Her website
>disgusting virtue signaling sjw horseshit
what does Australian shitposter have to say about that?
Her website
>disgusting virtue signaling sjw horseshit
what does Australian shitposter have to say about that?
Other urls found in this thread:
>someone had a worldview I don't like
it's just a stupid fucking commercial, get over it.
Like your picture implies, suck my farts cunt.
she's a kike.
and the agence she works for, grey agency, is owned by kikes too.
>london based
Imagine my shock
Is she a fucking faggot ass melbournian?
>mandatory retarded liberal burger posting
Why aren't you cleaning the shit and needles homeless niggers left on your pavement in SanFran?
Your thread is shit, I hope some Yellow vest guts you like a fish.
>emotional outburst
come back here cunt so I can bully you harder, filthy scum.
Also, fyi, I do support the yellow jackets, I just think they lack balls, they should just go ahead and hang every single prefect they get their hands on.
He mad cuz someone mocked a woke retarded dundee roastie commie
>he mad
back to jacksonville for you nigger
“Woke” advertising is the most hilarious shit and goes against all the principles of marketing. Which part did these fools miss when reading the guidelines of how to nurture your customer relationships? It’s just coopting capitalism to brainwash people.
Kikes aren't Aussies.
>he doesn't know about the Melbourne containment zone
she's christian.
why are you so mad about a TV ad? I swear Jow Forumstards are no different from SJWs. pathetic
>it's just an ad bro
how much are you getting paid to post on Jow Forums, shill?
>Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Jow Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Jow Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
She's incredibly obsessed with men, with "toxic" masculinity and with masculinity in general.
Her work with females and women is the same old tired rehashing of the "LOVE YOUR BODY, WOMYN STRONK".
But she goes into pathologically insane levels when it comes to men, look at her other work. This bitch is absolutely obsessed.
What do you lads reckon happened to her? Molested?
>anybody who doesn't agree with me and echo my sentiments is a shill
what will REEEEEEEEEing about this 24/7 bring you? think for yourself stupid frog. be an individual
> he cares about something I don't!
>he must be unable to think by himself, haha, what a brainlet
your country hasn't be able to produce anything worthy since Metternich, and you're only known for your fucking cakes. Just go ahead and drink bleach, leftist scum
>he actually made a good point
>let me tell him attack his country instead of acknowledging him
>i will also call him a leftist which by extension means he is a faggot
>and tell him to drink bleach
>that'll show him
im more of a libertarian sweetie.
Hitler war Österreicher .
>he made a good point
no you didnt
into the trash it goes
So a kike
Kek. Most exquisite indeed
speak a real language fucking kraut
Na und?
you won. you happy? enjoy your prize. fucking larping Nazi retard
So is it just a concidence that every bad man in the video is white while every virtuous man is brown? I'm really interested in your take on this. I'm also wondering what all this hate propaganda against white men will lead to when white people become minorities in countries.
You're a lolbert because you're a coward.
it's pretty easy to spot a leftwing retarded niggerkike
Sissy war Deutsche. Ebenso Mozart.
I think Jow Forums is slowly frying your brain. Shouldn't you be at wörk right now?
>feminist bullshit
Tranny. Every damn time!
>/pol is frying your brain
Don't you just love when a fucking germanic hippie cunt is trying to teach you what is wrong and what is right?
with any venomous creature, the Aussie species are always the worst. this includes feminists
Back when i lived in New Caledonia, aussies used to be massive cunts with balls of steel, but now it seems they got sissyfied. How come? Did your country caught feminism too?
Germans are literally the subhumans of Europe.
>made a jew bastard their fuhrer
>killed millions of europeans in 2 world wars
>caused immense damage
>handed over power to the kikes
>paperclip their way into the jewsa and turn it into a synagogue shithole
>fill europe with kikes and niggers
>enforce kike rule by the JEU Union
>work tirelessly day and night to destroy the natural order
>worship satan openly and rim each others assholes every single day
>no remorse for the people of Europe
>love other subhumans like - kikes and niggers
Is there anything im missing?
Came here to say this.
Australia isn't a bastion of logical people. We are a majority sjw shit hole. We're Montreal now
there's no contradiction there, frogbro. Aussie feminists are massive cunts with flaps of steel. i'd post a pic of clementine ford but I don't want it on my computer. and yes, UK is pozzed to the core
just by visiting her website i can tell she is a degenerate fuck and at the same time holds typically contrarian leftist views by obviously supporting muslims only because muh diversity. Just typically lefty jew shit really. Id expect this kinda ad to be made if I hired her. But chances are, I wouldnt hire her because shes no different or extraordinary than the thousands of agencies in California.
Let me get one thing straight, our countries are mortal ennemies and never, ever will I make friend with an anglo scum.
mandatory up faggots
don't worry, pretty soon both your countries will be north african together
some of your cities already are. Yeah, we all know about detroit or baton rouge, retarded burger
oh no ill lose the thousands of years of architecture, culture and meaningful displays of art america has provided.
oh wait we have none of that lmao. fuck do i care if detroit niggerland goes to shit for being run by niggers for 40+ years? its a fucking coontown car factory, big fucking whoop. france actually has shit to lose, or had I should say. take the black pill.
Frankly, the biggest niggercities I couldnt care less about, and that means: Montpellier, Toulouse, Perpignan, Marseille and the worst one: Paris.
We could nuke all of these and I wouldnt give a single fuck.
She is! She was borne and raised if this is to be believed! dreshare.com
*Born and raised in Melbourne.