What did dixie mean by this?
What did dixie mean by this?
Black people watch allot of porn, and there are allot of black people in Dixie
North Dakota has been at it for two years and hasn't came yet
yeah right you want that bba
On the one hand, furries IRL are degenerate as shit, 99% dudes, and 100% bottom of the barrel looks wise. On the OTHER hand, they make some of the best looking art...
Dixieland has the most niggers in the USA. It's also the reason why the whites living there are more redpilled, if you live close to niggers you'll understand how bad they are.
My Truck Drivin' Trump Supportin' uncle from Alabama is dating a She-Ape.
good to see im part of the master race in the west :)
Also, Creampie is the only redpilled porn search term.
Oklahoma wtf no!
the south is like 40% black, its amazing we win at all down there
> giantess
almost had him
I'm so proud of the west coast.
Those states have extremely good taste
based weebs
absolutely based PA
Funny. No cuckold or incest searches show.
Almost like it's being pushed.
Based sizefags in Virginia
>do not cum challenge
fucking north Carolina, just had to be different. So glad i moved to Florida
BASED Florida!
What the fuck is AZs
>north dakota and alaska
>so piss cold nobody wants to whip their dick out
Giantess confirmed whites only fetish
>four men
I want that in my life
>See Wisconsin
>See west coast
Seems I need to move west, I'm in the wrong state.
Giantess states, rise up!
Further proof that Wyoming is a Jewish conspiracy.
That can't be real. What have I missed out on...
It is. Rob is like 5'8 or 5'7 while she is over 6' and has heels on
This, it's BLEACHED.com cucks.
South Carolina reporting in. Let me break it down.
We got a lot of niggers.
I don't mean we have a large Afro American population. I mean we have a shit load of niggers. You're A typical welfare sucking, government housing dwelling, gangbanging, drug slinging. Niggers, can't even speak English, and trust me with the southern draw I have that's saying alot coming from me. And it would appear that black girls want anything else than the bottom of the barrel.
The thing is nigresses and niggers don't really like each other. You'll hear, niggers go where the white women at. Nigresses, have the same attitude but it's not very socially acceptible, because whitys bad, and you know I'm gonna address her as coon in front of her friends.
For real though black girls are super into white guys, basically anytime I talk to them without complete distain they'll flirt with you. And I imagine that's a big fetish for them.
And most white guys know that if they get desperate enough you can land a black girl with in the hour. And I've had this conversation with work colleagues before, you go it's easy, and I'm bored, but it's a nigger, so you watch some interacial nigeress porn to try to get yourself psyched up. But it never works.
Wyoming, why?
what did a jewish-run site trying to demoralise whites mean by this?
I can't lie
fuck the south, why is the (((west coast))) all watching hentai???
I can see it, I guess.
Rock Springs and Evanston are depressing shitholes