Why normies can't handle the fact that abortion is murder?

Why normies can't handle the fact that abortion is murder?

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Liberal or conservative, it isn't your choice to make, certainly if it is as a result of rape. Even if it wasn't, if a fetus is terminated before 3 months, there's no fucking issue.

Ahahahaha what is the magic thing that makes life here or not here at 3 month ? 3 month and 1 second ? 2 month 30 days 23h59 ? When does it become human ?

It is murder of a human being in creation...


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If you kill the caterpillar, you kill the butterfly.

Fuck I have a reddit ID

That would give them an iota of responsibility

because murder tastes good to the acting demagogues of our society


Because if they accept that abortion is murder, the morality they are taught would state that abortion is wrong. If it is wrong they shouldn't do it. If they don't abort, the child will develop and be born. If the child is born, their life would revolve about someone who wasn't themselves. Normies cannot comprehend a life that doesn't center around them - So they justify abortion, to keep their brainlet minds from imploding from cognitive dissonance.

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Because the very idea that people should act morally rather than in blatant self-interest frightens them. I once had some pro-abortion activists come to my uni and literally describe aborted babies as "burdens on society", just because they would've grown up poor. These people have no souls.

goddamn, you make me hate South Africunts more than i do already

Just like freedom of speech, freedom of the individual is great but has moral limitations that help keep society afloat, couples get divorced as soon as they find a problem in their relationship, if you don't like being a man you cut your dick off, if you have unprotected sex you just abort the baby, nowadays there is no more compromise, people act without thinking and if things go bad they think they can just make absurd changes and everything will be fine, that alongside social media where everyone only shares the good part of their lives and consumism has helped create an epidemy of depression, drugs and suicide. Normies want all the rights but zero responsabilities, for them responsabilites are opression. Thanks to normie promotion of homo and transexuality, abortion and promiscuous lifestyle, we have more and people being born but less families, I give humanity a good 40 maybe 50 years before self destruction and state of nature becomes everyday rule.

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Because a fetus with no sensory or awareness of anything is not a person.

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Even animals have awareness. Are they persons? lmao

Weasel words that pro-lifers use:

To dance around the facts. Is it wrong to kill something just because it's alive? Better not harvest those carrots from your garden. Is a fetus already countable as a person? Why do we pull the plug on vegetative patients? Why are you more comfortable with catching and gutting a fish, than if you had to do that with a puppy? Why don't they call it murder when you kill a fish?
These are questions largely left unaddressed by christcucks who use all sorts of words to mask the fact that what they really believe, is that the fetus holds some kind of ghost that makes them already a person in the eyes of the super-ghost that watches everything you do.

We're need MORE abortions. Imagine the world without abortion. We would be surrounded by minorities. Traffic would be horrible

Would it be okay for me to kill who while you were in a temporary coma?

Abortion should be optional for rape victims only. Thots shouldn't get a free pass for charity prostitution.

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No, because I already have a life and attachments, people know me, maybe depend on me, I have an identity.

but it isn't because if a person gets boozed up, drunk drives, and crashes into a pregnant women, with even a 1 month old, baby. ITS DOUBLE-VEHICULUR MANSLAUGHTER/HOMICIDE

if a person kills a pregnant woman with a less than 3 month old fetus.
it is a DOUBLE (2) HOMICIDE.

but if the woman takes it upon herself to have her child murdered by proxy..
it's all good?

most the time, absolutely not, they are literallly killing people.

i understand why it is advocated for in some extreme cases, rape/life threatening complications etc.
so it is not all black n white...

but most the time. it absolutely is.

Completely true.
Admitting abortion is murder is the ultimate redpill.
It forces you to take full responsibility for your own actions, up to and including placing another life, that of your child, above your own.

>Is a fetus already countable as a person?

Yes, it is its own unique living human being.

but where's your responsibility to future people who may have to compete for food and resources in an overpopulated world? Where's your responsibility to all the future orphans who now have to spend a life unwanted by their parents?

You're seeing social engineering in action as it's happened thousands of times before with the most horrific results you can imagine. People have been convinced that the most innocent and sacred of all human life, the unborn children growing in our women's bellies, aren't actually humans and it's okay for women to ask doctors to surgically murder them before birth.
Not only is it okay, it's great! Shout about it! It's your god-given right and what truly makes you a powerful, modern woman!

It's literally one of the most disgusting, disturbing campaigns of social engineering most of you will ever see in your lifetime. Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot would've killed for this kind of control over people's minds.

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I disagree. The rape babies should be brought to term and raised from birth to loyally serve in the Janissary or Dragoman corps that will serve my new fascist world state, of which I will be supreme head.

What are gnomies?

You don't have much of a life when you are in a coma and one can care deeply for an unborn child

A person has an identity, user. A born infant still isn't even a person, but they are past the limit where I would say it's ok to abort.

"Person" is a category that is ill defined. We've literally been srguing for centuries about what a "person" is. What we can be sure of however, is that fetuses are HUMAN. And its simply immoral to end human life for responsibility free orgasms.

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Defending the life of the innocent is always my choice and I will always make it, you brainwashed murderous subhuman nigger. What you say is a lie that enables murder because you've been told it's socially acceptable, but that won't save you from judgment. Often in history, the majority have not been correct, but in fact demonstrably evil yet people go along with it.

Morality and the truth are independent of what the mob decides is right or wrong, and are contrary to popular opinion more often than not.

How does it feel to know that you don't even have your own thoughts?

Only the free man can discover truth and morality for himself. The slave follows, and enforces, the beliefs of others.

I had no part in creating those people, therefore i am not responsible for them

Used to be, the girl getting pregnant was the moment both boys and girls had to realize the fun is over, and they’d start acting (hopefully) like men and women. Now we have abortion which takes the “oh shit! Time to be responsible.” Factor out of our lives. And without this oh-shit moment, both sexes are allowed to be immature for as long as they can be.


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I wouldn't be responsible for the life of some bloke I just saved from drowning and overpopulation has no basis in reality

White woman murder babies everyday but not giving birth to white children

Why don't you criticize them instead?

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>A fetus that is growing into a person is not yet a person so it's okay to stop the process that creates the person, therefore stopping the person from growing.
That's called killing something. You are a brainwashed mentally-ill supporter of child murder. I hope you like being that way.

Infanticide up to age of 7 years should be legal. Only allow healthiest best to grow up. Population problem solved.

Ancients exposing weak infants etc was right thing to do. It is brutal and sad but necessary.

Again, labels aren't helping your case. There's this thing called context that is higher than labels. Like when I said that it's clearly not wrong to kill something just because it's alive, or maybe you might have to kill humans in wars to protect others. Maybe in that context it's not so bad to kill a small cluster of cells to help other humans not live in an overpopulated world.

> overpopulation has no basis in reality
It does, and it also effects our ability to care for humans as a community. The larger the community, the less cohesion there is. The most humans you squirt out, the worse things are going to get because you can't care for multitudes of people, most people care for those closest to them.
>That's called killing something.
DUH. Your doing exactly what I said, your just using words with no context. Is it ALWAYS wrong to kill something? Is it ALWAYS wrong to kill a human even??????

>A born infant still isn't even a person, but they are past the limit where I would say it's ok to abort.

Why? Why is it okay to abort them before they're born but not after, if they're not people in either case? Could it be that you just have no real sense of morality and model your opinions on societal consensus?

A person can have an identity before being born. A fetus is the offspring of both its parents, an heir to a great lineage, and can be identified as a separate individual any time after conception.

>Liberals attack the right because they think the right was responsible for slavery and racist language.
>Constantly bring up how dehumanizing people led to slavery, discrimination, racism, torture, murder, etc..
>Dehumanize unborn children and see no problem in this whatsoever.

Liberals need to be wiped from the face of the Earth, honestly. They're the latest incarnation of the Red Guard.

Jerking off isn't murder so neither is this

>Why? Why is it okay to abort them before they're born but not after, if they're not people in either case?
because they are more developed and aware. Lets be clear, I argue for abortion within a very tight time limit. I think the cutoff time should be when the infant is still in the womb.
Also. Let me ask you what you'd do if your child was born in a permanent coma, or some kind of malformed brain problem what meant they'd never be fully aware? What would you do, raise a human vegetable? Why?

Liberals truly believe in overpopulation, which is factually idiotic given the millions of acres of empty land in the world, our rapidly advancing technology, and the inevitability that humans will spread off this world.
And the funniest part is that they're answers for population control always involve mass-murder lol.

Is a fetus human? Is it morally justified to end human life in order to have responsibility free orgasms? Particularly when there are many ways to be intimate and achieve orgasm that dont involve the risk of pregnancy? At what point do we take resposnibility for our actions?

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>Advocates murder
>Asks a question about basic compassion and empathy
Thanks for providing another example of how evil and brainwashed you fucking sociopathic parasites are.

Forgot to mention these are the same people that got the death penalty removed for multiple murderers and child rapists. They protect the evil while legally murdering unborn babies. It doesn't get any sicker than that.

Thinking abortion is bad is both intellectual and moral laziness.

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Your using words and emotional pictures, your obvious and you have no argument.
Anyone seen pic related?
>Continues using weasel words with no context

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Because there are no moral commandments, just convenience. If infanticide or slavery will become convenient, it will quickly come back.

>Yes goy, the only way to reduce the population is to abort your children
The west is barely populating at replacement rate, you wanna reduce population, then withdraw all charity to african nations.

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Can any pro lifer answer me this?
What if your child was born with a malformed brain, and would never be functionally independent or able to pass a grade of school, and had to be kept on life support just to breath, forever?

My argument is that it is immoral to end human life for personal convenience you faggot. Debate me

Do wars count as personal convenience? You are clearly killing people to live the life you prefer to live.

>Tries to backpedal from being exposed as a sociopathic piece of shit
>Fails miserably
Maybe you should just stop and work on becoming a decent human being with compassion and morality?

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What does that have to do with willfully killing an unborn baby? The false correlations Liberals try and use to justify nightmarish mass-murder of children is fucking

Don't argue with these satanic idiots. Look at this dipshit he can't even bring a basic debate. A fucking 3rd grader could debate better than that.

I have a son, I love him very much and would defend him with my life. Dont assume you know anything about me. What I am is a thinker, not an emotional animal like most pro lifers

yes it is.. and?! life and death is omnipresent, even for us in our safe homes. killing an animal is also murder. you end a life, a working biological being. killing a bee is murder, or a cow, or a human. all life is equally worth(less).

And for you, using the fascist flag, i assume you would be fine killing niggers/jews/gays/whatever but aborting a poor poor white baby is murder and bad? who are you to judge which life is more valuable?

me personally, im fine with abortion. im fine with killing animals for meat. im fine with killing people if they are a threat to others. im fine with people killing themselves. death is a part of the game we are in. and due to the simple fact that it comes to all of us, it can’t be that bad. and we will all find out

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Normies by and large accepted that they can kill animals in basically any way they please, too. Some countries have some rules to make the killing a bit less stressful and painful, but most nations even allow to torture them beforehand (not as the purpose, it's just most expedient to put them in tiny often painful cages with no way to escape attacks by their other often crazed co-inhabitants, while they get overfed as quickly as possible before killing them).

And most animals got a wider range of senses and feel more, so that would seem like a more horrible thing to do.

Exceptional circumstances require exceptional solutions. Most would probably consider that a mercy killing, however, the vast majority of abortions are for personal convenience, not quality of life issues (unless its the quality of life of the mother, which should have been taken into consideration before she performed the act that resulted in pregnancy)

You're a murderer and I feel bad for your son that you probably molest. You'll brainwash him that it's good to be a pro-choice infant murderer because trendy liberals and celebrities say it is.

>i have someone i love
>therefore it is ok to kill a multitude of others

It does matter because it's about the context, the condition of what your killing.
Would you rather watch someone gut a fish, or kill a puppy? Why? Is it because one is more intelligent, developed and aware of the world?

Of course abortion is murder. So is stepping on an ant. And the ant is probably more self-aware than the fetus.

If you demand abortion be illegal, you should do the same for killing insects. There's no difference.

Abortion is homicide, but not legally murder.

Their programming clashes.

You are German, your opinion is worthless. You lost ten world wars and you have americunts still occupying you.

LOL that's right, turn people into monsters because you dont understand them.

>If you demand abortion be illegal, you should do the same for killing anyone you want. There's no difference.

I dont advocate for war either. I've never killed anyone, and i cant be held responsible for the actions of my corrupt and near all powerful government.
Is it morally justifiable to end human life for personal conveniinve? Answer the question faggot

Wrong. Grown humans have intelligence that sets us apart from other living beings. Fetuses don't. That's why you can't remember being one.

Conservatives are too stupid to understand this. By their logic, jerking off is mass murder.

>this vertilized egg that will literally be alive in 9 months if no one interferes or if it isn't born without a vital organ is only alive when i say so
Nice arguments you got there, Moloch worshipers

>Is it morally justifiable to end human life for personal conveniinve?
See the problem with this statement is that if you were just asking me out of context, I would assume you were talking about killing an adult and not a fetus. Context, context context.

If only Jow Forums mothers had access to a vacuum when they were preggers.

we have abortion because of niggers i want the niggers gone there we don't need abortion now

involuntary euthanasia when?

Based and spartapilled
Seriously though, fuck nigger babies and retard babies, our society has shit to do

hmm estonia?!!? estonia!?!?! does your father (just in case you ever met him) speak russian? aaaah my fault, you all do ;) i wonder why... :D

>Is it because one is more intelligent, developed and aware of the world?
Fish are pretty damn aware of the world too. They couldn't survive in an ecosystem as competitive as the ocean otherwise. We just suck at understanding their communication. Their swarm and other fishes do, we don't.

Works better with dogs and bears and moose because they use the land modes for communication, you'll generally more or less know when they want you to fuck off.

abortion is important for 3 reason
1- liberals have abortions, this should be encouraged
2- blacks have a 51% abortion rate, if we can keep new ones from coming in, they'll wipe themselves out. again, this should be encouraged
3- once they find the "gay gene", PP will become more popular than ever.

>ITT: Conservatards pretend to have empathy for tiny wriggling masses of flesh while simultaneously laughing whenever an actual fully formed child of a different nationality gets killed

You can't hide your sociopathy behind virtue signaling any better than SJWs can.

People usually don't remember anything happening before they were two. Guess, a murder of a baby should be legal too then.
>By their logic, jerking off is mass murder.
By the logic of progressives, mass murder is just jerking off.

You step out of your house, into your backyard. You look to your left, and your neighbor is gutting a live fish he just caught. You look to your right, and your other neighbor is gutting a live dog. What do you do? Why do you do it? What is the difference between the two situations?

>Why normies can't handle the fact that abortion is murder?

>why womens can't handle the fact that abortion is murder?

>Jerking off is mass murder
This strawman is such bullshit. Its real simple you faggot. Its morally unjustifiable to end human life for personal convenience. Its really that simple

My my grandfather was fluent in Russian and in GERMAN, like all people of his generation.
Back in a day when you guys had BALLS.

only the father should be hanged, not the child. The child is innocent of any crime, and does not deserve to die.

Everyone knows its murder they just don't care

The only overpopulated areas are the result of the same people pushing abortion feeding the inhabitants so they have 10 kids each.

Yes. Better to birth and deposit in Amazon bin for distribution to a community member where it will be stolen by a porch pirate

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Life begins at conception

Pic related

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Ok then, ill rephrase.
At what point is your personal convenience worth more than a human life? 1 week? 6 months? 2 years?

One has been food for thousands of years one is a pet for thousands of years unless you're a disgusting gook

abortion is fine. eugenics is fine. anyone who says otherwise is a christcuck or a leftist.

normies don't like responsibilities and accountability for their actions.

something that happens as a result of "merely out being a degenerate" which drastically changes their lives can't be important.
they can't bear the thought that a fetus is a human because it means that with their degeneracy comes responsibility.

This. The last Avengers movie is about a guy killing half the universe because it’s overpopulation that he wants to fight. His own planet was destroyed by it but the film never says how. The film also ignores how arbitrarily killing half a population would screw up society and ignores the issue of density or that every place isn’t automatically crowded.

Its morally unjustifiable to hate black people

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