Ham-B E R D E R

2010 definition uses (((Masonic))) terminology “on the level” to describe pedophile satanists committing pizza gate style atrocities to kids.
2019 Trump makes a typo

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It trump is in on it and it happened because he talks about Berder Island with his fellow pedos so frequently the autocorrect got it

Sakin is a Turkish name meaning "Quiet"

he "served 1000 hamberders"

mh, is that a crypted message? especially since he only bought 300 but said 1000?

Spelling matters

Attached: qbert.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Somebody post the picture of smocking

What about the "ham"?

hamberder would refer to a muslim who eats pork

mm mm no no no, autocorrect isn't going to change hamburger to hamberder.

Attached: 1546397834412.jpg (677x1024, 58K)

Attached: ham.jpg (653x223, 35K)


>Trump has insider info on pedophile networks
>Instead of launching a formal investigation he's dropping breadcrumbs on Twitter

Are you all fucking stupid?

sealed indictments?

yes trump makes a typo, because trump is retarded

>ham is a typo in swedish for the word hamn which means "dock"
>burger spoken in swedish loosely translates into "faggot"

so hamburgers (you) basically means OP is a fag fucking guys at the docks

FBI ignored ali G what makes you think they will do it for trump, executive order? im sure hes saving that to nuke the illuminati

Attached: berder.png (1004x290, 49K)


"overacting inferior performer" + "level of evil below the devil"

Did don git spook'd

Attached: KGZAzLm.gif (225x537, 58K)

Actually there's a gay sexual 'maneuver', where one guy stick his dick into another man's gaping foreskin, this connecting the dicks in an intimate matter. It's called "docking".

The more you know.


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>Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter

Attached: qbertandernie.jpg (749x814, 99K)

I'll have a smocking berder and a cofeve to drink please

Attached: Breitbart-Podesta-Tweet.jpg (607x291, 44K)

Trump owns the Dems.

You got one of those for "The Fool"?

Attached: fool.gif (233x533, 84K)

Perfect, the last one I was missing! Have a Temperance.

Attached: YEIjDxV.gif (225x534, 55K)

Capitalize the beginning of your sentences, as well as proper nouns. You also need a period at the end of the sentence.
You missed a comma after "yes," too.

well that thread about aquanigger fondling his kids got shut down quick


archive if you want to see how quickly shills came in and then it got 404d

No worries

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