to deport 2 Africans to the Ivory Coast.
My assumption is, those two Africans would have gladly excepted one quarter of these costs to voluntarily deport their ass to Africa.
to deport 2 Africans to the Ivory Coast.
My assumption is, those two Africans would have gladly excepted one quarter of these costs to voluntarily deport their ass to Africa.
Germany and its entire population really do need to be eradicated and the land divided amongst its neighbors.
How the fuck did two niggers manage to get deported from Germany?
That just makes me want to go to Germany so they can deport me
Minority in one generation.
That's only a couple of years worth of benefits. Over a lifetime of welfare.. it's quite a cheap price. This is what neo liberals don't understand. It costs a lot of money to keep a pet.. it cost a lot more to keep a retarded one.
What is wrong with using the Hercules planes owned by the military or a rented prison transport bus?
Sweden does the same retarded shit.
80'000+ are waiting to be deported, the ones who are sent out go on normal transports with escort teams and SJW passengers who wants to stop them from being "deportated".
Renting a 737 with pilot is not that expensive (hourly rate
Overeducated, could not find jobs to suit them.
>165k€ to deport two nig asses
I've never flown on a airplane.
I guess I'll have to put on black face on pretend I came from Bahamas.
>talking about whiteness
You fought against Germany, you wanted this, now lay down in your graves and be silent.
What a fucking poorfag
Wtf weren't they gonna pay for your pensions?
Gullible kraut fucks
It sounds like much, but 70k $ per deported nigger equals the gibs they would each receive in Germany over a time period of about 5 years. That's a pretty short amortisation schedule for the investment.
Minority in one generation. Don’t be such a pussy about it. Don’t go on with your kraut friends saying that diversity is a good thing
>get deported to Bahamas
>3rd world shithole everyone is poor as fuck
>they realize you're white
>50/50 chance getting worshipped as a god or getting sacrificed to the coconut god
nice nu-flag, you massive nigger faggot.
I've visited 1/3 of European countries, but mostly travelled by car.
I'm sure you're flying to Ivory Coast or Bahamas every other week.
Ask your mother for after-birth abortion, memeflag.
are you fukkers still not allowed to have military aircraft?
In before
>not cheaper
If you have them, they need to be used to exercise military pilots. Make deportation tours to Africa a standard practice practice (no, I didn't stutter)
>are you fukkers still not allowed to have military aircraft?
In before
>>not cheaper
Kek, not if they have Norwegian pilots..
I have flown C130 plenty of times and I really like it.
Just put diapers on the nigs, put them in chains and get going.
Perhaps a C130 would need a stop for refueling, but it is still cheap.
Maintenance is done either way and the pilots are already on the payroll.
If the receiving country doesn't want them back, the C130 could just air drop them. With or without parachutes at the border.
That guy could have used some of the old Babsburg genes. That's one of the weakest chins I've ever seen.
Did not rape enough women.
I'd say this is right, rapefugees have to meet a quota each month.
Bah, as long as the nigs the the fuck out is a decent deal.
The Ivory Coast does not allow foreign military aircraft to land in its country. We have asked, they declined. They also do not allow deportations on standard airlines, which is why private leased jets have to be used. What I don’t understand is why our German gov doesn’t have a fleet of 30-40 learjets ready for politicians and deportations. With those we could do like deportations of 1000 people per week... in addition to regular deportations.
>The Ivory Coast does not allow foreign military aircraft to land in its country. We have asked, they declined.
We shouldn't really be negotiating from even positions with fucking Ivory Coast.
EU united in negotiating with it could easily force them to take their "refugees" back.
EU just lacks the will to do it.
>What I don’t understand is why our German gov doesn’t have a fleet of 30-40 learjets ready for politicians and deportations.
Because they don't actually want to deport them.
Circular economy in full display