Is Ron Perlman losing it?
Is Ron Perlman losing it?
Real life troll
>we can act retarded to troll you but you can't act retarded to troll me
I love this aspect of mental-deterioration
>losing it
I'm pretty sure this man lost it a long time ago and we are still seeing the aftershocks
>This guy walks around all day with shit on him
That is honestly fucking disgusting.
It's funny when actors can't separate themselves from the roles they play. This guy going to end up like Wesley Snipes.
Does he have Indian in him?
>Shit on yourself
>This will show drumph who's boss
Shit that didn't happen.
This man is 68 years old and talking like this. In public.
Jesus christ what a mess
that kike is gross
He thinks hes actually in a biker gang in real life
Biological terrorism?
This is the fake tweet, he did talk about having piss on his hands though.
the guy is legit embarrassing
Yo lil Donnie I'm 68 and I got shit and piss on my hands!!!!
He is literally a troll. I don't even think his mother could love that ugly ass jew face
yo lil donnie touch my poo hand!!!
ron perlman has TDS so bad that he is stinkpalming random fans and bragging about it on twitter. I love Donald Trump more than i can express
Actual proof of the mental illness stereotype of the Judenschwein
>Hey Donnie-boy! I got shit on my hand then I made a sandwhich and ate it while I thought about you eating shit. Can’t con-man the Ron-man!
Perlman is one of those actors who can only play one character and who thinks he's that character. He's just another rich jew who's assmad that his supremacist subversion isn't working any more and probably has dual citizenship. He also looks like a monkey.
The ol' stinkpalm.
Is this a real tweet
What a weird fantasy to admit to the entire world
That doesn't surprise me.
If a guy's eyes are as close together as his, it's pretty much a given that he has criminal tendencies.
Salvatore no sabe he has a heavy case of TDS
I don't think he ever had it.
>deliberately shits and pisses on his hands in different occasions just to transfer his own human waste to others
What an absolute degenerate kike. I dislike Jews but even they are not filthy scumbags like this. This guy takes the cake. Must be connected to his neanderthal phenotype.
Only reason he was in Sons of Anarchy is because hes Jewish and acted like a tough guy. his neanderthal facial structure helped make him the bad guy, but hes otherwise a talentless kike swine
He's on alcohol or drugs
Also he's a Jew so he dislikes anything that refers to historical nationality, like Trump does
Well, he played a biker on TV and on twitter his character is basically the same as the biker character he played. Calls trump lil donnie, despite trump being bigger than him
Yeah it's great
begone Ping Ling
I'm fairly certain OP's tweet is fake, and a play on the other piss tweet (which is real, he actually did tweet that he pissed on his hand and shook Weinstein's hand)
Haha their strongest kike still comes a crossed as a stupid faggot.
Why would Trump supporter shake this losers hand?
Boomers triggerd over Trump is a glorious site, I stumbled an old bosses FB and all day everyday he is shit posting about Trump, he was one of tje biggest scum bags I ever worked for so it was interesting to see him calling out Trump for being a scam bag.
wow. Op follows a foul mouthed shit talking degenerate Jew.
Totally didn't see that coming, Op.
There's a clear difference and you know it. One brings certain truths to light and the other...walks around with shit on his hand
How un-kosher of him. Needs a brain mikvah.
What's with this guy going potty on his hands? Ewww.
Your biggest mistake was believing that they are all merely pretending to be retarded
Did, did he just admit to walking around with shit on his hands all day like a disgusting fucker... Then acting proud that he was wiping shit on everyone like a monkey would literally do.
Me too. Ditch the looking at the eclipse optic tho. Nobody's perfect desu.
it's from this post
Walking around California with shit on his hands looking for Trump supporters. Probably finds none. Tells everyone about it on social media. Sounds perfectly sane.
I'm sure he has at some point.
He is just trying to stay relevant.
>frequents my la area dinner
>doesn’t know about asspennies
>handles change
Ronny boy. How does it feel?
This is a fake tweet.
Slide thread detected.
Looks like that self help e-celeb Mike cernovich
He's such an ugly fucker
It's called method acting.
>ass pennies
It's been so long. Take my (you).
tfw you don't require any makeup to play a neanderthal
el ogro del levante...
I’m gonna do the same thing tomorrow and every day next week. I work with a bunch of TrumpTARDS...can’t stand any of them. They’re all as dumb as a box of rocks. Seriously, why are they all so fucking stupid?
Hellboy to Smellboy.
Perlman can't stand that the spotlight is not on him anymore.
Another Hollywood casualty, guys?
Its a fake tweet, but its a play on a real tweet from Perlman. In the real tweet, Perlman brags about pissing on his hand, not shitting... and he shook Weinsteins hand, not Trump supporters.
>smear your own shit on your hands and walk around with it all day
Intentionally exposing people to potential Ecoli sickness, someone should have him arrested.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
I she mad that he wasn't on this scene on Drive so he's just making the same shit all over again?
>Russia didn't interfere in the election.
>OK, they interfered, but there were no contacts between Russia and the Trump Campaign.
>OK, there were contacts, but Trump didn't have any deals with Russia.
>OK, Trump had deals with Russia, but it's not like there were meetings with Russian intelligence agents.
>OK, There were meetings with Russian intelligence agents, but Trump didn't know about them.
>OK, Trump knew, but nothing came of them, so there was no collusion.
OK, some people in the campaign colluded, but Trump specifically didn't collude. OK, Trump colluded, but if he didn't Hillary would have won, so it's good that he did.
Unless you understand the technology.
This guy did the narration for Fallout. There goes my childhood.
Jew coprophilia, not surprising
he actually did
>doesn't know how to wipe properly
>wants to give political advice
jews really are obsessed w/poopy butthole
Yeah he's also an Israeli citizen.
>I've got shir on my hand
>you're stupid
Oh please let this be true
He lost it a long time ago desu
Notice how it's the actors with nigger wives, and ugly mullato kids that hate Trump the most?
He lost it a while ago and then it got worse when it turned out he wasnt going to be in the new hellboy.
He's a weird dude. I worked on made-for-tv movie with him in NC years back. He's pretty bizarre.
Hey there devil
This is one of those now classic examples where you show this kind of thing to your friends and family who have always been anti-Trump and they just give you that glazed over blank stare. No matter how egregious and immature and downright vulgar and sometimes violent these people like Perlman are, the NPCs will always react with that blank, valid, neutral emotionless stare. Knock knock, nothing there. It's incredible.
>any day now
He'll never get the nomination now
No, is just jewish hygiene
He probably has a programmed alter that is in fact a biker living on the edge of the law
Did you shake his hand?
I bet he was just a retarded monkey and got shit on his hands because fetish scat on his wife or children and needed an excuse to why his friends noticed shit on his hands. So Ron chortled to himself "I-i-i Shake Trump supporters hands all day" like he ever meets those types out in LA. Hell all he sees all day if he goes outside is Mexicans and Jews.
Better than dick ants, amirite?
Elaborate more please.
In that case it is not sufficiently advanced.
why is this meathead spamming "yo donnie" scat jokes? also, obligatory (((pearlman)))
No, he is of neanderthal descent.
Trump Derangement Syndrome, stage IV: The Shittening
Somehow Trump has cut off their flow of children. Or he's threatened them to stop. These 4 have gone literally insane:
Stephen King
Joss Weed-on
Ron Perlman
All 4 of them scream pedo
Lmao I can’t believe he got away with that. Teflon Don
You think you're better than me?