I have a pretty neat idea. So, one of the hardest things about coming up with a search engine is finding a good name...

I have a pretty neat idea. So, one of the hardest things about coming up with a search engine is finding a good name, one that can function as its own verb like Google.

So I was thinking, well Google is basically a commie search engine, what about a National Socialist search engine? That censors cuck shit and jewish propoganda, while promoting race realism and anti-degeneracy. Or it could just be a free speech no-bs search engine.

The name could be Goebbel. Or maybe Gobbel. I like that its named after a high ranking Natsoc and it contains the word “Go” so it sounds super verby and searchy.

“Don’t google it GOebbel it! The search engine of purity!”

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Go to sleep man

how about you notice my good idea


i like it desu. It will catch on and become profitable i reckon. Onlt problem is where theres profit, the jews will infiltrate it. You lose either way.

the jews will try to shoah it but it will survive like Gab and Infowars. And then it will join with Gab to btfo Jewgle and Kikebook.

Lmk when you make it. Btw, search engines are v hard to make. (Good successful ones that is)

Good ideas are fucking worthless you fucking man child. Is this why you haven't gotten a fucking job? Ok smartass yes you have the best idea in the world, now what? Exactly. Nothing. Good ideas are useless to poor plebs that can't do anything about it. You're the kind of guy that gets butt fucked out of history because you thought your "nice plan" would mean people will just hand you money and tell you to go do it.

i wasnt gonna make it i was hoping some autist from this site could but maybe one day if i have the money ill hire some chinks to do it for me

Youre an inbred 16 yr old piece of garbage

listen nigger im just posting my ideas on this site for give some brainstorming food for thought to the internet because maybe hopefully someone on this site ISNT a NEET loser and can actually pull levers and make a difference. I mean, the demand for alternative social media and searches is booming rn.

your trolling only helps bump my thread so keep it up thank you

I think it's a good idea, gobbel is better than Goebel. It's like gobbel up information as in food for thought. Gobbel gobbel gobbel, they mascot could be a turkey Gobel Gobel Gobel the sacrificial bird of truth. Dry, flightless.

>what about a National Socialist search engine? That censors cuck shit and jewish propoganda, while promoting race realism and anti-degeneracy.
Stupid idea. You don't rise above extremist censorship by endorsing it. This statement reeks of Judaism while claiming to fight it (which is even more subversive).
>Or it could just be a free speech no-bs search engine.
There you, that's exactly what reasonable people should be aiming for.

A search engine should be exactly that: a search engine. No censorship or identity politics. Keep your cattle grunts away from the platforms curious people use to seek knowledge.

>ideas are the hard part.
No they are not fuckface, do you have something to show us? Do you have a search engine scripted and ready to go? Have you done anything except thinking? You think it is a good idea? Fine then show is why it is a good idea, just throwing an idea out there is stuff kids do. Show us why it is good.

But then it loses its natsocyness. Go-ebbel sounds pretty cool, like lets gooooo.

Im still cooking the idea nigger, this forum is helping my bounce my ideas off of Jow Forums denizens to improve the idea.

I think OP goebbels cock.
>it sounds super verby

thank you for the bump friend

you’re right, it should be a no bs search engine, but I like the name Goebbel.

As i said you fucking burger, ideas arent the hard part. Do you have any experience in software/web development? Or are you going to let someone else make it for you? Laying down the framework is easy in software development, making it is a whole different story. Nigger

also its pronounced go-ebbel not gobble.

like i said if i get rich ill hire genetically engineering crispr chink slaves to do it

You idiots will fail at everything you do as long as you keep obsessing over Hitler or any other person

ok jew

you are a magnificently massive faggot who has zero clue what you're even remotely talking about.
google, as it stands as a commie search engine, would be fine for the commie lite that is natsocs. its right in the name, retard.
i can tell you're a retard because you believe the bullshit the fucking news churns out about 'muh far right nazis'
if commies are the hard left, nazis are like 2 steps to the right, then there's about 15 steps to our constitutional republic, and then all the way down at the other end, its not nazis, its anarchists.
but you're a brainlet who believes what the cia tells you like a good goy

What would be the point of having you then? Do you think the founder of google just said: hurpadurp im a fucking burger make me a search engine. No he did it with his partner himself before getting any form of compensation. If you are serious about this why havent you done ANYTHING? You look like a nigger holding his hand out for gibs.

> If
That will be a big if, New Yorker.