The New religion

When the Romans first encounter Christianity they were so used to their polytheism that they didn't recognize Christianity as a religion.
Instead they refereed to it as the cult. It's followers were persecuted for worshiping Christ and not worshiping the Roman Emperor.

Flash forward to today.
We have Leftists openly worshiping homosexuals and trannies. Worshiping Jews. Worshiping Africans and foreigners. They are given privileged positions, extra rights, and speaking about them without glorying them is blasphemy.

Once, it was those who refused worship these creatures who were humiliated, psychologically abused, persecuted; socially, economically, politically, lawfully.
This has been changing slowly, soon the failure to significantly worship gays/Jews/Blacks will be punished, there is no more sitting on the side and saying nothing, you will have to show your devotion.

Gentlemen, we are facing the new religion.

Attached: A histroy of worship.png (646x652, 501K)

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I think the new religion is government in general. People behave like it is holy in some way and we need specific rules for this and that, regulate this, tax that.
The leftist craze is just a symptom of going too far with what the government should regulate.
Soon people will realize that governments are just over glorified organized criminal gangs. There's nothing to them that makes them holy.

Why can't brainlets understand that archetypes underpin religion?

The assumptions about government go as far as it being infallible and the highest instance of competence and moral there is. In German we have the word Staatsglaube and ironically that's the religion of the "educated" left.
And from a personal point of view, it makes sense. If you don't believe in wonder and God, your brain will look for something else to just believe in. You take gender theory, government and promiscuity instead of the lord or at least peace of some sort through mindful meditation which is, in my interpretation the only healthy form of nonbelieving.

Continue big brain man.

Corporate drones, MSM puppets and other worthless crap are also part of the new religion.

>why can't brainlet's understand?
you answered your own question.

Religion is a social technology that increases that society's survival by enforcing moral rules of behavior, while also providing a social means to bond a group larger than a tribe.

Can we just go back to worshipping Haruhi?

Attached: 07d4d8725cb7d3573a4b0c1f0b7d91cd8df42998.jpg (750x1000, 366K)

do atheists really think Christians worship their priests?

because they refuse to look at their shadow

they're about one degree away from claiming that to say "the kingdom of God is in every man" would be a form of sexual assault and discrimination

Attached: 051006_lequeu_6.jpg (725x1050, 233K)

The new religion is the natural progression from saying “blessed are the meek” and “worldliness is the devil” to “failure is blessed” and “success is the devil.”

>magic rocks
Europeans never worshipped rocks, maybe niggers. The old european religions were much more about ancestor worship than anything else. But this was probably made by an atheist redditor so it's no surprise

Usually starts with animalism or ancestor worship with the two intertwining.
As for OP pic, one thing that always seems to be ignored these days is atheists essentially treating Dawkins, black science man etc as modern day prophets.

The profane don't even know they are sullied, I don't claim to be any kind of saint, but I know the depths of the subconscious isn't some freak production of evolution.

>blessed are the meek

meek has changed meaning over time
it used to mean something like "could use force but would rather not/keeping the sword sheathed but showing and making it clear that you have one"

but you can really just blame the Baptists and most nonorthodox denominations of the catholic church for being brainlets when interrupting the bible

Attached: 1545427567497.jpg (552x596, 52K)

No. Social media is the new religion

nah, social media is the new church
and progressivism is the religion

Just like how guns are evil and immoral no matter what. But even Jesus believed in self defense, saying to sell your cloak if you have to to buy a sword. They get stuck on "turn the other check".

Diversity is the new meta cult. Alternative hypothesis has a good video on this.

yes, it's very childish and has become something like a checklist to get into heaven rather than a shared civilization building protocol (among the Baptists especially)

Yes, progressivism is the new religion and the media figureheads are its preachers and inquisitors. It has been the case for more than a decade.
Tell me something I don't know.

Gender identity ideology is now a mandatory religion you must participate in.

You are required to have a gender identity ("Sex" has been covertly replaced. Check anywhere you have it recorded and see) and you must accept everyone else's identity as whatever they say. If a lesbian doesn't want to fuck transwomen or want their ladycock then she's not a lesbian, she's just a genital fetishist. It erases the concept of homosexuality by insisting you're bigoted if you're attracted to sex (which is what homosexuality is) instead of gender. You must also accept that a child can understand the wishy washy stereotype-ridden concept of gender enough to decide they're trans and you must accept this. Saying "trans women are men" or "women don't have penises" will get you banned off social media. "Deadnaming" a trans person will get you banned on Twitter too. It's scary how much power the trans lobby has obtained so fast. No other "civil rights" campaign has has this much universal media support in history. Politicians coming out and saying "Trans women are women" even though most of us don't believe that at all.

The only people fighting this bullshit are gender critical feminists and they're shouting down as TERFs.

Stop letting the big pharma and Soros funded trans lobby push this unscientific bullshit.

I'm a huge fucking gay faggot and I regret the day this mental illness was tacked onto the fight for LGB rights.