This is what your shutdown has done pol. Dont forget that your stupid wall is affecting the lives of people DAILY...

This is what your shutdown has done pol. Dont forget that your stupid wall is affecting the lives of people DAILY. Your cheeto emperor is affecting the futures of everyday people and its disgusting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol eat shit cry baby

Learn to code.

Democrats are just as culpable.

sooooo, his fucking internship is delayed a few days... tell him to stop fucking whining...


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God I wish I had two iPhones

Give it 10-15 years and a large portion of the population in developed countries knows how to code. Not very good career path tbqh famalam.

t. MSc in CS

> how to fake text
Nobody believes you.

Sorry your dude was tweeting with an Alt-Fed account and won't be coming back.


Build the wall and reopen govt. Simple.

>Another fag ass bitch boi doesn't get to work for the FBI
Good. Fuck him, fuck the FBI. I hope your friend literally cannot find work and starves to death for attempting to be some alphabet dick taker.

>wahh my sinecure is in jeopardy

>the US president is affecting the futures of everyday people and its disgusting.

why? who gives a fuck honestly, there isn't this kind of media outpouring when other industries are decimated and destroyed with never a return to regular paycheck will be

Fuck the FBI and any white cucks who join it to oppress their fellow whites

Fuck you, faggot. Nobody cares.

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>the federal government owes me a job at taxpayer expense
>those politicians better figure their shit out or I’ll have to find a career providing a service people would pay for willingly


checked and nice word my dude

wow this conversation doesn't look fabricated at all
orange man bad

GOOD! This faggot's 'internship' was going to be a colossal waste of everyone's time and resources. I think it's great that the shutdown is reducing government waste.

But the people who have been killed by the drunk driver who got deported 12 times don't get affected.

My family memeber died because of insecure border
Tell ur friend he’s a pussy and stop crying

Sucks to suck.
Governments jobs/civil service are shit jobs, anyway.
Private sector is where it's at.

Imagine giving this whingy queef an FBI internship

What exactly did these people expect when they wanted to work for the government? This is a known thing that your salary is dependent on taxpayers

>Fuck the FBI
when are they closing the FBI?

Oh no another his dream of becoming a traitorous glow nigger has been postponed.

They'll find an excuse to fire you so they wont have to hire you on.

>can't even write coherent sentences in English
>expects us to believe the fbi hired this individual as anything other than a cleaner

Yeah Trump should probably just give in and keep the borders open and destroy our country forever without a fight so someone can keep their internship. How many more peoples lives will be affected if this continues than your fake friend?

One less fucking Gestapo!

Numerous people claim the wall will be ineffective, so who cares? Just give Trump his wall. It apparently wont really cost that much, relatively speaking.

You guys are heartless.

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am i the only one who wants 90% of the govt workers to be fired?

Funding for fbi internships is next to fucking nothing dude
I was "accepted" 3 years in a row but never got to go because of 'funding issues' between 2012 and 2014
There was no government shutdown then


fbi is unconstitutional cancer

Why do those democrats overwhelmingly vote to fund Israels wall but not Americans?
It's as if Israels protection is above that of Americans, actually it is that non Americans are more important than Americans to her.
AND, she doesn't want the american people reminded of her actions last year.

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There are hundreds of thousands of homeless on the streets, we have millions dying from an artificially induced opiate epidemic, who in pluperfect fuck cares about government employees and internships? Tell your friend about the Purdue pharm jew who just got ousted, and to stop being such a fucking faggot because his texts to you are already a point of political bias that gets presecreened by alphabets

Oh no this nog won't be handed a do nothing federal job nooo

Well, actually noonecares, faggot.,


>I don't care that an elected politician is doing what it takes to achieve what he was elected to do, I want muh money

Reminder that the FBI was formed because of prohibition

It's like no one remembers that sacrifice is necessary. We've grown so fucking soft as a nation that it's sickening. I hope for a civil war, because the children of tomorrow need to know that life is pain. Comfort and happiness are the rare exception, which is why it's to be treasured. Not expected.

Now is actually the best time to get a government job. All the sheboons and paycheck to paycheck welfare queens are calling out """sick""" from their essential positions which means they're going to get fired. Because when National Security is on the line and shit hits the fan, do you really want the same Laquisha Bontifa who called out sick over missing a week of pay once?

They'll be tons of openings in all the fun departments like FBI, CIA, etc.

Trump creating thousands of new jobs!

That's because Israelis are the chosen ones and we're just a bunch of cattle that don't own nothin

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>wanting to work for the feds

Am I supposed to feel bad for this guy?

So? one less glow in the dark nigger sounds good to me.

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What an entitled little cunt your friend is.

unironically best time to be working for them if you're doing investigative work,forensic work, or computer forensic work

>We want hordes of illegals to come rushing across the border and invade our country so we can win the next 2 elections and vote all the money away from white people
>Uhm... I think we're going to shut down the government until you guys start making some rational sense. This isn't politics, this is literally national sovereignty.

JFL if you think anyone but the affected themselves give a shit.

Hes trying to get an internship lol, he wont be doing any of that.

Whiny faggots need to get over it. Stop being mad you're poor and live paycheck to paycheck like a retard. These idiots working for the god damn governments EXPECTED the extra job security most people assume it comes with and are just whining like children they don't get extra comfort so they can blow their paychecks on bullshit they don't need and propagandized media. Oh no the government isn't there to take care of me fuck the politicians while I whine on the internet!

>why? who gives a fuck honestly, there isn't this kind of media outpouring when other industries are decimated and destroyed with never a return to regular paycheck will be

lol god i love pol. nothing makes me chuckle like this board of this website.

you can do all of that and intern he should take advantage of this opportunity while the system is weak, and shaken

Seconded, not that this is real. Oh no another Democrat won't get to join the IC, it's a tragedy!

Good, fuck the FBI.

We need to just disband that agency already - they've done nothing but shit on the will and freedom of the American people since the organization's inception.

J Edgar Hoover is burning in hell, and so are his subordinates.


>wanting a government job
>being a tax leech

lol retard off ppl care about their jobs. how is the shutdown good? a wall really isn't going to accomplish anything, all trump supporters are just addicted to the aesthetics of power and strength. they don't care about policy.

Not having the wall is affecting our lives far greater than one internship.

>tfw my military experience and superior academic achievement got me into the FBI

Fucking interns, man

Okay, and? Because there was no wall, innocent people get robbed and murderer by illegal aliens.

>they've done nothing but shit on the will and freedom of the American people since the organization's inception

Right? I'm tired of them busting child porn rings and groups of criminals

>t. doesn't know the FBI suppresses political movements
>t. never heard of COINTELPRO
>t. never heard of Agents Provocateurs
>t. supports prohibition
>t. loves his constitution rights being violated, like privacy and protection from unlawful searches and seizures


>t. shill

Come on, we're not saying everyone who is in the FBI is bad. Just the organization as a whole. They have their hands in a lot of shady stuff and you know it. So does the CIA.

based. if i was a burger i would have voted for him for this reason alone

Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops

I'm sure the same applies to other LEO agencies.

>thinking we are gonna give two shits over some random ass crybaby dude
>kys shill cunt

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It’s sad how many illegals are still able to collect government welfare programs while actual Americans go without pay. Or it would be if so many people didn’t vote for those illegals to be here in the first place and is taking no steps to prevent more from coming in.

Oh no your faggot friend can’t run the FBI Twitter what a disaster.


>stupid wall

nigger there is no wall, we are trying to implement the wall as I type this

I don't fucking care a single amount that this shutdown is leeching existence out of people, fix the fucking problem that started this entire standoff or we will have to reach for a more drastic measure

good the fbi needs to be removed. tell your faggot friend to get a real job that doesnt involve shooting schools up and blaming it on literal retards

I find it really hard to feel pity for parasites.

>the FBI suppresses political movements

so they torture a couple of godforsaken commies, so what?

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>boohoo life is never supposed to be challenging boohoo
I literally don't give a fuck.

They aren't teaching it though, kids today are getting less tech savvy

Nice strawman, Chaim.

Come back whenever you have something to say besides another logical fallacy.

>They aren't teaching it though
They are in many European countries, including mine. The rest of the world will eventually follow.

>I'm tired of them busting child porn rings and groups of criminals
they are the child porn rings and other rings as well, the FBI are a political enforcement group, the domestic CIA

they shot Fred Hampton in bed while he was asleep for christ sakes

you ever try to get them to move on a crime? it's like pulling teeth from a chicken, we found this imam selling heroin in church, guy was selling drugs to his congregation during service, took forever to get the FBI to move, they wanted to make sure we weren't crooks before they moved on it and if we had sent the tip via email it would have been ignored forever

they are the fucking purple gang, their first head was a cross dressing homo who kept hold files on everyone, and Giancana keep hold files on him

Words can't express how much I don't care

>oh man I can't join one of dozens of government agencies which work against the freedoms of the American people while being funded by their taxes
Wow. This is powerful. Just wow. I'm with her now

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LOL. You want to be a glow nigger and you're mad at me?

glownigger btfo. hope he gets hit by a car

Maybe Chuck should stop denying the people of the country he represents what the country he's loyal to has.

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In Miami, Florida they offer programming in a lot of high schools as an elective...What the fuck is the standard of education in your district user?

Dem's are equally to blame if not more. Just give the funding for the wall and they could end it in 15 minutes. They're just as bad if not worse considering they support donating 7 times what he is asking to foreign countries for their walls.

Only Gov employees and welfare recipients, who are leftist to begin with. I hope thos continues.

Nothing of value was lost.


The modern day "let them eat cake," I need to start using this one more.

People who complain about this arent being loyal to Trump. If you're disloyal you might as well be a SJW. SJWs are filth and every bad thing coming to them is richly deserved. Also the memes are glorious and totally worth it.

>FBI intern
>Everyday people

Pick one.

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>Give it 10-15 years and a large portion of the population in developed countries knows how to code.
What are you on about?
If you want to know how dumb people can be even in developed countries, just Google common misconceptions.
Here in America, it's been reported that 7% of ADULTS believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
I don't think a lot of people have the mental capacity for coding as a hobby, much less a profession.

Here's what'll more likely happen in ten to fifteen years: the tiny fraction of the population that knows coding will be paid hand-over-fist to automate the world so that 99% of the population can take advantage of this while basically regarding computers as magic.