What does Jow Forums have to say to the humanities and physical science majors that say the white...

What does Jow Forums have to say to the humanities and physical science majors that say the white, black and yellow race don't exist?

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So that would mean blacks are fake... not reperaztions for you!

Jealous shitskins + naive progressives + capitalist sociopaths who want to break down barriers to global market integration

Praise Jesus! We have been spared from white privilege.

Enjoy your debt

She just called you a nigger

Shit publisher confirmed

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>says historian

>theres no such thing as the white race, or any other race
>writes book titled "The History of White People"

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>white people are all racists
>there's no such thing as race

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Well, I mean white and black are quite broad, even within those groups there are many ethnicities with different physical characteristics and differences with cultural tendencies and behaviors although some more subtle than others.

That they’re not real majors and should enjoy paying off debt the rest of their lives at starcucks and chili’s

>historian speaking on races
Can we get, oh I don't know, a BIOLOGIST to chime in instead?

So the people from other countries can stop coming into white countries now. If there's no such thing and we're no different, they can easily fix the issues of their own nations.

I legitimately thought your pic was a dick for a second

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Nigger says nigger things. Next.

fuck niggers RIP

I agree. A Scandinavian and a Bretton are not the same thing. However, to suggest that pale-skinned people from Europe don't have more in common with each other than a bunch of niggers is silly.

No, they will come here you bigot

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They are obviously wrong. They rely on the "counter-intuitive discovery" trope: "Wow, this obvious and commonly accepted thing that you believe is achuelly not true!" And it conforms to their ideology too.

In reality, geneticists have proven through double-blind studies that they can determine race from genes and genes from race with a high degree of accuracy.

Alternative Hypothesis has good videos on these matters.


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"Get a real job."

If there's no races, we can stop this (((positive discrimination))) meme.

100,000 years ago we split genetically between those that went west out of Mesopotamia and those that went east. These two groups are not the same species, and no honest geneticist would say otherwise.

If there is no thing as race, why are african parents not giving randomly birth to japanese looking children?

Race is absolutely a social construct but it exists because we all agree it exists. Black vs. White is really just in-group selection and reinforcement. People use these terms to signal their preferred in-group and out-group.
In biological terms, what we call human is clearly at least several subspecies if not distinct species. If you've been in a major city, you'll see people who are clearly Homo Erectus or H. Nalidi and descended H. Floriensis walking around but we call them all Human. So, logically 'Human' encompasses a genus not a single species.

Uppity negress who can’t escape being a nigger. No matter how much education she has. It must really piss her off.

I'd says try and get an organ transplant without the imaginary concept of race being involved in choosing a donor and see how that goes.

Give a hair off your head to anyone with a. microscope and see how easily it is to tell them which imaginary race they belong to.

Take a couple of epithelial cells form their body, have their DNA analysed and see if they cannot be defined by exactly what race they belong too.

The politically correct leftists and as stupid as creationists who think the world is 7000 years old and dinosaurs are the work of satan

>organ transplant
More evidence of a species divide. Race is a meaningless term in biology.

Could you imagine a white redneck author writing a book called “The History of Black People”
Yet some bald nigger wokealite can write what ever the fuck she wants about whites and is given a billion dollars and an honorary degree at every university in the US

Where could we find this shit to read online?

I don't want to give any penny to this niggeress

If that was true, either skin color would be mostly random, or we'd all be the same color.

You're conflating two separate things here, she is a historian, not a geneticist, her opinion is worthless

transplant surgery and history say otherwise

Why is the common narrative so anti-white.
And why they think african IQs are so low, but that won't affect Europe by importing so many.

(((New York Times bestseller))) = promoted heavily by Jews through jewish owned and staffed publications.

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They are correct. Race is not a scientific term. They are different subspecies. If the populations are isolated from each other for a long enough time, they will actually become completely different species. Although humanities and physical science majors say that there re not distinctly different genetic groupings, they do not know what the fuck they are talking about. A biologist or doctor can tell which group an individual belonged to from a skull, or from a blood sample. Although the humanities and physical science majors might say there are no differences, reality says different.

>no such thing as race
>no such thing as affirmative action
>whites and asians take every single college spot and advanced job

>award winning biologist says race and differences between them exist
Hes racist lets deperson him
>some no name historian says race doesnt exist
Yaas slay queen

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