Why doesn't Finland invade all of Western Europe?

See pic related.
Western Europe is ripe for the plucking.
In fact, many men would actually join our Binland brothers.

Attached: Fight for your country.png (1984x1736, 529K)

My generation (Z) is much more filled with useless pussies who don't care about protecting the country militarily. It's all about the environment (important, but shouldn't be Grade-A issue) and equality shit. That number will eventually drop unfortunately.

Strike while the iron is hot.
W-Europe is a soft virgin pussy just begging to be fucked.

blue = countries with conscription
red = countries without conscription
inbetween = countries that abolished conscription more recently

protect Finland against whom?
Swedes are cucks.
Against Russia? LoL, we learn lesson the hard way. No russian want to fuck with you.

This isn't 1940 and you aren't communist anymore. And besides, we have saying here that Russians never change. You are the only reason we still have conscription.

desu currently the EU poses a bigger threat to our sovereignty

Good point but the data is still valid.
Did you know Erdoghan of turkey threatened The Netherlands by saying: "we have more military trained men in Holland than The netherlands has soldiers".

Erdoghan is not kidding: any Turkish guy I talk to can show me pictures of his military training standing next to modern artillery etc.

this: Russia would drop paratroopers into the major cities and cut the supply lines, 2 weeks later 3 million Finlandians show up at the gates to surrender.
Stalins tactic of: "hurrr just march in a straight line to the capital" will not be repeated.

This isnt about your country.
Thread is about invading W-Europe!

It wouldn't be that simple either though. The army is focused on defense so they probably have a plan for that kind of scenario.

Why doesnt Turkey invade all of western Europe?

Why would Finns care about some shithole filled with Muslims?

i would not fight for this jew ridden country but i would gladly kill march and die for mein VOLK

Attached: 28059202_559837664415029_4384708970328916908_n.jpg (720x510, 53K)

Oh wait
Do you mean 62% of those who stayed in the country?

>american pretending to know shit
switzerland and austria have conscription

You might just as well change your name to Volodymyr, Gregorz.


You have no idea what you're talking about lol

also germany had conscription until 2011
the netherlands still technically have one but are not forced to go (since 1997)
france doesnt have since 1996
spain doesnt have since 2001
italy since the 90s
and so on. probably all countries in europe had conscription in the cold war era and dropped it and many are considering bringing it back

>why am i so fucking stupid?

Sweden would fight for their shithole?

Swedenistan will probably be our biggest threat in the near future.