Man Injects 18 'Doses' of Semen Into Arm to Cure Back Pain, Ends Up in Hospital

>“This is the first reported case of semen injection for use as a medical treatment,” the doctors at Adelaide and Meath Hospital in Ireland wrote in the case study, titled “Semenly” Harmless Back Pain: An Unusual Presentation of a Subcutaneous Abscess,” published in the Irish Medical Journal.
>This isn’t the first time we’ve seen something... like this. Perhaps this case reminds you of Aaron Traywick, the deceased biohacker who once gave himself an unregulated herpes treatment in front of a crowd.
Why pay for expensive and dangerous drugs when you can inject your own semen into your veins and cure all ailments?

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Other urls found in this thread:'Duffy,_2016)

Irish aren't known for their massive intellect, so this is not surprising at all. I eagerly await you "B-but we kin drink an' fight" responses, so come at me (no pun intended), spudniggers.

Ireland will soon be free and united, you anglo-kike.

Imagine the smell

Did he hurt his back trying to suck his own dick?

You're not Irish Patrick Mendez-O'Reilly you're just LARPing as one.

OK Mohammed

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They have a gay Indian as their PM.

What the fuck is the point of calling for a united Ireland when you're led by a faggot poo?

I remember someone doing that on /b/ or Jow Forums around 10 years ago, the consensus is that he probably died, how did he survive 18 doses?

>OP writes a blog post


Nobody voted him in. All political parties are traitors and we are the most corrupt country in Europe.
I have to say this time and time again because retards can't research.

Muslims are way ahead of you, as usual.

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The Irish laugh at you dickheads you know.

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Didn't a missing girl end up in kebabs in one of your cities?
You dumb fucks were fed Human meat by muzzies. You can't talk shit.

christ what an abominati

""""""""""Irish"""""""""" Americans have to be the most irritating diaspora group in the world.

That has absolutely zero medical basis and would probably end up infecting and possibly killing you.

To be fair, Israeli-Americans are worse.
Plastic Paddies really piss us off here though.

If you and your wife moved to Poland would you be Chinese? Would your kids be Chinese? I know this is a tough question because you’re a lonely autist

I'm not English, Paddy. These kind of things do not happen here.

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What do you think the kebabs are made of in Dublin you ignorant mick?

More Irish than the chimps we left behind

Your great grandpappi moving to Boston from Dublin in 1925 doesn't make you Irish. You're an American, generations removed from Ireland. What's hard to understand about this? Australians don't claim to be English, or wherever the fuck they went to Australia from.

This is far too gay for me

>’it’s dangerous for the untrained to perform intravenous injections’ said the (Irish) author
He’d just wrote about subject and doesn’t know the difference between intravenous and subcutaneous?
That guy doesn’t look like he has injected anything into his veins. Subcutaneous doesn’t mean it went in his vein it means he just jacked it into his arm. If you mainlined jizz you’d regret it almost instantly, the pain in your brain and eyes would be a thing from hell. You might have a stroke. Inject a crack&heroin cocktail and spill a tiny flake of fag ash into the spoon while you’re cooking it and you’ll understand what suffering is all about.
You can inject spirits though. I once saw a half caste inject himself with Special Brew, it fizzed his arm up pretty quickly. I don’t know if he missed the vein or it collapsed or the beer was just fizzy but he got a big instant swelling. I don’t know how he went on afterwards, he did survive because I saw him again after that.

Why would it kill you? Its just protein

Izzat right, m8?

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He never injected it directly into the veins, but eventually the working agents if the semen would ail the aching back, restore his hairgrowth, add 4 inches of cock, 2 inches to his height and increase his iq by 5 points. This is the great secret big pharma doesn't want you to know

You could develop an infection, I do not trust a man who injects cum with a syringe in his arm to sterilize properly

Fuck Michael Collins and Eamon De Valera. You need to clone this guy.'Duffy

Or, at least join these guys,_2016)

But its his own cum?

Druggies dont get infections even tho they dont sterilize shit.

why didn't the fag just drink it like he clearly does any other day?

A literal cumskin

>Druggies dont get infections even tho they dont sterilize shit.
Drug addicts gets sepsis and amputee arms all the time

>20% """Irish""" amerimutt who can't speak a word of Irish and whose knowledge of Irish culture is limited to St.Patrick's Day makes a horrible post
Plastic paddies lmao

You need to get control of them. This is getting ridiculous.

Shut up kike.

Not today kike.

>Ireland has an Indian PM

I want off this ride.

The Situation has been doing it for years

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Yeah its definitely not the Jews, you fucking kike.

>being this stupid
Go back to creating more brave heroes like Anders Breivik because it's the only thing you're good for

Why are nordic, Germanic and Atlantic Europeans obsessed with cum and semen? Are you all gay?

American isn’t an ethnicity, asshole. I’m genetically 70% English not 70% American. My nationality is American.

It’s important to know your ethnic heritage so you can teach your kids. Helps to prevent race mixing.

>Semenly Harmless Back Pain

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There's a difference between knowing your ethnicity and LARPing as someone from another country, Ahmed.

based how will the anglos recover??

I'm pretty sure Aaron Traywick was operating on a whole nother level compared to this man injecting his own semen into his arm

Was the back pain cured?

I think I know this guy

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Yeah, your police just jail comedians. Oh no, it was fined and threatened with jail.

imagine a cannibal taking a bite

Neither can most of the Irish because we tried to exterminate their culture lmao

Fuck off Christcuck, take your Greenberg bullshit somewhere else.

Exactly, kike.


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If you are referring to Marcus who taught the pug to "Seig Heil", he hasn't been jailed yet - but if he chooses himself not to pay his fines, and to piss his crowdfunded defense money up against a wall, then that's his tough luck.
But my point still stands - we don't have paki rape gangs here.

Nigga that shit goes through your urethra which is home to millions upon millions of bacteria

Down there they're harmless but if some of them were to hitch a ride on the acucumture train then that's an easy way to get sepsis

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Jamal has bants today.

The good news is, his back pain is gone.

The bad news is, his arm is pregnant.

Whiter than you, Muhammads

Found the cum guzzler.

>Ends Up in Hospital
Everyday we stray further from the natural selection we need.

>Whiter than you, Muhammads
Kikes aren't white.

We are born by the sperm, made men by the sperm, undone by the sperm; Fear the old sperm.

>because we tried to exterminate their culture lmao
Based anglo

Idiots can’t read the goddam directions. It says “Inject your semen deep into HER for relief of HER back pain.” When her back sciatica is caused by a giant uterine myofibroma you can actually push it off her sciatic nerve and give her some relief.

stop sharing this information you cunt. they don't deserve to know.

This is now a Jabba thread.

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it's like that time i took viagra and it got stuck in my throat. had a stiff neck for a week

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Free and united under the thumb of the eu.............dickhead

>18 doses
How fucking much is in a dose of semen? Is this something that we standardized? A syringe-full of semen? Whose semen? So many questions.

The FUCK??

It looks like a wax statue that got left in the sun. Probably best that someone put it down, mostly for the sake of people that have to look at it. Worse than a trap.

It's not edited at all, she really looks like that. Source was the Daily Mail from about 2 months back.

Starwar is gayer than a trap orgy at an Elton John gig.