Daily reminder that incels and ugly males are the most oppressed group, which has it way worse than your so-called whites.
Daily reminder that incels and ugly males are the most oppressed group...
We live in a society.
Gaymers need to rise up.
Now yuo see...
Sargon isn't an incel.
He's a cuck.
jesus christ, the beard was his saving grace, what awful face genes
holy shit, no wonder he grew a beard.
Forcing the buzzword into common lexicon.
He is still an ugly male
inceldom is a white thing, its the same group
Wrong. Gamers are the most oppressed group
Absolutely pathetic
This is now a SOCIETY thread
oh my fucking god.
Ugly whites are no longer whites. Society should be ruled by the beautiful. Argue with me.
what about ethnic ugly indian incels? they have it the worse KEK!
She is not a gamer
and redpilled
Man sargon looks weird without a beard
We need to stop Zionism.
So is trump not white?
He is fat, ugly, and bald
Ugly males are not a "social group". Incels don't fuck because they don't want to. They just blame the whole society. If you really want, you start working out, you get a nice haircut and don't treat women as pieces of meat meant for sex. I know some ugly men that fuck a lot cause they put effort into it. Stop blaming the society and start assuming some responsibility.