Am I the only one who feels sorry for the ISIS wives?

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the ISIS wives?

>be a married Muslim woman
>your husband joins ISIS even though you don't want him to
>you're not allowed to divorce him because in Islam the man has to agree to it
>you are now designated an ISIS wife
>you have 3 kids with him
>your husband goes off and dies in battle
>can't escape Syria because ISIS took your passport
>ISIS eventually loses all its territory and you get captured
>the Iraqis throw you in a detention center
>you get put in front of a judge for ten minutes with no defense from your court-appointed lawyer
>no matter what your story is, you're found guilty
>you get either executed or sent to life in prison
>your kids are now orphans

Fucked up. This is human rights abuse and not justice.,7340,L-5444409,00.html

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Maybe she shouldnt have followed a retarded religion in the first place?

No, I hope they all (muslim women) end up executed, or tied up in my basement

They don't really have a choice, they get beheaded if they don't

nice fake story faggot

Honestly, if you're born in that part of the world you have the choice of Islam or death... and your friendly neighbourhood liberal wants to import that culture in the west.

good, hang the m*slim bitch

And nothing of value was lost

>Be an Iraqi living in a stable country
>Kikes want you taken out
>US first starves 500,000 of your children to death in the hope it will lead to coup
>Doesnt work
>Kikes make up lies about you having WMDs
>US comes and bombs the fuck out of you
>Radiation from Depleted uranium cause entire generations of birth defects (pic related)
>New US puppet government puts MINORITY in charge
>Minority BTFO majority, especially anyone connected to previous government or military
>your country is destroy
>you have no prospects
>Kike comes along
>offers you shekels to fight for an "islamic state" and get revenge
>Used as a pawn for more regime change
>get BTFO again.
The untold story of ISIS

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>Am I the only one who feels sorry for the ISIS wives?

Based Sven

when in rome, do as romans do
Its their culture and its racist for us to judge it from our western point of view

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>or tied up in my basement
So you want to torture and rape shit skin women, just like Muslims do to your Finish women?

She knew the risks when she chose the path of the ninja.

if they kill all their women the problem would fix itself in the next years.

>>you're not allowed to divorce him because in Islam the man has to agree to it
Not true . You can go to a sharia arbitration court in Britain or other countries and if you tell them that you want a divorce because your husband wants to move to Syria to fight for isis then the divorce court will grant that

There is no Islamic obligation to join a terrorist group which every ulema in the world has denounced because your husband wants to.

Any woman who goes to isis has done so willingly because their loyalty to their husband or some jihadi they met online trumps all other decency and religious responsibility

retarded betapeter

>Am I the only one who feels sorry for the ISIS wives?
nope, it's their religion AND MUSLIMS love and justify it
t. have seen muslims' attitudes here

>You can go to a sharia arbitration court in Britain

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It has more to do with a proxy war between the US and Russia in order to control oil supplies because both of our currencies are tied into the value of oil. But either way I agree, it's a fucked up illegal war and we need to gtfo

>feeling sorry for literal inbred barbarians


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Whatever happened to the old rules of war regarding the conquered? Kill the men and breed the women.

Not worth fucking an inbred slampig from a third world shithole desu

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Why she looks comfortable. She's just standing in attention until summoned is all

well thankfully, US is now a net exporter of oil, so our interests over there should dissipate.
my cynical side is still waiting though.

we shouldnt feel sorry for kikes, i agree.

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>You're not allowed to divorce him because in Islam the man has to agree to it.

That's not true user. No where in Quran or Hadits does it mention that.
- Ex-Muslim fag

no they should be in jail or executed

Begone thots!

>or tied up in my basement
Reminder that whenever someone says things like this, they watch far too much porn and its affecting their train of thought outside of wanking sessions. Telltale sign of addiction

Free yourself brother

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>husband joins ISIS against your wishes

No these women support this shit and then try to play the victim card to get gibs once Mohammad becomes s martyr. You see that shit when they come over here. They're not forced into anything once they're here and yet they support theirn husbands/Islam anyway. I know a Christian girl from middle east who speaks Arabic. Because she speaks English with a perfect accent these muslims assume she doesnt speak Arabic and she says they're constantly talking shit about westerners.

>- Ex-Muslim fag
do you fear that muslims will kill you over that? turning away from islam is a death sentence after all.

nice shilling faggot, those women who were detained in Iraq are western women who ran away from their home to explicitly marry ISIS terrorists.
I hope they will die painful deaths.
Here is one link, google it yourself for others.
Now go away

Bury them alive.

Live by the ghost pirate
Ya die by the ghost pirate


I don't feel sympathy for women.

Let me guess, you think christianity is better

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I would kill her with her kids

They choose their path, now they face the consequences. Don't foist this on the men (most who are now fucking dead) These fuckers are ones who are meant to breed new fighters, they're just as guilty.

You're a soft faggot, OP.

Dont expect me to feels sorry for these whores who fucked isis members that burried christian families alive, raped children to death in front of the families and tortured fathers to death in front of their sons. The fact these whores gave isis members orgasm is enough for me to give them the death penalty.

it is as a matter of fact no i dont care what happened a hundret years ago or whatever i care about now and right now it is miles better.

Yep, that's me, outside on a below freezing winter's day, digging sewer pipe ditches with a shovel for 8 hours a day. Whoa, cool, my meager tax contribution is being used in part to fund Islamic Terror in the middle east! The first nigger president is recreating the institution of slavery in Libya and Syria with my shovel money! Awesome!

If they're women from the west, it's in the Koran that Muslims must follow the rules of the land. So these fucking bitches go to a police station and say their husband wants to become a fucking terrorist and you want a divorce. Easy. They choose this, user. The loser must suffer what they must, nigga.

>your husband joins ISIS even though you don't want him to
hahaha cmon mate

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Their hubbies are barbarians those women are soaked 24/7

That's funny how sw*den and other weropean feminist shitholes will take a headcutter with 1000 confirmed kuffar kill and suck his dick and do everything else to accommodate him but won't lift a finger to help women like these.

Immigration should only be allowed for women between the ages of 18-30

>No Children
>No Men
>No Elderly
>No Families

As a matter of fact yes, at the end any idiot can join as a well as leave

Are you fucking kidding?
They literally knew what they were getting into and even helped them. Ive seen undercover feed from Mosul during its occupation and the ISIS wives were a fucking stasi operation spying on others in internet cafes and shit. Some even patrolled armed with their husband.
But now they pretend to be innocent victims and cry crocidile tears in court.
Fuck them and fuck you for falling for them you retarded cuckold.
Justice would be for these snakes to be executed like the people they ratted out to die in their promotion videos.

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