Most slaughterhouse and factory farm workers are illegal immigrants. If you are not vegan...

Most slaughterhouse and factory farm workers are illegal immigrants. If you are not vegan, you are directly contributing to and sustaining illegal immigration.

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Fuck you. I don't want to become a fucking basedboy


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Aren't most USA farms planted and harvested by illegals Mexicans?

I'm completely fine with treating illegal immigrants as slave labor.

What I'm not fine with are the ones that don't work and leech off the government. Leeching off the government should only be done by the white man.

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>Most slaughterhouse and factory farm workers are illegal immigrants
citation and source of citation needed.

you should report them to ICE

The "estrogen" in s()y is actually "plant estrogen", not true estrogen, and does not cause feminity. However, dairy is very high in true estrogen and does increase feminity.

ICE is cucked and won't do fuckall. We both know that.