Make Homosexuality Illegal Again

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Why? Straight males on average are pedophiles more than gays.

> reported that this father placed an ad on Craigslist under the heading “Play With Daddie’s Little Girl.” In e-mail exchanges, 30-year-old Andrew Turley told a customer that he would give his daughter “sleep meds” for an encounter.

>The selling price for his daughter was $1,000 for two hours.

>Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1. The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners. Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1.

11 to 1 ratio of straight pedophiles to homosexual pedophiles. Whoops there goes your dumb narrative OP

Straight males are the majority so it's inevitable they would be a large number of offenders.
Gay people are only 4% of the population and are nearly 50% of pedos.

Kill yourself unironically. You faggots are why kikes can pretend to be muslims and actual muslims attack us. We are not a faggot nation.

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>Gay people are only 4% of the population and are nearly 50% of pedos.
Claims with no citation. Wow it's almost like you're full of shit

It's a commonly known fact.
Throw all the studies you want. We know the truth.

It's a tautology you ignorant retard. You have yet to provide citation of any studies proving your ""facts""

Fuck off damage controlling faggot, you know he's right.

Prove hes right then.

I just posted a giant fucking rebuke of your reprobate culture. You BUGCHASERS(defend that) are literally trying to drag people to hell with you.

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100% of men that fuck male children are gay and or bisexual

This is now a faggot hate thread.

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Get these fags and lesbians away from kids

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Girls are sexually abused more than boys. You faggots have nothing but baseless claims and a anti homosexual agenda. Eat shit or back up your retarded tautologies with PROOF.

What the fuck do gays have to do with abortion? We aren't the ones having them.


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Don't talk facts with him, you might pop his bubble.

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>"Bug Chasers" Documentary
Faggots create a documentary about how many other faggots purposefully give each other HIV. Sometimes maliciously and unconsented.

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You lead the charge, sodomite.

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Liberals kill babies in the womb, why would they care if these gays ruin an innocent child out of the womb?

You're posting memes and propaganda with no actual citations to back them up. You're a vapid retard and you're wrong. The ratio of heterosexual pedophiles to homosexual pedophiles is literally 2:1. That is the factual reality you dumb piece of shit. Prove me wrong.

I think you'll find people have been having abortions for a lot longer than gay acceptance has been mainstream.

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I don't fucking care about your manipulation of the facts. 300,000 per year is not the same as a few hundred by coat hanger. One step at a time, and putting you in the oven is a great start.

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Looks like OP has provided plenty of statistics even though gay couples lie in studies and they also were officially nonexistent until very recently.

Thats a man btw

>It's a [[[commonly known fact]]]
Sure, Muhammad

I agree. These "studies" are supported by the APA and they are in bed with LGBT lobbies. There hasn't been enough gay experimental couples who bought children to perform these properly.

It's always interesting seeing that one faggot crying and moaning in disbelief denying facts that he's actually a abomination who subconsciously prays on children.
Even the oldfag faggots admit there's a problem with their community.

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I watched the video and I didn't see a dick. They are just in body paint. What makes you think otherwise?

KIKES WORSHIP faggots in Judaism. They believe a faggot kike is superior to a normal kike because they have both 'god'(YESOD) and 'shekinah'(MALKUTH).

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Again, abortion has been legal for a lot longer than gay acceptance has been mainstream. Coat hangers are a thing of the past. Gays aren't the ones having abortions, honey. We really don't care.

>1 gay pedo molests an average of 150 boys

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That's not true. People don't commit abuse necessarily because they're attracted.

Google the name

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Thank you for this. It's on my heart to protect children.

>The ratio of heterosexual pedophiles to homosexual pedophiles is literally 2:1
now compare to the ratio of total heteros vs total homosexuals and you'll realize he's right fucking retard

Bug chasing is rare

It's so interesting watching people who never leave the house arguing about what they think the real world is like. Some of you people have never even met a gay person in your life (or at least not one you knew was gay).

There's a reason the world is waking up to how wrong you people are. Because you're fucking idiots. Gay is beautiful. Love is love. Relationships between consenting adults are valid regardless of gender.

Then condemn it, you disgusting freak.

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Maybe fix the bigger problems first before we don't even have a country anymore

*tips tinfoil hat*

Absolutely this.

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>Love is love
anyone who's ever seen a gay pride parade knows that homosexuality is about lust, not love
>Some of you people have never even met a gay person in your life
my gf's identical twin is a lesbian
that's how I realized that the whole "it's genetic" story was bullshit (they share the same gene pool)

I agree.
Gay sex was so much more fun when it was illegal..
If you want people to stop doing it, make it legal and not a taboo. Takes the excitement and fun out of it. I've been smoking much less pot now that it's legal.

I literally don't care what breeders get up to.

No Italianbro is correct. The data is out there but its suppressed by the LGBT syndicate.
You look it up, no one here is going to do it for you its been posted hundreds of times before already newfag.

The APA provides the "studies" and they're in bed with LGBT Marxists.

The gay couples lie in interviewing and there hasn't been enough to even conduct a proper research on their experiments. After people know the truth, it will be too late and they will have destroyed these kids.

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That poor little boy! He could have had a normal life fishing on a pond but he's abused by grown fags every day of his life. I have no sympathy for gays.

Then I don't give a fuck about laws that protect you from getting gunned down in nightclubs. I dont give a fuck about your psuedo-civil rights struggle. And I don't give a fuck about subsidizing your diseases bestowed upon you as judgement by God.

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Most gays got that way from being molested.


What a horrific life she led to be taken in by two gay men.

I will state his argument in the form of a story problem:

Homosexuals make up ~5% of the population.
1/3 of convicted pedophiles molest boys.
Who is molesting the boys?
Hint: it isn't the ~95%

Your the one making claims that use sources ignoring population proportions. You first newfag.
Any man who molests boys is homosexual by definition. So you run the numbers on child male victims of male perpetraors.
Hint: Every priest that molested boys is a heretic faggot like yourself.

You have an abortion every time you fart, sodomite


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Citation required

See Now shit up you lying newfaggot.
This is something established here hundreds of times. Do your own work from now on, pervert.

If homosexuality is about lust, not love, why did we fight for decades to be able to get married? And if you want us to stop "slutting around" why did you fight so hard to stop us from being monogamous?

Idk if it's genetic. I don't care why people are gay, I just know they are. It's okay.

Well gunning people down is always illegal, doesn't matter who you're shooting. Everyone should have the same civil rights, doesn't matter who you are. Everyone who pays taxes should have access to the same healthcare, doesn't matter what treatment you need. The rights aren't for us, they're for everyone.

Also I'm not sure if anyone's told you, but god is dead. We killed him.


GEE a government study we can trust.

We have eyes.

Stay away from kids !!!!!!! They're not commodities to buy and sell.

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Already done shillfag.

people estimate that 1/4 people are homos but thats probably still an underestimate. sexuality isnt one or the other anyway, most people fall on some part of a spectrum. you're clearly a closet case, for example, everyone can tell. it's a good thing that you will never reproduce though, the world doesn't need your flaccid DNA.

It is giving your mind to sin and depravity.

Wow you're fucking gay dude

Homosexuality used to be Illegal not too long ago.

>a government study we can trust

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They don’t, they see it as another dependent voter. It’s purely strategic and not out of health, love, or other excuses they tell themselves.

Not really

This from the guy who wants to sell kids as experiments to homos.

It's definitely a choice and it's all about sex. The younger they can get, the better. I've witnessed it.


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>For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
Acts 20:27KJV

Ricky Tsang was an Asian man from Canada with a debilitating disease called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy that confined him to a wheelchair. He listened to my sermons for the past many years and sent me a lot of encouraging e-mails. He had originally contacted me about 6 years ago to tell me that he had gotten saved as a result of listening to the preaching from Faithful Word Baptist Church. After staying alive much longer than expected, Ricky went home to be with the Lord recently at age 35. Ricky had an inspirational attitude about his disease and was a blessing to all those around him. He has been an encouragement to me personally, and I am thankful that he is "walking, and leaping, and praising God" in heaven.

I’ve seen where Ricky told this story publicly before, so I think he would want me to tell it. Like many disabled people, Ricky had been abused by a Sodomite. He would not get saved because he was bitter toward the Lord about what had happened. He struggled with statements he had heard from Christians such as, “Even Jeffrey Dahmer is in Heaven.” After hearing the sermon “Sodomite Reprobates” Ricky realized that God is a righteous God. He finally believed and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his saviour because of hearing that sermon.

People will say that the reprobate doctrine turns people away from the gospel, but for every one that the reprobate doctrine “turns away,” it brings in a guy like Ricky who needed to hear it. I praise God for Ricky’s friendship and this important lesson he has taught us about the results of hard preaching.

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Ricky is not the only one that has been hindered by the watered-down doctrine that God loves everyone. There are people that you will meet at the door out soul-winning who will scoff and say that we teach that “child molesters will be in Heaven.” I’ve had to go through Romans 1 with people and explain to them that child molesters/Sodomites are reprobates who have been given over to vile affections because they have rejected God. There are people on this earth who have gone too far and can no longer get saved, and being a pervert is a symptom of being a reprobate. Jeffrey Dahmer, and others like him are burning in Hell! This is not to say that we should regularly bring up Romans One when soul-winning, but if a person brings up that issue, sometimes expounding the reprobate doctrine to them can remove an obstacle, so that they will get saved.

As a pastor, it is not my job to worry about which scripture passages might turn people away. Preachers need to preach the whole counsel of God. As soul-winners, we need to be ready to tackle the hard questions out soul-winning. When I preached a sermon against the Sodomites, I had no idea that someone would get saved as a result of that sermon, but I am thankful that Ricky did.

Here is the sermon on Sodomite Reprobates:

Not really

There's no such thing as sinning, that's just religious jargon. "Depravity" is entirely subjective, and let me tell you, I never feel more divine than when my face is buried in between a girls legs. You homophobes are really just scared of unapologetic love and pleasure.

Australian journalist promoted it as the ideal gay couple. She never apologized when truth came out. There are many more.

>If homosexuality is about lust, not love, why did we fight for decades to be able to get married?
to spite the christians
to push the narrative that it's about love
just because the narrative says it's about love doesn't mean it is

Half of all pedophiles come from the faggot community. The faggot community is only 2% of the population. Faggots are unimaginably more likely to be fucking pedo faggots because fucking children makes the child more likely to be a pedo faggot; it's how pedo faggots reproduce.

You are the enemy of freedom. Religious freedom(aka freedom of conscience for you atheist fags) has not been amended yet you fucking tyrants use an *act* of congress that doesn't even mention the act of sex as a protected class to usurp an amendment through judges who violate their oaths in doing so.
That ma'am is called treason, and I support liquidation of anyone who thinks acts or state laws usurp amendments to the constitution.
You are literally lgbt fascists. You are religious in your ideology, and use corporate syndicates to usurp the peoples will.
I hope the government shut down starts a revolution and the police stay home so we can reinstate the constitution and either destroy or exile every traitor that supports you.

Really? I didn’t know that. Then why am I only attracted to adult women?

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>I've witnessed it.
Sure you have.
Bro, the whole "gays are pedos" bullshit has been around since the boomers were young, maybe even before then.
My point being, just because a meme created by hateful people exists doesn't make it true.

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So the media promoting half naked slut women on TV for young men to gawk at is okay?
I'm mean if we're talking about lust, what about that?
The vast majority of "sluttiness" or "lust" being promoted is, and has always been, directed towards heteros.

Meanwhile, in reality, most guys that like young guys go for 18-25ish.

Why would we want something (badly enough to die for it mind you) just out of spite? It's not all about you honey, get your head out of your ass. We love each other irrespective of your primitive opinions.

>The concept of free love
>Somehow anti-freedom

You're the ones forcing rules on people. I mean the thread is literally titled "Make homosexuality illegal". Hows that for anti-freedom?

Being gay isn't an ideology, dude. My pussy gets wet because of other pussies, that's all. My heart beats faster when girls are around, that's all.

Dude, there's a reason people like you have to hide in your mothers basements nowadays. It's because you're literally denying the reality put forth in front of your own eyes. Everyone else can see that gay is okay. Dare I say, you're on the wrong side of history.