Is that OK to be NatSoc and into boys? (Cute feminine boys)

Is that OK to be NatSoc and into boys? (Cute feminine boys)

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Degenerates are not allowed in the people's state.

>is it okay to be a sodomite and have a dick that smells like poop???

>is sodomy okay?

absolutely fucking not


Faggots get long knives'd

The gay lingo and politically correct term is "Chocolate Icecream Cone"

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>Is it ok to be NatSoc and Jewish?

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Of course. The succsesful National Socialist must be in tune with his own primal and chthonic masculine energies... Militaristic states since antiquity have recognised the combat advantage of warrior-lovers. Even a cute, soft boy inspires deeper devotion than a perilous woman...

Attached: cute-ss.png (667x960, 632K)

Only if you also father at least 2 children. I beliebe homosexuality is a natural side effect of over population....also I haven't met many who weren't diddle by a family member while young. Either way not your fault and not something you can really re-wire in your brain. There are 2 major degeneracies associated with gayness. One is messing with kids, the other is not contributing to the continuation of the society. Stay away from kids and help pop out a couple of your own and then you can fuck whoever you want

Why is the Nazi in that pic brown?

if you stay deep and the closet, marry and have children

>I beliebe homosexuality is a natural side effect of over population
that doesnt really make sense, like humans miraculously have some boolean value gene that activates when it somehow "detects" that the world is overpopulated... wouldn't resource scarcity be more likely to trigger this than population statistics about far away africa?

anyway, replying to both you and , as a homo i think its more harmful for gay men to have children with women they dont love... gay men married to women produces broken families.

kill yourself


>also I haven't met many who weren't diddle by a family member while young
How many have you met?

people have been marrying people they don't love for millennia, and it worked out pretty well
and once they have children they have even more reason to make it work

Kikes are realizing how fucked they are that this is not a faggot Nation.

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at this point yes wait till robots get farther along then mabe ill judge you again


you're basically admitting that you're a pedophile

never ok, sage this thread

Anyone else noticing the influx of fags fetishizing pol? I smell a leftypol "raid" attempting to appeal to pride to accept aids infected rectums.

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a fair number, it's not like I ask every person I meet if they're gay or every gay if they were diddled. By I had a rather permiscuous gay roommate for a year and I'd say a majority of his flings had some story about uncle dave or daddy diddling them. Some had scout masters or other authority figures do it and those were more likely to be considered consensual in the kids eyes and enjoyable....but certainly not all of those either

Did it really "work out pretty well"? Ancient texts in both Hellenic and Semitic traditions idealised marriage for the purpose of love -- there is no reason to assume that just because a phenomena persisted throughout history (prostitution, for instance, is almost universal, but hardly ever considered a social good) it didn't result in socially deleterious effects, after all there are no societies without problems.
How? If you mean the use of the word 'boy', then I suppose every heterosexual man who calls an attractive female a girl is a pedophile also.


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lets say its among the better alternatives:
>let gays live out their degeneracy
that one is for sure not an option
>exterminate the gays
would be nice, but unrealistic, and would probably lead to them hiding it, by for example, marrying and having children
>make them stay bachelors forever
i suppose that is an alternative but might not be enforceable
>force them into the closet and marriage under social/physical threats
probably the most realistic solution

Think same sex intimate relationships are important and good when they happen. Don't see anything bad with it. Usually it only lasts a short while, so better enjoy it when it happens.

However, being prideful about it, is horrible.
LGBT, gay-pride, bisexual-pride is pure cancer.

Hitler was.

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>let gays live out their degeneracy
>that one is for sure not an option
Why not ;)? We all know that high culture and homoeroticism have flourished concurrently: Greek antiquity, the Renaissance, fin de siècle Europe, the list goes on...

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> Hitler man bad
> Hitler man feminine
> Feminine bad
What did you do user?

appreciation of the male form and homosexuality are two entirely different things
last I checked Michelangelo's David wasn't shagging any guys

no. kys faggot

But perhaps Michelangelo was, though one can't say for certain. With regard to the other Michelangelo (Caravaggio) however...

Our societies, especially the ones promoting gay acceptance dont suffer from shortages we have surplus. We much more closely resemble the mouse utopia experiment where overpopulation lead to a break down in gender roles and the eventual collapse of the colony

Do you really come to this board of all places for acceptation?

>when the nazi traditionalist LARP ends
haha just kidding, I'm a pedophile, but lets hang the niggers!

Haha, nah, we are going to hang YOU

Over 100 thousand jews and jewish descendants fought for the SS

Attached: Jewish SS officer.jpg (575x800, 34K)

>Even a cute, soft boy inspires deeper devotion than a perilous woman
you are a legit predator, trying to charm and impress young confused children with your rhetorics and twisted knowledge and mislead them into becoming your sex toys
shame on you

I have a feeling I've come across you before, kraut. You seem fixated on this topic of homopedo predators...

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I'm not a nazi, I admire the way things were done pre kike.

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not at all
but good to know there are others who are onto your kind

Gas every sodomite today, and irradicate AIDS tomorrow.

why are you bullying me instead of tis guy

Gas every AFRICAN today, and irradicate AIDS tomorrow.

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you approached me first
i just repsonded
>bullying you
you are so out of your mind
i called you out as the pedophile that you are

So... what is the attraction to little boys, homosexuals? Kids don't get a sexual response, it's like the opposite of sexy.

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oh no i approached you first
i guess i am a little confused myself right now
my apologies

its ok

>kids dont get sex response

Factually and demonstrably untrue. I even jerked since 9.

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It's the other way around, /natsoc/+/islam/ against LGBT

lol this has to be bait
