"Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" exposes gender biases in the home


>Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" has people in a frenzy to clean up their spaces and throw out half their belongings, but the show ' exposes something else: a gender divide in tidying up.

>While Kondo's KonMari method may require equal responsibility when it comes to tidying up, the burden of the physical act of decluttering and the emotional labor that comes with keeping a house orderly ultimately (and unfairly) falls back on the woman in the household, episode after episode.

>"I think women in our society are a lot more oppressed than we like to think – sexual assault and harassment are ubiquitous, we work and earn outside the home, getting paid one-third less than similarly situated men, yet are expected to do most of the unpaid household work and emotional labor when we get home," says Sheena Wadhawan, a diversity consultant and the deputy director of EverydayFeminism.com.

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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/marie kondo/

>The eight-episode series kicks off with the Friend family – Kevin and Rachel, a couple with two kids whose five-year marriage is seemingly being wedged apart by finances and cleanliness.

>"We fight about laundry, and it seems so silly when I say it, but really it (ticks) me off," says Kevin, who adds he'd rather do it together as a family. "It's not because she doesn't do the laundry, it's because we hire somebody to come do it."

>Rachel divides her time between part-time work and being a stay-at-home mom with two toddlers, which she describes as chaotic. And the one thing she absolutely hates to do – to the point it gives her anxiety – is laundry.

>Once Kondo comes through and helps Rachel and her husband get their house in order, Rachel candidly says to Kondo that Kevin has become more romantic and affectionate and told her that "cleaning is sexy."

>The rest of the episodes with heterosexual couples follow the same pattern as Rachel and Kevin. Although each of the couples come from a different background than the Friend family, the gender divide is blatant in every household.

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>Daiya also adds that the gender divide became more apparent in the allocation of household tasks. Kondo assigned the men to clean up the garage, while women were mostly relegated to tidying up the kitchen.

>None of the men in the series seem embarrassed or take accountability for the garage or any other areas of the house being cluttered. It was just cluttered because it was cluttered and not because they "failed" at being a good husband.

>"The men didn’t think 'The garage is a disaster, that reflects my failure as a husband,' whereas the women were sometimes depicted as thinking, 'This reflects my failure to be a good mom (or wife),'" Daiya says.

>It's something to consider while binge-watching "Tidying up" – gender bias and guilt certainly don't "spark joy."

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If she was really Japanese she’d be at home doing all the cleaning by herself. That’s what her role is. How are you supposed clean your house after slaving away in an office for 70 hours a week.

This show is a red pill that modern women a garbage. Watched the first episode and the husband works 60 hours a week and the wife is basically stays at home and does jack shit.

>Garages are men's responsibility

Seems gendered and biased to me

Honestly she inspired me to clean my apartment. It's pretty organized now. Used to be a trash heap.

Women are more neat freaks than men is why. Men like things to be clean and organized as well, but women like to literally hide shit away.

A man might have his golf clubs and gear, for example, in a closet, and they're all neatly tucked away in a corner where he knows where everything is and how to get at them. A woman will come by and suggest putting the golf balls, cleaning supplies and other shit in another part of the house because them sitting in boxes beside the clubs "looks messy".

Women prefer to have like a million cupboards, wardrobes, dressers, etc. to hide all their shit whereas men like to keep their stuff together so they don't have to go searching for what they need.

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Yeah, this. It was so obvious that I felt like I was being trolled somehow.

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>getting paid one-third less than similarly situated men
wow that number sure went up fast in 1 year

this, and thats why they should not be allowed to lead anything, they're impractical and make bad decisions on everything

>divides her time between part-time work and being a stay-at-home mom.

>The men didn't think
>The women didn't think
Wow so that's some external "gender bias" because men and women think about their household chores differently?

Feminists are the most retarded cunts on the planet. They prove it every day.

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It's over for white women. White men have seen the truth that Asian women are submissive and will work hard for her family. Millions of Asian women will pour into America and receive superior Aryan seed into their wombs. White women will no longer be able to sit on their fat ass and expect men to do everything. They will be forced to go live in the ghetto with Tyrone and raise dirty mutt ape children. Meanwhile white men and Asian women will be producing the children required for the thousand year fourth reich. Feels good man! Keep your heads up lads the future is looking bright!

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>women are so shit at cleaning a jap has to come over and teach them
>we are do oppressed

Lmao, western women are so fucking lazy its insane. Everyone complains about them being whores and liars but their laziness is what triggers me. I think women are lazier than any man no matter his race.

Leave it to women to fucking complain about taking care of the house for free housing and food

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> XD What's that user? You want me to cook you some food and clean the house? Ok! Is it cool if i suck you dry while you play your video game first? Tehehe

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>every episode the people are trash and their houses are filled with trash
What's the causal relation here?

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Must be a Canadian thing, American women are slobs. Theyll act like they arent when you first start datihg but once they get comfortable it all comes out.

Is cleaning and tidying the cure to the blackpill and the key to saving the west? Kondo-san and JBP have led me to conclude so.

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chink pussy tightest pussy

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>we work and earn outside the home

As soon as our first child was born I told my wife that she didn't have to work anymore and her job was to raise our child now. I stepped the fuck up and provided for my family.

Women marry beta cuck faggots that can't even provide for their family and then wanna cry about muh oppression. Lol.

>another woman comes in to clean

Just admit that what feminists really want is for their man to have more women at his beck and call.

It really is amazing how much respect women in your life will have for you if you sleep around with younger, prettier women.

This is the funny part about it. White women comment all the time about how they're "much prettier" than Asian girls with "full figures and actual busts"

Meanwhile, they need to call in Asian women to teach them how to be women again. Hell they go to salons all run by Asian women who do their nails and other stuff for them. They wonder why some White men just go for the Asian girl.

((They)) were an interesting couple. His wife was literally the eternal ((roastie)) personified, with tattoos, and a shit personality to match. ((she)) is lucky as fuck to have such an angel of a man, who genuinely wants to do right by his family. Then again only the most agreeable men are getting married these days so it comes as no surprise that ((she)) is like that

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>Sheena Wadhawan
I'm 99% sure that she's Indian. I hate it when Indian women do that shit. When will this feminist bullshit end!?!

Based Japanese woman making white roasties mad

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my wife stays home.
marie kondo (after reading her book), was the gateway to having her become redpilled
why? because she finally started questioning why
women are target by consumerism orders of magnitude more than men.
she finally realized the game being played on her and now she has gotten us to a comfortable/seni-minamalist household.
she knows who’s always trying to get her to buy shit.

random side note, a study was done on messy households, and found that women have much higher cortisol levels when compared to a clean home. statistically, men are about the same.
meaning its biological that women need a clean and orderly nest for the offspring.

this isnt sexism, its nature

pls be Kondo pussy

Hi there fellow Jow Forums poster! Thanks for letting me know about the excellent new Netflix™ show "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo"™! It definitely sounds very based and redpilled! I can't wait to watch "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo"™ on my Netflix™ streaming service!

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/marie kondo/

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It actually is redpilled. Don't know how it didn't get spiked by Netflix. What's your point?


its pretty good bait, thinly vield shilling a shitty streaming service plus a demoralization thread

I agree fellow user, Marie Kondo™ is redpilled! A woman abandoning her home and husband to make a tv show is trad because she tells people to clean their rooms. What's the best episode of Tidying Up With Marie Kondo™ to watch on Netflix™? There's just so much good content on Netflix™ that it's hard to decide what to watch!

>You want me to cook you some food and clean the house? Ok! Is it cool if i suck you dry while you play your video game first? Tehehe
My wife is literally like this. Asian girls are the best.

Western gender standard of the century
>husband works his ass off
>wife is a stay-at-home-mom
>which includes responsibilities like wasting whole day on facebook while kids are at school
>nothing at home gets done if the husband doesn't bother to do it
>kids won't do anything because they pick up on their parents behavior
>ultimately a divorce because wife cheated
>wife keeps the children
>wife gets alimony
>wife demands husband to pay for every expenses even though that's the alimony is for
>wife demands husband to drive kids around
I've seen this shit too many times IRL and on TV I'm amazed why anyone would get married this day and age.
And it's not just that some men have lost their balls but it's also the system that is rigged against men.

I actually love watching this shit, unironically.
Without fail, the women were ALL stay at home Moms, talked about their "anxiety" and being overwhelmed, where the lads worked 50+ hours a week.

>The Friend family, literally the bird is a "part-time intercultural communications expert"
>The Jap Americans, she never worked "but spent to hurt the mans pocket book"
>The Widow, apparently never worked

It goes on and on. The reason the men were dealing with the garage, as that was the only room in the house that was "theirs". Most of the men had to have their own clothes in a room a part.

If anything the show demonstrates the destructive forces unleashed by consumerism on the female mind.

Nippon banzai.

Sounds like my Gen X friend's life, no shit. I don't know why anyone would choose a white woman over an Asian girl.

>having organized storage instead of everything in a big cluttered heap laying wherever is more piratical
male logic

>And it's not just that some men have lost their balls but it's also the system that is rigged against men.

Absolutely, it entirely incentivises divorce. Why wouldn't a women want to never work, but be able to be on the cock carousel for life. Because she's worth it.

>the emotional labor that comes with keeping a house orderly

Can vouch for that hooked up with a couple of chinks pussies were like vices and I had to work it to get it in them and I'm only 6.5"

It seems to be exactly the Gen X problem since they are in that age. Can't wait to see how it's with millenials.

why did this show get so popular so quickly

Then why am I always reminding my wife to pick up her shit when she's done with it

its a really good show. my girlfriend loved it and now our house is much cleaner

>goes "shopping" as a recreational activity
>bitches "why don't ever clean your woodshop?"
If it weren't for the females in my family I wouldn't any future garbage piled up. Women collect shitty trinkets, trivets and useless crap like STD's.

Asians are tighter than most white girls.

>inb4 bigger dick blah blah blah
>inb4 small dick jokes

The yellow pussy is great and most Asian women find niggers dirty and offensive, so you know you ain't in there after a nigger

>emotional labor
is there a committee that just sits around and comes up with dumb bullshit like this?

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Yes. It's called Academia.


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Somewhat random, someone last year recommended her book to me to read and it was quite nice. Thank you for that, it has actually helped me.


Also she's cute. A solid 9/10.

this lady is doing gods work, bless her.

>spent 2 years in Japan
>had qt3.14 Asian cook me dinner and suck my dick for a couple of months
>just wanted to please me and make sure I was genuinely happy
>moved home and had kids with a pretty white girl
>get irritated sometimes because house is always a mess
>fiance is stay-at-home mom
>think to myself sometimes she's lazy as fuck
>doesnt suck dick as good
>rides dick like a champ though
>asians sometimes just lay there and submit
>can get boring sometimes.

Been seeing a number of shit fucking articles on Marie Kondo. She just wants you stay tidy and thank your home for giving you protection

Blessed digits.

many people in this country don't understand the importance of good housekeeping

>tfw no tinyJapan qt cleaning after me and then taking care of my penis

>Garages are men's responsibility
>Seems gendered and biased to me
this. The truth is women dont want those harder jobs. they are happen to enforce gender roles when it benefits THEM. but then suddenly all their roles are gender oppression. They really just want less work.

cleaning is oppression goy

Banal bait written by women.
Women take care of inside the house, men the exterior. Every man also needs his own room, be it the garage, an office, or his den. This is non-negotiable.
The little rascals he-man-woman-haters club was my first redpill.

>always have a faggot little dog shitting everywhere
>cleaner than men

you sweet summer child

her book has been popular for years, now all the people too lazy to read can get in on the fad

How do you get anxiety doing laundry you just put your shit in the machine, push a button, and do literally anything for an hour.


Marie has a lot of fans in the west; a lot of people like her philosophy. The biggest critique of her show in fact is that it doesn't stay completely true to her books.
These articles like OP are just clickbait

This is disgusting. Japan needs more diversity.

She is extremely popular on social media. Has an $8,000,000/year business showing dumb women it's ok to throw junk away.

Every woman I know is a slob who can't even keep a desk in order. Their rooms are the same.

I've not watched the show, but how does it not stay true to her books?

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The woman even teaches (((intercultural communication))). Not even a second language or English

>women are more neat freaks
every woman i know lives in total squalor when left to their own devices

Fuck western women, they are fucking trash.

I'm done with dogs as a pet. Motherfuckers treat them like human babies. Stop doing that you assholes.

because everybody knows how fucked the contemporary world is, it's a socially acceptable form of fascism. first you tidy the house, next the you know you're tidying your race

how is that the dog's fault

whatever you say ahmed

also surprisingly they are the kinkiest too ,, i only do rough and degrading style sex and the asian lil sluts seem to all love it & play up to it the most ,, latin girls also like it but not as much and white bitches def the least

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My ex called CPS on me because I was complaining about her apartment being a pigsty and her sink being full of dishes every time I went to visit my son.



Agreed. I'm a stay at home mom. Even working moms at home my husband and I think they neglect their kids or put then on screen time all day if they are babies or toddlers

Always some degenerate kike come to shit up the thread.

Yah why its called nesting. Omg a month before our kids came I was insanely cleaning I mean even dusting the ceiling fans... o.O not safe while pregnant
Right now I'm nesting because planning on moving so downsizing everything becoming more minimalist

Only problem is boomer are insane materialistic fanatics and buy our kids so much plastic shit which clutters the fucking house.

Only issue I have is laundry and kitchen because I cook from scratch and do cloth diapers. I also have an insanely difficult baby and a high energy toddler with 0 screen time. I still manage to clean but now OCD Ilike. I'd watch this show to learn more but I dont have time 5o even watch tv I'd rather clean than watch tv. .

Dont allow your wifu to have fb? Problem solved

>idk why white women date white men now days they can just date Tyrone or a Muslim

At least they have the balls to keep their women in line Swede cuck

Stay at home moms with babies and toddlers work 16 hours a day even while sleeping if you cosleep like a normal human so you're breastfeeding all night

You have no designated lunch or bathroom breaks. Eat cold food a lot or no food and constantly clean after husband yourself and kids. It is insane but WORTH it.

It would be disgusting if women worked full time jobs and then came home and had to do all the housework while the men did absolutely nothing...

That isn't reality, however. Women would drop those men in 5 fucking seconds. So, what's actually going on?

These women work 1/3 as much as men. That's why they get paid 1/3 as much for "the same job."
Then they come home and they do 1/3 of the work again. What? You thought they did all the work? No, that's them being women, moaning and making shit up to feel like perpetual victims. In reality, the man does 2/3 the work at home, too.

So at the end of the day, the woman is complaining that she can't do nothing while her husband goes to work, comes home and cleans and cooks. The woman is complaining that she can't be the deadbeat husband I mentioned in my first paragraph. And who do most people empathize with in this situation? It's not the husband...

This is total fucking BULLSHIT! I've watched children and it's in no way as labor intensive as you're making it out to be. Fuck you. Everyone can do chores around the house–I did that shit when I was 5.

This is what pisces me off about my female gender counterparts.

>omg raising kids and cleaning is oppressive

Hires women with low iq to do it

White men cannot keep women in line without the government fucking their life up. Fuck you. Asian girls submit to their husband like God intended.

Probably some weird childhood trauma

Is that why the women are mad? I haven't seen it but I've heard so many people complain about it and based on the premise I couldnt see why


Into the trash this goes

Well you don't say. Thank you for your input, now Fuck off.

Kids are always harder for their moms desu. You try breastfeeding all day. Its not easy. Raising kids is difficult fag

Also raising or watching other kids is FAR different than your own.

Asian women still can use government to fuck you up. Dont be a race traitor

Post a vocaroo of yourself reading this post


>but women like to literally hide shit away.
>Women prefer to have like a million cupboards, wardrobes, dressers, etc. to hide all their shit whereas men like to keep their stuff together so they don't have to go searching for what they need.
oh so it's just not the women in my family that pull this shit?

Yes, and they are present in the homes all day whilst that's happening, so what?

How the hell did their own mothers manage it?

Show Tits
Get the fuck out

lmao.. you clearly have never seen a girls dorm room in college. 9/10 were as if a bomb of trash and clothes.

need more proof? look int the background of any mirror selfie.