Why shouldn't I move to Australia?

The last 3 generations of my family have been Australian-Lebanese and have worked hard in both countries. I'm moving to start a life in Straya as of this June after having vacationed there several times. I'm pretty excited I'll be residing in Queensland can't wait to meet you anons.

Attached: Lebanon_Australia.jpg (492x323, 84K)


Please die

Oi mate before you come why does your flag have a christmas tree on it I thought you poofs were muslim

We don’t need more wogs here.

You should
After we cleanse your land from sand monkeys you can return

Ah Europe's brothel what's half an hour with your mum 90$?
I'm Christian you dirty convict.
Sorry you feel that way but its happening.

Fuck off, they're full.

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>I'm Christian you dirty convict.
I guess you're alright then.. Better than another currynigger I guess
Just don't go banging any white women

>don't go banging any white women
>finacee is australian
Sit down we have to have a talk...

You posted this exact thread like three months ago.

Fuck off, you attention seeking cunt.


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OP can fuck right off

Were full cunt.

>3 months ago
>landed here to visit my parents 2 weeks ago
Seems feasible.
You're not full till I say you are.

No u. Why shouldnt i move to lebanon?
>non cuck christian community
>shias are fellow counter semites
>jew killing millitias
>beautiful med women

Habibi dont know how good he has it, go to autistralia and get yelled at by bogans and get poisoned.

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Cronulla 2.0 when?

No one stopping you Nordbro.

>like 2 people per square kilometre
sorry m8, mind if we send a couple of our brownish halal-lovin friends your way? We're a hundred times as full? Thanks m8

We’ve only got 3 acres of land that’s habitable. We’re full as fuck.

Ancap is not a country m8888

sounds like you got the swing of it. welcome

Loving the attitude mate.

fuck off you dirty goat fucker

Only non-shutdown governments can participate in this thread sorry muttnon.

King Arim's Kebab shop was good last time I was in Brisbane. Run by coloured folk.


Based tree

Lebanon is one of the few stable Arab countries left, don't be a coward, your country needs you.

welcome mate

shoot down a kike jet before you come though

Welcome aboard. You'll fit right in.

They're always on the brink of a war with kikes.

fuck off

The eternal Anglo.
Sir yes sir.
Can't wait to get wasted with you cunts.
Thanks Bruce.
Accurate fromage.


Canada will one day catch up.

It's more stable than the countries around it, Lebanon still has a Christian population and you can go out in Beirut and drink without being beheaded.

You can go out anywhere and not be beheaded.

Send all of the immigrants and refugees out of our country.

And our country isn't the best, it has it's fair share of SJW's and normies

some of my best mates growing up were lebs
good luck to you mate, just remember to work hard and love australia

the close lebanese mates i had were always based af
alphas males with good food and strong connections to family and religion

Shut up faggot

seriously fuck off, i dont care if you have good intentions im sick of seeing so many shit skins when i visit home

But did they also massage your boy hole? This is why you need more Greek immigrants.

Yes get the fuck out already. The chinks are taking over australia anyway.
Greater Israel seems closer each day, and when greater Israel is complete God will send us New Jerusalem.

>Race mixing

You seeing this?

based White Christian Aryan LebAnon
Good on you for not being a filthy shitskinned jew rat