what the FUCK is wrong with this people??
What the FUCK is wrong with this people??
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We need more helicopters
uhhhhhhhh......this is what makes one generation "revolt against the modern world" like PJW says. I mean, you see this NPC behavior and the black pill just gets shoved deeper. Very frustrating to walk through life right now as a persecuted independent thinker. Not literally persecuted, but through other means.
My sister had her first child a few months back and I congratulated her and my brother in law for starting a family...cause that’s exactly what that word means. You can’t have a family without children.
It’s similar with house and home. I live in a house cause I don’t have kids, but my sister now has a home.
Lol its like what happens when a demon sees a cross. These people have learned to REEEE at anything that isn't a group of men sodomizing each other
>"revolt against the modern world" like PJW says.
>like PJW says
its sick its piss
Ironically, the one that has a problem with the usage of the word "family" suggests that gays can't have true families after adopting. Fuckin' kek.
Satan’s faggots for you
These sound like the type of people that deserve to control all of the information there is about me.
Poor little moot
Remeber when they said the anti family rhetoric of the religious right was a conspiracy theory?
Seriously how can you police your own language to that extent? Families mean children whether it is the nuclear family or extended family. We are all here because familes have children.
We're entering the final stages of Identity Politics.
Finding no obvious oppressors to claim to be victims of, they now turn against their own in order to continue maintaining their victimhood status.
these people are literally possessed by demons
Obama's election in 2008 is unironically was caused this shit. It emboldened and weaponized the freaks of the world to come out of their shell and shit all over everything decent.
and there is the first hints at the break up of the family unit right on schedule
never thought agenda 21 would become a documentary of the future but there it is.
Family is anti Marxist
They are like demons who will be destroyed if exposed to anything good and wholesome.
We're going to need a lot of fucking helicopters
>I live in a house cause I don’t have kids, but my sister now has a home.
well put, user
may it become a home some day
i guess no one told you the real name of our reality, it's clownworld.
>We're going to need a lot of fucking helicopters
>We're going to need a lot of fucking helicopters
>We're going to need a lot of fucking helicopters
>We're going to need a lot of fucking helicopters
my bad
How did these people get hired? Wtf does this have to do with algorithms and whatever?
Obama smith Munda 2012
Navy persona software
This motherfucks thinks they can talk like this shit here n mouthdouches our ears with shitting dickfucks... ell man the fuck is this shit.. WHo the fuck is gonna fucking bent the Senpai? A fucking spoogle cunt is hating our people friends better get hoisted as fuck this motherfucks is spirals man...
>Yeah but seriously its fucking Clown World of the Endless Horror's...its getting better all the time...
Claiming that children are “family” is pedophobic. What about all the children that George Takei keeps tied up in his basement?
Lmao just fucking blast this sad space rock from orbit already ayys
So lesbian or gay couples with children aren't families? Heh.
Sargon predicted this
Obviously even they think so, otherwise they wouldn't be projecting their insecurities
No of course not they are lovers.
You're very smart user.
and unfortunately this
google is hilariously pathetic wow, lmao.
good to know the universe finds a way of balancing all things, Google will fall into irrelevancy thanks to the ideology of these freaks who flocked to it that they hired in droves. people this crazy will tear it down from the inside for us.
so masculinity is toxic and families are offensive
how long until they start demonizing pregnant women?
You do know they are planning on microwaving us to death with dews drones and 5g yes ofc you do.
There's no such thing as demons.
>if you don't abort your white child, you are racist
could work, hmm.
Well shit why'd you push so hard to let faggots get married and adopt children if you're then going to say that a "family" is homophobic and non-inclusive? Getting triggered at the mere mention of the core unit of our society and of our species' survival is a pretty good sign that you've been warped into something incredibly unnatural, twisted, and malignant.
Thanks for keeping us filled in
>pregnancy is toxic femininity
It's absolutely disgusting
It's LITERALLY where families come from
> (You)
>>pregnancy is toxic femininity
>It's absolutely disgusting
>It's LITERALLY where families come from
it is, afterall, the line between real women and trannies they'll never be able to legitimately cross.
trannies/fags/dykes/otherkin already hate 'breeder' women, they just need to mainstream the idea
literal fake news
The world has gone completely clown shoes. This is what Yuri has warned us about. These people are too far gone. You can talk sense into some commies at least but this, this is worse. There's no co,ming back from this kind of retardation.
I think demons is the correct assessment. This shit just seems to spring up out of nowhere, then spreads like wildfire with basically no effective resistance whatsoever... every time. What's the secular explanation here? (((think tank))) envoys corrupting Google's employees with subversive lectures? Surely that can't explain the whole of it.
Ultimately, this is a result of so many Godless people now in the west. If you're not with God, then you're in rebellion to him, whether you realise it or not. The NPC meme perfectly describes the "unsaved", take Jesus and the Samaritan Woman for example (John 4:7-26). Both are the same concept.
I can't fucking wait for the diversity bubble to burst. Especially for trannies, I hope it hits trannies the hardest.
It's really quite simple user. The Jews have decided to try and kill the Christian West with Cancer. By splitting the "good/righteous/healthy" away from Christianity/West and replacing with "love" and "tolerance" of everything; including things which can simply be classified as evil. It's kabala 101; utilizing "evil mercy" to destoy things in the name of love/affection/tolerance/understanding.
Of course, you could always make the argument that if you listen to the people who tell you that drinking toilet water while injecting yourself with poison that you have no one but yourself to blame.
I'm also encouraged to know they don't consider their rainbow coalition a family. These people are guided by demons.
Do you think they’ll be able to get any of that to actually work? At this point their workforce is mostly useless freaks at who spend all their time kvetching that there is still good left in the world
I just finished Screwtape letters by CS Lewis. It's a series of correspondence between a senior devil and a junior discussing the art of temptation. It was written mid 20th century and it outlines the type of society, and most importantly, the kind of people steering society today.
I believe these people are under the dominion of evil spirits.
It's not stupidity, it's the complete inversion of good.
>It’s similar with house and home. I live in a house cause I don’t have kids, but my sister now has a home.
PJW is a zionist faggot
i miss u nasim
just selected for in the hiring process. Are you possessed by a stupid retard?
The children probably wouldn't be able to buy the fucking product by themselves, so yeah it's aimed at families with children because those people have money to buy shit most likely. When you were a kid, have you ever bought stupid product aimed at you? If yes wouls you have been able to buy it if you had no parents/family? Fuck no.
Fuck Google
Fuck left-wing-leaning parasites
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
We have the governments we deserve to have.
>core unit of our society
the intention was always to destroy the family unit (self-sufficiency) in order to foster dependency on the state. this idea is fundamental to communism and they will tell any lies necessary in order to get there
scary shit
>“My family consists of me and several other trans feminine folks, some of whom I’m dating. We’re all supportive of each other and eventually aspire to live together. Just because we aren’t a heterosexual couple with 2.5 kids, a white picket fence, and a dog doesn’t mean we’re not a family,” another employee added in agreement.
America, of the empires, has the most pathetic decline. Literally worse than Hitler necking himself in a bunker.
into the oven they all must go.
99919 close enough
Yeah I'm just depressed at this point
>>Jow Forums200099999
More like companies hire these people to virtue signal but then the people turn out to be batshit insane. They can’t fire them because that would make them look like bigots, so they just virtue signal louder not really knowing how to get out of the whole they’ve dig themselves. But it just gets worse and worse
stop being depressed, read 'the power of now' by eckhart tolle, it will change your general out look forever. Depression is mind made, live in the wholeness of life it self, be your own presence, no evil can touch you. Jesus was trying to teach people this, the concept of time veils god and only through christ can you move into the eternal life and be with god.
If these people are so triggered by words like this, then they should be kicked for being unfit for work.
And for good reason in this instance. They work for google and these pathetic snowflake wastes of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen are the kind who are responsible for the unwanted censorship we see today.
That is a waste of good digits.
surprised one of em wasn't me, I only get when I say nothing
>crazy techno cults are real
uh oh.
Someone listened to Gavin’s podcast
Just think of the global influence Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. all have. This California mindset is being spread globally. We should be ashamed and apologize to the rest of the world.
This is why this companies would rather pay the impose tariffs on pajets than hire circle jerk SJW out of (((college))) in America
They all have the same shit programming waiting for some trigger word that will take them to the dark end and chimp out
This user is against adopting. I'd prefer the child be given to the families or relatives. It's not cool to rip a child from it's lineage so someone can make money and another can get their feels. If the family needs help then offer them some to get started. Only in extreme cases do I support it. The adoption industry is shit tier.
>Agenda 21
Oh shut up.
Google is a weird company. I have a few friends from college who ended up working for Google and talking to them about Google is like talking to people trapped in a cult. Apparently there is a huge culture of bullying people over ideology, if they find out you question the approved belief system they treat you like a pariah. They cant even quit either because Google will black list them and go out of their way to make it near impossible to find a new job because Google is connected in the tech industry. I ended up going to work for a startup that focused on sports betting and its huge now, really glad I didnt go to Google with my peers.
>how long until they start demonizing pregnant women?
First steps already taken
Too much money and living in their closed world disconnected from common people. Also, they recruit people based on being obedient non-questioning idiots. So if a tech CEO says something is bad, they all follow suit. Big tech needs to be broken up.
wub wub wub
how soon is dotr coming senpai?