What is this guy's endgame?

What is this guy's endgame?

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what's your endgame, faggot? stop spamming shit threads everyday. kys instead

to sucker in thots dumb enough to think his empathy is real

subtly hint for eugenics

I don't know what you're fucking talking about Tyrone.

You must be one sad lowlife dindu if you pay attention to how many of these "spam threads" are posted daily desu

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props to that guy tho
i would fucking puke if that thing touched me


You tell me Sven, you tell me...

I think he's doing good work reminding us why the nazis were right about getting rid of dead ends

He just takes pleasure in mogging them

>What is this guy's endgame?

Helping children who are severely disabled. Not everyone is a manipulative psychopath.

There's no endgame. He's just an altruism addict. He gets an extreme dopamine high by feeling extremely good about himself for being overly nice and sympathetic to literal frankenstein freakshows. It's just auto-fellatio.

Getting his fucking ass kicked

This is psychopathic deranged behavior

What if this is some fetish of his

The guy on the left will enslave us all. He is the beast which came out of the waters and was blessed by the dragon

He will become Swedish Prime Minister.

I dont know why you people obsess about this guy. He is a pretty typical “God is great!” religion weirdo. A diamond dozen where I come from.

Kid dies horrifically in a fire screaming in paid.....”oh well Gods plan, praise jesus!” Its how they cope with horrors of world.


Gotta catch em all.

He wants to help people to give him something to do.

You would know

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He's a pedo, isn't he?

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>diamond dozen

Finding all the parts to Mr. Potatohead.

the hands aren't the issue

>hai! look at mee! im at freak show

he’s a demon op early to the apocalypse

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It isn't normal for an adult to just hang out with children like that, disabled or not. This guy is so shady.

this is the 5th time i have seen this thread


some people are autistic


Why did someone stop blowing up their Jay-z sex doll half way?

S-o-y smile

He wants to be the next P.T Barnum.
He has effectively created a PC freakshow...from the numbers I can tell he has been successful.

He pretends to be some Chad that cares but he is making them internet monies.

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>"what's it like to be an african american man with a disability?"
wait..isn't that literally all niggers?

Thats the most azn boy I've ever seen

This question is redundant, no?

>Not everyone
No, but the geezer with the P.T. Barnham YouTube channel probably is.