuck kids, lol" in arial black

>cant speak englisch

yep, sounds like the left

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It's supposed to scare off all the state employees, judges, former state attorneys and law enforcement dudes in the party, because they're shitting bricks over how many members AfD has from these branches.

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You can check here whether or not you're affected

Well, You get the flack when you are over the target.

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Exactly. Point is, the boomers and state employees must do the same thing the Left always did in regards to such BfV observation: don't give a flying fuck about it and carry on. Only pay attention to using legal speech. Thankfully a shitton of lawyers and attorneys are AfD members as well.

>will happen in this century
Only if these idiots finally get the Plasma-physics memo.

Radikalenerlass der 70er reloaded, nur diesmal für die andere Seite.

you forgot the fag flag tay

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>Well, You get the flack when you are over the target.
thats a based quote Britbong, hows the Brexit going btw?

will T. May be hanged or what?

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I only use it in this thread. Sometimes I forget to reactivate it again.

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I think it's trying to tell me something...

lol get a load of this AfD cuck

>How bad is this for the AFD?
In case you haven't noticed, it's been imploding all over the place the past months and it's only going to get worse now.


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>Juso faggot
>he REEEd into the void that was his skull cavity

more and more brainlets on this board every day.

it might be not Kek at all, I suspect stronkly that what you have there at the other end is some sort of kike demon... don't listen to it

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it's trying to appease normies and kick out the people that drew in the crowd that voted them in the first place.

It's really sad, but they deserve verfassungsschutz surveillance now.
Poggenburg was a guy with spine and he said "Deutschland den deutschen!" and NOTHING happened out of it. now they're kicking him out and now the constant attempts to appease people who vehemently oppose them because all they watch is ARD and ZDF which are as accurate on political news as i am nice gets them politically destroyed.