Pol I’ve been seeing recently a lot more normal fags on social media making videos about how they believe the US is heading for a second civil war. Not just lefty’s but even genuinely stable minded right wingers. What do you think. Pic unrelated
Civil war two
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Part of me feels the American people are to complacent to actually rise up against them. Itll be a slow boil
We're in the cold version right now and I'm just waiting for the shooting to start. I think it'll happen if Trump gets removed or it could happen in small doses as soon as the EBT cards run out maybe by the end of the month.
But it will happen, the left has gone off into complete mentally ill psychosis and are trying to destroy everything they touch. Historically when this happens, this is only solved with bloodshed.
It's the last thing I want but I'm ready if it happens
I believe that to an extent. But then trump got elected. I also know people who just prep for that shit who also have training. And this is in a liberal state as well. Just not something I’ve seen the last few years. But you could be right
Cold War seems to be a very accurate way of describing it
I think you and your nigger friends should chill. No one cares enough about you kike-run shithole to attack you.
t. White European
Considering trump has almost been killed a few times by deranged lefty's, the spike in political gatherings whether they be right wing or left, and the globalist are losing power day by day. I say yes a civil war is inevitable and long overdue.
Yeah if you look at the Color Revolutions in 20th century Eastern Europe or even extending as far back as back as the 16th century with the City of Munster, this shit never ends without violence.
The problem is these leftists have gone completely psychotic and they've been completely Bezmenov'd by an enemy of the people press and the deep state machine. This only ends with bullets to their heads since they've been so radicalized, you can do nothing else with them.
It's either bullets or the entire system collapses and then we get some new evil cabal.
Lol no one cares enough about us. Yet is the base of global attention constantly. Kys. The irony of you saying this sent my sides into orbit
I think there will be a conflict. So many more people are aware of what’s happened to our country demographically. Mentioning immigration (#1 current issue in politics) was unheard of even 5 years ago. Things like race and IQ are basically common knowledge now and draw people over to the racialist right every day.
I just hope if we do have a war that white people go after the elite and not innocent black/brown people. I hate what our country has become, but I don’t blame minorities for these issues.
Both sides are dug in and have no interest in any type of compromise.
Unless the left and the right can come to some type of truce where the moderate partisans/centrists become the majority of the population rather than the status quo of polarization then war is inevitable.
The left pushes for more and more, the right digs in more and more until they say fuck it, enough is enough, civil war now. This is how it always happens.
The only thing is that despite tough times people are comfortable. You can live in poverty and still get to see the final season of Game of Thrones if you don't do anything. Even so there is literally no point in literally whos doing anything at all, nobody will follow them and they'll just end up in prison and disgraced. An elite with a following is the only type of person that can start such an extreme movement and all of those people have too much to lose.
On the other hand, the left has started completely destroying lives if you are found to have ever said anything remotely offensive and eventually some of these people with nothing to lose are going to snap.
Civil war seems inevitable at this point because, again, it seems pretty clear nobody is going to compromise. It's just going to be after a very long cold war.
It is far more likely that we'll see this type of thing in Europe or maybe South Africa, though a rebellion in South Africa will likely be stamped out by the globalists pretty fast.
The top 4 for potential uprising are Germany, Sweden, France and Britain. They're all cucks, but they're angry cucks. Sure the Brits are disarmed but the police are pathetic as well.
That's my biggest thing too. Don't get consumed with their pets or useful idiots. Kill the elites who did this to us.
There is a fraction of the population who aren’t complacent. Usually gritty jobbed or first responder or military guys getting woke. I see immigration and the attempt at gun control being the catalyst. I see righty’s trying to compromise far too much in the past with literal insane leftys and they appear to be tired of it.
I truly hope I doesn’t get to that point. I just think being black pilled on this is sheer realism.
I can’t wait to see what the alt right will have drummed up for the coming “civil war”.
>fat incels with nazi memorabilia face off against blue haired antifa while the rest of the nation looks on in disgust
Do you think the euros will fight it out before we do or will they stay cucked
Kek I could see it starting like that. But out of sheer personal and political interest the rest will align on either side. Making it more normal
“Innocent” black and brown people
Lol kys we’re going to cleanse our land
New Boston Massacre, likely as a result of political protest or gun confiscation. Its all we need.
Reminder that the left controls most media,justice systems,education institutions and are backed by the deep state. Think of Eric clanton
Amazing to see that this is widely believed to be true. Glad my prep money isn’t being wasted. Stay prepped annons
The left are radicalized beyond control so I'd say a civil war is down the road
You make me proud to be a leaf, friend.
Wasn’t that the german fag. What was his ideology I didn’t know if he was a right wing. That polish mayor also got merced recently
It would be naive to think that conflict won't eventually come to this land. Except for pearl harbor and 9/11 and a few other events, this country hasn't had major conflict on it's land for 150 years. That won't go on indefinitely.
Imagine the shock to the people who have been in a secure bubble they’re entire lives. Seeing armed conflict in the backyard. CA alone would start chimping out at every societal level
Oh for sure there are people waiting, but they have nobody to follow. They won't start it themselves, and if they are some other nobody said "hey guys civil war now lets go!" they wouldn't want to follow him and go to prison for nothing.
If someone with a major following slowly built a movement then they may follow, but they won't just take up arms in the streets. Realistically militias need to form and throw their support behind a leader in unity so they can't get shut down, but they all get shut down before that point.
That's why we'll be in the cold war for a while over here, but over in Europe there are more populist leaders beginning to rise along with far-right groups.
I agree that >90% of them can’t function in western democracies and shouldn’t stay here. But that issue is secondary and easily resolved once we hold the power.
I think the Euros will. Even the yellow vest thing in France is pretty interesting. The thing is that majority white political movements in the US do not chimp. In Europe white chimping is part of their culture.
A few years ago the French defence minister (I think) said there was a possibility of civil war. Norway also said if Sweden collapses they'll close the border. Norway even making that statement 15 years ago would have been absurd, but the fact it's something they've considered and agreed upon is noteworthy.
Whites go from 0-100 real quick.
Sure it's just a small group yelling that but a decade ago you wouldn't see relatively average Germans not only not showing contempt for it but actually cheering and clapping
There is a breaking point and Europe is just further along in the collapse. Muh guns are just a thing for when the collapse happens, but at the end of the day the US is far more stable than Europe is.
Blacks just chimp. Whites form well organized increasingly right-wing movements as they get more angry. They still have too much to lose so they keep it all buried deep down until people begin to reveal their power level. It starts a chain reaction where more and more people feel comfortable revealing the power level that has been growing inside of them. Then the left who has never faced real opposition to their temper tantrums to get their way really digs in and attacks the openly far-right groups.
The Nazis rose to power because Antifa were bashing the fash with bats so the fash started knifing Antifa. At that point there are no exits, you're on a highway straight to some serious shit
I know the meme is abortions are good because it's mostly blacks, but you have to wonder what would have happened if black population had exploded much faster before the left had so much power.
I envy you, burgers, I really do. Your founding fathers were high IQ history nerds that knew what to do to safeguard the system they built from future ruin. A civil war can happen, yes, but only if the 2nd amendment goes under jeopardy. If it happens, a great cleansing, both ethnic and moral will happen, otherwise it's all talk.
You are pretty close, Thiago. There are a lot of far-right people in your country and Bolsonaro is the type of guy they will follow. The Prince IIRC is anti-commie too, right?
I have a police officer friend in Brazil, I forget which city. He doesn't completely reveal his power level and we don't talk anymore as we don't play that 2D Brazil MMO, but from what he says it seems like there are a lot of police officers there that are absolutely SEETHING with the state of Brazil and want a purge.
Brazil could be interesting in the coming years despite being mutts
I hope that's true but the fact that mutts and niggers have universally only produced shit-tier anything throughout the history of humanity, up to and including revolutions, makes me think they'd just starve to death in absolute depravity.