/BPG/ Butler Plan General - Rising of the Moon Edition


The Butler Plan, founded by Pastor Richard Butler, is a territorial imperative calling all racially aware whites in North America to relocate to the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Montana west of Interstate-15) and in time, form a sovereign white homeland on the North American continent.

Why the Northwest?
>Outside of select major cities, it is essentially an all white territory, one of the last in the world. (9,000,000 whites)
>It is geographically and infrastructurally sufficient for sustaining itself independently.
>The climate is more or less the same as Europe, and being a backwater of the United States, easily able to be cut away from the empire.
>There is already a significant racially aware white population present in the Northwest.

The United States is simply too big to reclaim. The Southwest is overrun with Hispanics and the South has the black belt. The Northeast is too small and lacks sufficient resources to hold its own as an independent state, this is where the Northwest is superior. There is more than enough agricultural land, industry, and energy sources for the homeland to sustain itself successfully. Gather your trusted friends and family and move to the Northwest Homeland. Form racially aware communities within the Northwest with those you know and trust. We can establish a homeland for whites on North America, all we need is to simply LIVE TOGETHER.

White man, its time to Come Home!

Radio Free Northwest, hosted by Andreas Donner of the NWF:

Thread theme: youtu.be/I0zBlHlnR4Y


Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>What is The Butler Plan?

>Draft Constitution of the Northwest American Republic.

It is now fairly clear that at some point in the future, the United States of America will cease to exist as a viable political, economic, and social entity. It is a historical truth that nothing lasts forever, and the USA will not last forever either.

When that collapse occurs, the many races and vested interest groups that inhabit the North American continent will begin to rip and tear at whatever’s left of the United States, like vultures on a carcass. Bluntly put, we need to make sure that Whites get their piece of the carcass.

We need to create a country for White people alone. Considerations of history, economics, and logistics dictate that the best place for such a country is here in the Pacific Northwest. With your help we can achieve a Northwest American Republic. The core territories of our Republic are Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Montana west of I-15. The surrounding areas of Northern California, Wyoming, Eastern Montana, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Alaskan Panhandle.

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Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration

>I. The White race in North America is in danger of literal, physical extinction. If current destructive demographic trends continue, White people will be a minority in the United States and Canada by the year 2050, and we will have vanished completely from North America by 2100. The real point of no return, however, is far closer. Within a very short time, the median age of the White population of North America will have become so high that we will no longer be capable of reproducing ourselves in sufficient numbers to overcome the tide of mud-colored Third World immigration.

>II. We as a people have wasted the past century on pointless, futile and impotent right-wing and kosher conservative organizations and strategies. The majority of these past organizations and movements refused to recognize the vital central importance of race in all issues, and they refused to recognize the urgent need for state power in order to preserve the existence of our race. The few attempts which have been made to resist racial extinction by groups and personalities of an openly National Socialist or racialist nature have been led by men who were stupid, incompetent, dishonest, or some combination of all three. The result of the past hundred years of right-wing failure and impotence is that we are now out of time.

>III. There is only one strategy remaining to us which may be able to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Our last remaining hope to stave off extinction is the establishment of a sovereign and independent nation on the continent of North America for White people only.


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>IV. Considerations of demographics and economics, as well as a history of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews, Sam and Vicky Weaver, and Richard Butler dictate that the territory for this sovereign Aryan republic must lie in the Pacific Northwest.

>V. The first step toward the establishment of the Northwest American Republic is a mass migration of the existing racially aware White community to the states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is a matter of the utmost urgency to make this vitally important commitment to the future of our people, that you do so now, and that you come to the Homeland with only the minimum delay necessary to raise sufficient funds and put your affairs in order

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Our flag is a simple blue, white and green tricolor

>Blue is for the sky
>Green is for the land
>White is for the people living in between

Tricolors had their genesis as national flags in Europe in the nineteenth century, when flags were hand-sewn by women, and when the secret police or king’s soldiers came calling the stitches could be quickly pulled out and all you had were three strips of cloth.

We deliberately do not include any seals in the plain white field, nothing that would be sectarian or cause controversy or dissension. Just a simple Tricolor design and simple color scheme which is beautiful and can be worked into all kinds of motifs and graphics for the different groups involved. Such as the flag of the New Awakening (A tricolor with a Swastika in the center). The Tricolor is a flag representing a national Identity, not a political party, and should be treated as such.

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Northwest Independence Novels reading guide:

The Northwest Independence series was written by Harold A. Covington to build a sense of Northwest Identity, as well as being a sort of instruction manual if you know how to read it right. The novels tell of a not so distant future where white rebels begin an IRA style campaign to form the NAR, and the 50 years following the Republic’s independence.

>The Brigade: northwestfront.org/novels/The_Brigade.pdf (reccomended for first read)
>A Distant Thunder: northwestfront.org/novels/A_Distant_Thunder.pdf
>A Mighty Fortress: northwestfront.org/novels/A_Mighty_Fortress.pdf
>Freedom’s Sons: northwestfront.org/novels/Freedoms_Sons.pdf
>The Hill of the Ravens: northwestfront.org/novels/The_Hill_of_the_Ravens.pdf

>What good will fiction do us?
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a fictitious story, is widely credited with being one of the sparks which ignited the American Civil War, and the Northwest Novels will be one of the many sparks that brings the Northwest American Republic into existance.

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>Why is the Butler Plan different?
The Butler Plan is the ONLY real plan White Nationalists have to achieve a white ethnostate, and unlike other “plans” this requires something of the person partaking in it. It requires you to MOVE to the Northwest and make your life there, thats it.

>Isnt the Northwest full of Liberals?
Only small pockets in the major metropolitan areas, just like the rest of the United States. The rural areas are essentially all conservative/christian/racially aware Whites. We’re dealing with one of the last all-White territories left in the world. Liberals will more than likely get the message and leave, or maybe even join us.

>The Northwest is too cold and wet!
Its the same climate your ancestors decend from, the land you are biologically built for. If it’s truly too cold for you, you’re of no use to us.

>How do we form communities?
Start with a basis of 3 people, what the NWF and NA dub a “Trouble Trio” these three likeminded friends living within a 30 minutes drive of one another can further spread racial propaganda and recruit trusted individuals in the community.

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cant we add the north, alaska,manitoba and northern ontario? will it be too big?


If we could get our hands on it theres no reason we shouldnt take as much as we can get, but primary settlement needs to focus on the 4 core territories first and foremost

yes. The pacific coast should especially be secured

>north, alaska, manitoba
those are mostly inhabited by indigenous peoples, we should leave them alone

>northern Ontario
that's way too far east, you might as well take over all of Canada at that point.

So long as these 3 areas are secure we can manage to do quite a bit in the ways of reclaiming other land or getting others with them

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sure in case of such a scenario nobody will be in canada at this point

Based NVA user.

All in due time fren.

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Pics from the homeland

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Are you the same Czech guy from yesterday

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Sorry, didn't posted nothing yesterday.

Damn, some Czech guy was posting a ton of good shit in here yesterday

>another Czechbro being supporter of NWF
And here I was, thinking I'm alone in this country. You have link to archive, user?

Old thread is linked in the OP

Oh, sorry didn't see it. I'll check it out. Will do some bumping too.

They will all die in the yellowstone eruption. Appalachia is a better choice.


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On the off chance that Yellowstone does Eurpt, the entire northern hemipsphere is fucked, we’ll be fucked either way. We debunk this EVERY thread

The problem with Appalachia is that it's too close to the zog superfortress that is the East Coast.

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You need to spam other threads with simple and short NWF infographs and memes. Not just other threads but other boards and forums too. I've spoken to Americans that didn't know about NWF, it's a very self contained idea, which needs to change.

Do you have any suggestions? We’re open to whatever tips you think could help

We're working on getting the message spread further, but as it is the NWF is growing fast already.


Oh no no no more ‘affordable housing’ for migrants

I know everyone's suggestion is just memeing, like it's become a bit of a cargo cult after the 2016 election, but I do think that's where the NWF is lacking. Short and simple memes, informative infographics to get out the message to people who you are and what you're about. Think of it like brand awareness. In the marketplace of ideas not enough people are buying your product because of lack of visibility.

Also unironically shaming. Start shaming faggots for shitposting here and larping about DOTR instead of nutting up and doing more than just mouthing off. They have the opportunity to help in the formation of a homeland or at least in preparing for it and they're posting in BBC threads.

My destiny is where I am but if I could be anywhere else it'd be with you boys helping out there, you've got the right idea.

>but as it is the NWF is growing fast already.
I'm glad to hear that.

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And to expand on that, also some good old street activism. Print provocative, yet not too edgy posters/stickers and fill all Northwest with them. Create stencils and use them too. Keep one uniform and professional design on all material. Print fliers and leave them everywhere. Media will screech soon enough and do your work for you, propagating your ideas.

Sadly non-white immigration will be an important factor in winning over the whites in the Northwest, the natives will have to experienve diversity first hand to side with us

>and fill all Northwest with them
Not only there, I would suggest targeting areas that were until recently white that have been hit with diversity. And cities. Whites that are in close contact with non whites are prime targets for being made racially aware. And we know white flight is a thing, it'd be good to have them consider the NWF as a destination in their exodus from the brown hordes.

Absolutely. Just pointing out it should start in PNW, since people are supposedly already there and it will be easier to rally others already living in the state(s)

Whites in the US are already leaving areas like Texas, Cali, and New York to go to the PNW because of the diversity, so in a sense the migration is already going on and increasing every day. What we need are 1000 Class A white nationalists who can establish a functioning revolutionary party like the NWF in the region

Low-level street activism will help with that too. Attracting attention is step 1. Creating good system to back-check new guys who will react on that attention from step 1 is next thing. I know there are far more than 1000 Class A guys out there, but you must have a way of identifying them while not getting infiltrated by a glowing nigger.

What the day we shall not speak of comes, there will always be room for volunteers friend.

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The main problem with street activism we have in the U.S. is that often times it devolves into a circus where a bunch of degenerates who wave around a swastika and where their stormtrooper costume, fliers and banners are fine but street marches won't be a thing until we have enough people to where it wouldn't be ten dudes yelling on the streets of Seattle.

Don't do streetmarches whatsoever. There is no point in them until you can attract literal thousands of people and even then, they are highly counter-productive. Street marches are for legal movements who aims to enter the already established political process, not the kind of action NWF will going to be doing.

Just get few solid guys to do leg-work on the streets and some other solid guys to create background check system and carry on recruitment that will come from the aforementioned streetwork. Everything else is a framework that can be done on the run.

This is just throwing it at the wall to see what sticks, but podcasting is a great way to get the message out. I find HC's show to have been really comfy, but funny entertainment travels a lot further Things like Goytalk are fostering quite a community, and Pop culture of Critique is really funny and shareable. Whereas Radio Free Northwest was always more preaching to the choir. Something a bit lighthearted and shitposty interspersed with a good dose of the message is easier to spread. Just a suggestion.

I'd love to, but I don't believe i'll ever leave here. Things are heating up , it would appear my future is fast approaching.

>Something a bit lighthearted and shitposty interspersed with a good dose of the message is easier to spread.
This. Also you can see it right on this anonymous Cantonese insect cooking forum - the whole cultural shift/overton window shift to the right was done mostly by a humor. And boy, what a playing field for funny stuff we have with the insane political correctness all around. People will love you for just publicly (on radio) saying stuff about niggers they all think inside their heads. Same should be applied to the street materials like fliers or posters. Left is losing the cultural war because they are not funny.

>Left is losing the cultural war because they are not funny.
Yep. It's amazing how much of the holocaust indoctrination has been undone with muh six gorillion and happy merchant memes.

Humour is incredibly subversive, it's the greatest propaganda tool and method to dismantle clown world narratives anyone has access to.

Also, people have to keep in mind is it's young white men that are being disenfranchised most by the system, it's zoomers that are the first white minority generation. It's them that need to be targeted. You have to make this fun to attract them to the movement.

>Same should be applied to the street materials like fliers or posters.
The perfect example of this is A Wyatt Mann. His drawings have spread further and are more memorable than any single far right recruitment poster I can think of

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We’re aware of how its effecting youth, its been Zoomers making these threads the past week

We are in complete agreement here. Shit, you can just take some entry-level memes and turn them into a stickers/posters. Remember it's okay to be white thing, how fucking huge it was - and that wasn't even organized by some central organization like in NWF you can have. It's little things that make it count - same applies to the whole 13% of blacks... meme now. That is a perfect poster right there. Print few hundreds and tape whole walls of them. You can do the whole thing in two or three guys in a few hours and (((media))) will shit their pants.

We're all in the same fight, I'd be surprised if we didn't end up helping each other at some point

>I'd be surprised if we didn't end up helping each other at some point
Me too. Our fates seem to be entwined, you guys have the largest white population of any single nation on Earth, how you handle this will literally affect every other white person across the world, and we are and will be a demonstration of how you'll be treated and what's coming your way. What happens next to both of us will decide a lot of white people's futures.

Stay strong friend, hopefully some day our children won't have to worry about such things, hail victory

You too. God bless user.

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We are going to come and help, no matter if it's going to be South Africa or NAR. Hail victory.

That gave me a good chuckle.
Thanks Czechbro. Hail victory.

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>that pic
Fug, that's my OC. Mixed feelings here, seeing my stuff is nice, being it tied with Harold's passing not so much.

If you have honest questions about the NWF, the Butler Plan and the Northwest Imperative, read what's contained in these links.


The preceding links go a long way toward answering the same questions we hear over and over and over.

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Truly a soldier of our race

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Never forget, true to the end.

Radio Free Northwest: Recommended Listening List



Most of the Northwest Front's core concepts are contained in here, and also included are some shortcasts for entertainment value.

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I have sicilian in the family tree that has permanently tainted the blood. Are meds considered white enough for the NWF? The faqs didn't address this.

Do you look White? Do you act White? If so, you'll be considered White.

The best rule of thumb to determine someones race is this. If within 30 seconds of seeing somebody for the first time, you have any doubt that they are white, they most likely are not white.

Awesome, thanks for the response.

My skin is tanned, Spaniard-tier. I am a Southern Italian, but my father is blond and even has green eyes. When I was a kid I was blond, too. Am I white, or does my darker complexion exclude me from the ethnostate?


If you had blonde hair you’re probably white, but nobody could tell for sure unless they saw you. Its a case by case basis

Additionally on the "am I White issue":

A White person is a human being of solely native European ancestry; or a human being who, if they have non-European antecedents, is nonetheless of a physical and genetic makeup that is within the range typical of people of solely European ancestry; or, the child of two Whites.

Sounds reasonable. If the plan goes forth and my country falls I'll move there and help

Of and of course, don't forget to read the Northwest Homeland novels.


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Is this a Christian Identity thing? Richard Butler was the head of Aryan Nations and the Church of Jesus Christ Christian.

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>Is this a Christian Identity thing?
We are a community of blood, not of faith. Race, not religion, is what is important. For the sake of our own and future generations, we agree to lay aside all differences of religion between White people, now and forever.


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This so much.

>Playing The Game
Quick Rundown;
Stop POINTLESS protesting
Stop marching in honeypots

None of these are Praxis (action).

All you need is around 10 million whites to do the following and the rest falls into place;

>Embrace a coherent Amerikaner ethnic identity, Mythos and ethnofaith.
If any core aspect of identity can be "shared" with an outgroup you are ripe for subversion and replacement. There is no "humanity" tribe, only Goyim. Better yet appropriate "American" and American symbolism as your own and yours alone (which it is, you ARE the descendants of the founders).

>Have as many children as possible
10 million can become 50 million In a single generation, see Amish etc.

>Embrace traditional values etc and reject all Goyim values
There is a reason why UTR flopped and it's because normies ARE the alt right (pic related, historically and currently) to put in bluntly the left have managed to package tyranny, degeneracy, freaks and brown invaders together to fight wholesome, liberty loving whites.

They won't win this, whites on the fence will come to YOU not to them. You just have to appear strong, consistent and wholesome. Likewise reject anything that can be shared with other groups, civic nationalism needs to die,fast.

>Vote in nationalist candidates
Start with GOP. The left will do the rest as stated they have managed to juxtaposition brown socialist invaders Vs white "libertarian" natives. This is A GOOD thing, see; Cortez.

>Unilateral secession
Do as the Amish do, do as the Jews do as in; in group support networks, businesses, child care, home schools etc.

What not to do;

Remember this; The invaders/those who facilitate them are not doing so through a position of strength, they are doing so through white inaction.

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Even if "the collapse" doesn't happen, and the volunteers don't get the opportunity to fight for their own land, having thousands of nationalists gathered across the Northwest... breeding... infiltrating the states systems.. raising children correctly... laying the foundations for the true future of white america is the most desirable choice of action for any serious pro-white in The US.
And I want to point out, you don't need to directly contact the NWF... you could form your own NWF within the Northwest OR the northeast

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>OR the Northeast

Dont, I know it’s predominantly white but it not only lacks the resources and land to successfully maintain an ethnostate, its also a massive ZOG stronghold along with the rest of the upper east coast. The Northwest doesnt have this issue because its essentially a backwater.

>Why does it have to be the Northwest? What about other predominantly White parts of the continent, such as New England, for example?


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