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He should honesty kill himself.

It seems almost all of Trump's allegations toward others have been a projection of his own corruption. Rigging polls, paying shills, taking foreign money, etc. he's just as guilty as Hillary of it.
All we need now is to find out he ordered the murder of a Republican staffer.

>I ratted on trump to save my own ass
>trump doesn’t deserve my loyalty
Just jail that idiot already

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When will the day come when jews stop kvetching

>caught lying to investigators
>become star witness
>every word is gospel
Has this ever happened before?

Trump has shown no loyalty to his cronies. He expects them to take a bullet for him, but won't do the same for them.

this, what the fuck? who does this clown think he is?

>was at the direction

What did he mean by this?

Even by kike standards, this kike makes kikes look bad.

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ya trump sure did rig all those polls, remember all those polls with trump winning by 90%+? it was so unprecedented! polls have never been so bias and then proven wrong afterward! drumpf trollatly btfo!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111

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Fuck off leaf

hasnt this jew rat been caught fabricating shit multiple times already? I love how he still makes headlines.

>Trusting a Kike

Won't someone think of the poor cronies!

>>Capitalist Mogul acts like a capitalist

Fuck you jew taking credit for our hard work. Calling it now he'll claim that instructed the pepe meme.

>just as guilty as Hillary of it.
Could be. But Trump isn't a satan worshipping pedo. DEAL WITH IT. You wanted pedos and trannies to run the show and it didn't happen.

Can't wait until he starts singing in front of the house for everyone to see start to shine the light on the devils and watch them turn to ashes.

You Jews seem worried...

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He will be absolutely destroyed under cross examination. This is the problem with perjurers. Once they have told a lie, their testimony is no longer valid. No matter how much the leftists and their fake news wish it to be.

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Lawyers really are scummy fucks. How much do you guys think this dude was on retainer for and for how long? $100,000 a year?

Yeah with the mafia, but Cohen is kike ultra 6 gorillion so fuck him

Is that you ObamaLeaf?

>clicking on internet polls is illegal unless you're a democrat


I dont know what hes admitting to. He wrote an article for wsj? What's the problem here

those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it

>Shitting on the only guy that can pardon him
Its pretty obvious at this point that the Clinton lawyer knows he is fucked.

This. What the fuck are they actually talking about?
I haven't been paying attention to the Trump "controversies" because every one is worded in a way that fence sits. Just saying for them all to fall on one side or another.

So he committed internet crimes and still allowed on the internet? Wtf?

>Russia didn't interfere in the election.

>OK, they interfered, but there were no contacts between Russia and the Trump Campaign.

>OK, there were contacts, but Trump didn't have any deals with Russia.

>OK, Trump had deals with Russia, but it's not like there were meetings with Russian intelligence agents.

>OK, There were meetings with Russian intelligence agents, but Trump didn't know about them.

>OK, Trump knew, but nothing came of them, so there was no collusion.

OK, some people in the campaign colluded, but Trump specifically didn't collude. OK, Trump colluded, but if he didn't Hillary would have won, so it's good that he did.

He probably didn't win this bowling trophy, either.

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This is the timeline we live in.

Sorry, couldn't hear you over this Hillary speech that her (((foundation))) was paid several million for.

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How could he bowl with those bone spurs?

>My criminal is better than your criminal therefore he's not a criminal.

I totally believe this man who has done nothing but lying so far. Care to tell us which polls were rigged ? I didn't pay any attention to those because I was wondering why Hillary isn't 50 points ahead.

Funny what crime did he commit? His lawyer is falling on the sword. You must have missed something between reddit spaces.

he couldve shot a baby in the face in front of a mcdonalds in the nigger part of town, and this man would still have less dirt on him than hillary

He secretly recorded Trump with the intention of blackmailing and sabotaging him.

He's trying to act like he was part of "The Resistance" and suck up to the dems but he was only out for himself and was hoping to extort the president and it didn't go the way he wanted because of the Russia investigation and now he's trying to save himself by appealing to pussyhatters when he was just an amoral criminal looking to enrich himself, regardless of what you think of Trump.

The first fucking premise here is wrong. Russia didn't interfere in the election at all. There is no OK they interfered, stage.

>2 years of opposition research
>2 years of deep state surveillance
>4 years of media investigation
>2 years of Special Council
Nothing incriminating has been found. Trump is probably the cleanest candidate to ever run for office. Just wait its coming any day now.....hold it.......wait for it......keep waiting.....any day now....

>poll rigging is illegal

Ok when are you guys asking for the public hanging and burning of "jouurnalists" ?

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Ginsburg must be getting close to the edge with all the nonsense being pushed out the last few days.

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his lawyer said cohen had no proof about trump knowing abour jr trump tower meeting. cohen not punished for lying there. or the black woman who said the tape of trump literally saying the word nigger, never released such a tape but media and news ran with it. like the 10 gang rapes a day accusation to brett kavanauch. imagine that, liberals lying on tv without cnn investigating.

"As for the @WSJ article on poll rigging," Cohen wrote on Twitter on Thursday, "what I did was at the direction of and for the sole benefit of @realDonaldTrump @POTUS. I truly regret my blind loyalty to a man who doesn't deserve it."

>"I truly regret my blind loyalty to a man who doesn't deserve it."

Can't wait until he testifies before Congress.

>What about Hillary
>What about Obama

Holy shit these deflections are getting tiresome.

He could actually be guilty of Treason as a non elected official negotiating with a foreign power.

It will all come out when Mueller is finished, I really shouldn't speculate until evidence is given.

No he cant. Mueller and Comey have both said he isnt even under investigation. You guys keep running with this fan fiction though.

>poll rigging

What? Every single poll had HC winning by an insurmountable margin.

The executive branch is now like watching an episode of the Soprano's

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/pol is right about Jews again

Baron looks so much like young him

Mueller hasn't said shit, and Comey hasn't been in the job for over a year.

The extent to which his supporters will deny everything truly is insane.
They must consider the fact that their behavior meets the definition of a cult.
>a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.

Said it was the N word, it was the word nationalist, not nigger, it was to stir shit up among the blacks

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>please CNN and MSNBC give me political cover to get my out if jail I'll do anything

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Yes and hillcunt rigged the dnc got the debate questions ahead of time
And had numerous people silenced
Your point ????
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander

Why are you trying so hard to make us take online polls seriously? Do you know where you are?

Yeah, he didn't do a very good job.

>Cohen paid John Gauger, the owner of RedFinch Solutions LLC, between $12,000 and $13,000 for activities related to Trump's campaign, including "trying unsuccessfully to manipulate two online polls in Mr. Trump's favor" and creating a Twitter account called "@WomenForCohen" that "praised (Cohen's) looks and character, and promoted his appearances and statements


Also note the word "unsuccessfully"

>Once they have told a lie, their testimony is no longer valid. No matter how much the leftists and their fake news wish it to be.

Ok, so we should just ignore his testimony? Might as well ignore this president too, with that logic.

>implying Trump is lying
If he is lying, he's not lying under oath in a court of law. Your logic is bad.

Flat out denial of the entire Russia situation, has evolved to...well, at least Hillary didn't win, because that would have been so much worse!

Dont forget they bought entire subreddits and hired PR firms like Shareblue/Media Matters (admitted) to influence social media.

>"@WomenForCohen" that "praised (Cohen's) looks and character, and promoted his appearances and statements
fucking kek

This investigation has been going on for like three years now. Do people even care anymore? When is trump going to be indicted? Three years into Pence's second term?

Remember Trump also had know knowledge of paying Stormy Daniels and the Playboy Bunny either.

>Later on
Well, he did know, but it was a private transaction.

I mean I feel kinda sorry for Trump supporters, its like learning your favorite sports start cheated, you don't want to believe so you live in denial because its easier to handle emotionally. It's like that wife who so loves her husband, then he cheats on her and she can't leave him because well "she loves him"

>If he is lying, he's not lying under oath in a court of law. Your logic is bad.

If he is lying? Are you fucking serious?
If he is lying, he's just lying to the citizens, so it's not a big deal right?

>remember when Obama/Hillary did such and such? Ya, that was ten times worse than what Trump did, so it was ok for Trump to do what he did.

And the madness continues.....

Trump has only been in office 2 years.... His inauguration was January 20, 2017.

Besides its good that he's taking his time.. Investigating the President of the United states shouldn't be done hastily or sloppy.

Literalmente democrat strategy

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>Madness continues
Stay salty concern troll motherfucker. This is our timeline we just let you play in it. Once more for the record, He IS your president.

Former Trump supporter here...

The illegal deep-state spying began a year or more prior to that date.

...blah blah blah nuclear codes

Wolf blitzer and Donna Brazile
literally handed Hillary the debate questions in advance

I think it’s about twitter polls

Reminder that the term ‘con man’ came from the name cohen

Kek imagine being this delusional.
Hillary is a child sex trafficker and Donald trump built a skating rink

What language is Cohen? Does it directly translate to anything?

I fear that you’re right.

And soon he’ll be NY state correctional inmate 635901. Lol

May as well ignore every politician ever, using your logic. Why do you low IQers love to use the word "logic" when you don't even know what it means?

Rigging the polls is different than rigging the vote. Most polls have a bias anyways.

it comes from "confidence man" you loon.
a man who gains your confidence before he fucks you like the jew he is.

There are people (actual Americans) who honestly believe this.

Your timeline is a dumpster fire.
And you're proud of it.

The trump supporters modus operandi is identical to the Trump/Roger Stone m.o.
>Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack


Enjoy your dumpster fire.

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The left has a selective memory

>Comparing national politics to television
Found the ledditor

Trump is your president.

The news is one giant horrible comedy show

Maybe I have it backwards and Cohen came from con man. Truth be told, I’m just parroting something I heard Pat Little say

>those repeating numbers
This bong has it spot on.

He's wrong, then. Cohen is an ancient Hebrew name and con is short for confidence.

lol the russians interfered to the tune of $4000 and less then even reddit tier "memes"
fuck knows how many millions the hilldawg wasted on adds by boardrooms of executives when she could of slipped old Borisovich a carton of vodkas on the cheap and won the hearts of the american people.
lol fuck off shill

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that would make more sense.

Con man, con artist = confidence man or artist.

>implying Trump isn't a pedo
>“She's actually always been very voluptuous,” Trump responds. “She's tall, she's almost 6 feet tall and she's been, she's an amazing beauty.”

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